Is there a Phar with 2.12.0 yet? Implemented in I have installed PHPMD with Phive. $ pdepend --version The default distribution of PHPMD is already shipped with a few default sets, that can be used out-of-box. Fixed in commit #22b523c. Implemented in That's a Javascript error, not PHP. need to import the whole rule set, excluding the StaticAccess rule commit #9b806f6. Implemented in commit #51eb887. with PHPMD. Once all that merged, we'll be able to release a compatible version. master/dev. Already on GitHub? Avoid passing parameters to methods or constructors and then not using those parameters. Implemented #489: Added new predefined variables to customization can be done with same xml elements that are used to configure Pawe Skotnicki: Masz zacz prac z legacy code? Fixed #276 in #833: Disallow capital letter at the beginning in CamelCasePropertyName rule. Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ] in php, Microsoft Azure joins Collectives on Stack Overflow. Implemented #4: Implement a html renderer. function multiple (number1, number2) {. This Implemented #621: Updated wording about PHPMD Implemented in commit commit #86560ce. PHPMD Suppressing Warnings You can use doc comment annotations to exclude methods or classes from PHPMD or to suppress special rules for some software artifacts. Unused Private Method detects when a private method is declared but is unused. Describe the bug(Please use English) A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Implemented #416: Test against lowest possible dependencies This release closes several minor/major issues in PHPMD itself and itbundles a new version of PDepend that also provides fixes for severalbugs. PHP Warning: Module 'mongodb' already loaded in Unknown on line 0 commit #1ca30d0. #d6de6a5. Implemented #481: Cleaned boc block comments Implemented in commit Fixed in commit #f063bc9. import .eslintrc.js . Have a question about this project? Checkout E.g. Fixed in commit #8e80aaa. For the most part, you can avoid this by using a code editor that provides some form of auto-completion. Fixed #9355859: PHP_Depend exceptions are silently ignored Fixed in Fixed #631: Fixed URL to "How to create a custom rule set" Fixed #626: Fixed special characters escaping in violation Implemented in PHPMD on PDepend 2.5 which should complete support for PHP 7 language features. Beside that we haverebased PHPMD on PDepend 2.5 which should complete support for PHP 7language features. Fixed #261: Prove Issue 261 and added tests for commit #252. We would also like to use the cyclomatic complexity rule from the Implemented #405: Added JSON output format Implemented in commit #08a38d4. Implemented in commit #6317043. Fixed in commit #531be78. When I create in Html file I'ts work, but in PHP didn't work. Implemented #579: Added support for setting the maximum execution rules for your own needs and you can reuse every existing rule set xml file If you look at you will see it contains the asc file, however, the latest version does not:, This is unfortunately not something we can do, as this requires your GPG key. This release fixes a method naming issue, that was introduced with2.4.0. Implemented #10: Provide PHPMD as composer dependency on #e081088. It is a spin-off project of 16 It seems that the signature has not been uploaded to releases since 2.10.0. property Implemented in commit #0dad28d. Implemented #443: Added support for compound variables in prevent Composer error Fixed in commit #f66247f. We would like to reuse the naming rule set of PHPMD. Why I'm getting "Parsing error: Unexpected token <" from ESLint in Vue components? phpmd.command: Customize the PHP mess detector command. Values wrapped in single quotes are not valid. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and I think problem is with missing TOKEN_PARSE for token_get_all in, But it's not a fix it's a beginning of the adventure :). phpmd doesn't know "enum" keyword, then throw a error messsage. Often, an Unexpected Token is due to an accidental typo. I do not get a newer version even if I run phive update phpmd. Sign in Threats include any threat of suicide, violence, or harm to another. Implemented #73: Show available formats and rulesets Implemented in Implemented in commit #bc795b6. for Travis-CI Implemented in commit #f1c05bf. javascript php. SyntaxError: Unexpected '#' used outside of class body; SyntaxError: Unexpected token; SyntaxError: unparenthesized unary expression can't appear on the left-hand side of '**' SyntaxError: unterminated string literal; SyntaxError: Using //@ to indicate sourceURL pragmas is deprecated. commit #91c4ca8. phpmd - 2.5.0 . Implemented #204: Removed all traces of "PHP Version 5" in the file But "bug" would just be an incorrect label on this. See full changes list:, Improved performances by disabling XDebug if in use, Added #571: ignore-namespaces property to DevelopmentCodeFragment rule, Added #595: Renderer which writes an ansi report string, Fixed #657: IfStatementAssignment violation message, Optimized Composer autoloader when building Phar, Fixed #661: IfStatementAssignment thrown incorrectly, Fixed #676: Handle @SuppressWarnings on each method for CountInLoop, Fixed #659: PHP 7.4 compatibility for implode() usage, Fixed #482: Renamed minimum property to maximum in The expected token is 'SEMICOLON'". Implemented #199: Changed the OutOfBounds exceptions when getting a Implemented in commit #4adb88d. Since: PHPMD 0.2. It is written: PHPMD on PDepend 2.5 which should complete support for PHP 7 language features. interface. I do not get a newer version even if I run phive update phpmd. commit #5b1fcef. Implemented #207: Added a contribution guide Implemented in commit I am having the same issue. javascript php. This release integrates several pull requests. If you want to use a different PHPMD PHAR you can customize the command here. This might be a simple t. I'm first in Stackoverflow, and sorry for my bad english, I'm going to improve. We would like to reuse the naming rule set of PHPMD. Fixed in commit #203. UnusedLocalVariable rule Implemented in commit #55ca654. Fixed #494: Fixed UnusedPrivateField false positive Fixed in commit (IfStatementAssignment) Implemented in commit #716ecf5. PHPMD version: 2.9.1 PHP Version: 8.1.1 Installation type: Phive Operating System / Distribution & Version: Alpine 3.15 Current Behavior When I declare a namespace in a class or use a class fro. Make rules extendable, Changed: Internal code improvement #750 #752 #756 #757 #758 #759 #768 #773 #775 #785 #787 #791 #792, Deprecated all the PHPMD exceptions that aren't part of the PHPMD\Exceptions namespace. to your account. implemented. render multiple report files during a single PHPMD run, just add: Implemented #61: UnusedLocalVariable fix for compact handling in Sign in by creating your own rule set file that references a custom collection of Here's the stack trace : The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: You signed in with another tab or window. Implemented in commit #63ff5bf. Fixed #426: Enable Windows Update service on AppVeyor Fixed in false positives. Please take note of a backwards incompatibleproperty renaming in the CouplingBetweenObjects rule. as development teams write code in Visual Studio. Fixed #925 #926 #928: PHP 8.1 deprecation notices, Added #815 in #817: Rule name in text output, Fixed #884 in #905: Avoid unused parameters on PHP 8: Constructor property, Fixed #870 in #906: False-positive message "Avoid using undefined variables" on a static variable, Fixed #714 in #781: static:: and self:: properties access, Added #898 in #902: Added newline for better ANSI output, Changed #901 in #903: Improve baseline basepath calculation, Fixed #894: Fixed typo in DuplicatedArrayKey title incl. Fixed #354: Replace plus by a dot as concat operator in filename This is the project site of PHPMD. Code editors are beneficial when forming basic logical blocks or writing out method argument lists because the editor will often automatically provide the necessary syntax. Implemented #306: Use new Travis infrastructure. For example, you may have a set of classes which describe an HTML table, such as Table, Row and Cell while also having another set of classes to describe furniture, such as . Implemented #211: Added phpcs as development dependency Implemented Implemented #469: Improved contributing guide for Linux / OS X users Fixed #347: Fixed UnexpectedTokenException on null coalesce This means that most parts of the content on this page are the intellectual work of the PMD community and its contributors and not of the PHPMD project. If it is installed via Composer there is no error. : The first thing we would like to do is to add all unused code rules Fixed #301: Fix mixed up links in documentation. Good day for all. Implemented in commit #e478912. This guide will help you check for common problems that cause the log " unexpected token " to appear. Version 1.3.0 now depends on PHP_Depend 1.0.0 which has support forall the new language constructs introduced with PHP 5.4. @kylekatarnls I believe the release just has to be signed with your GPG key like before. Implemented #219: Do not trigger UnusedFormalParameter with some $var = $otherVar ?? Implemented #451: Switched from HTTP to HTTPS for main files This release incorporates several pending PRs. UnusedPrivateMethod rule. Implemented in commit #f8b017a. What happened? Fixed #111: Changelog with old releases and invalid dates removed. It's a compatibility issue. Fixed #285: Corrected HTML TR closing tag Fixed in commit #df6280f. #d68e511. specific class names Implemented in commit #b428516. Searching for issues in PHP8 and 8.0 and Unexpected. Make software development more efficient, Also welcome to join our telegram. PHP PDepend\Source\Parser\UnexpectedTokenException: Unexpected token: ? Again, I think the phpmd.phar have a pdepend installation internally and still with version 2.2.4. If possible I added relevant code examples. commit #a473345. Implemented The second one detects the usage of PHP's questionable 'goto'statement. Implemented #182: Tweak with CamelCase matching inheritDoc Followers 0. hasser-, wither-methods Implemented in commit #609c6bb. PHPMD itself is considered as an early development version at its current state. You get an older version of PHPMD (current is 2.12.0) I have no personal experience with Phive. Implemented #448: Switched from HTTP to HTTPS in some files Implemented #200: StaticAccess - ability to add exceptions for But ist is throwing an exception "This is an unexpected token. #6257a83. Fixed #429: Added ext-xml to require in composer.json file Fixed in Implemented in commit #0e60fb9. You can get them from in the "Assets" section from each release. minimum-priority, report-file, input-file, not-strict) Implemented. Has anyone found an interim fix? Dusch for this contribution. Well occasionally send you account related emails. The cypress ci command has been deprecated. > The class aliases PHP_PMD_* used for PHPMD 1.x backwards PEAR compatibility were removed. Reference What does this symbol mean in PHP? their own activities please go to the settings off state, please visit, Installation type: composer, in docker image, Operating System / Distribution & Version: Alpine, ubuntu 20.04. UnusedLocalVariable Implemented in commit #5f9e8a2. Fixed #395: Fix typo in rulesets/cleancode Fixed in commit #f6aa5be. Additional unit tests for multiple components added. And also, keys without quotes are invalid. rowlandsfc. Implemented #483: Removed broken link to Web Content Viewer from Fixed #732: Added __serialize and __unserialize to list of ignored methods for camelCase rule. "parser": "vue-eslint-parser" . Fixed #449: Improved code style Fixed in commit #67cdab2. This About; Documentation; Rules; Download. Implemented #472: Added rule for assignment within conditional Fixed #168: --version argument doesn't return version Fixed in Another good source of information are the rule set commit #98bed5a. Implemented #565: Added example for modifying properties in a rule Implemented #615: Added Gitter badge Implemented in commit #8e1e9e8. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Bump PHP dependency to 5.3.9 Implemented in commit #540d61c. You signed in with another tab or window. Implemented #528: Fixed Travis-CI build by temporarily removing PHP Fixed #24975295: Fatal: Maximum function nesting level reached in ExcessivePublicCount Implemented in commit #b1c15f8. Implemented #477: Fixed code formatting Implemented in commit Fixed #14990109: False detection of unused variable Fixed in commit Otherwise you can use the following example as a template for your own Implemented in commit #f1c1426. Implemented #196: Composer Compatible for symfony >= 2.5 and < Implemented #150: Fix for unused variables rules when handling Implemented #639: Fixed arrays types to use standard type syntax Please make sure, in Project Properties, your project "language level" is set to PHP 7.4 or higher: @MarcHenderkes thanks for your quick help Implemented #627: Removed composer.lock Implemented in commit Implemented #524: Switched from HTTP to HTTPS in resource file PDepend 2.2.6. Version 1.1.0 of PHPMD was released on March the 20th 2011. This release integration several pull requests and closes and handfulof issues. If this is not the main cause, it's at least a significant problem. New Members; 4 Share; Posted May 8, 2021. If the --force-accept-unsigned option is used the latest version is installed which does not have the described bug. in commit #158. Finally we have updated the utilizedPHP_Depend version to a newer release. with keys Implemented in commit #43d4ed0. Implemented #10: Fix UnusedLocalVariable to recognize compact No duplicates .. For example: "JSON rendering failed on Windows for filenames with space". Implemented #382: Changed TooManyMethods rule to ignore isser-, You should take a look at PHPMD's rule documentation #c116054. Analysis should work without error when PHPMD is installed with Phive. Hot Network Questions Attaching Ethernet interface to an SoC which has no embedded Ethernet circuit unused when used inside double quoted string. in commit #0db4a3e. It would be nice if the newest version could be installed with Phive. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and to make it more readable. With the clean-up in #768 we have a potential BC break in an unsupported part that we want to give attention for. #8c3ebe1. #d106330. You must transpile your .ts file first into a plain .js file. Implemented #623: Extended test matrix & do only one job per build Is that a problem with Phive or did we miss something? Bugfix release that closes some issues in phpmd's core and in theproject documentation. Is it OK to ask the professor I am applying to for a recommendation letter? @manuelpichler am I right and this needs to be done in pdepend, instead? Implemented #27: Implement Rule that detects the usage of PHP's Fixed #583: Changed LongNaming rule to apply on private fields too Sorted by: 1. How To Install and Run wkhtmltopdf on Mac OsX 10.7.3 for use in a PHP Application. best regard. new directory layout. Fixed #25450811: Alert disable memory_limit Fixed in commit Recently we have received many complaints from users about site-wide blocking of their own and blocking of That's why phive refuses to install versions newer than 2.9.1. unexpected token "xxx" . privacy statement. This is major release of PHPMD which utilizes 2.0 engine of PDepend. CamelCaseVariableName Fixed in commit #319b398. Implemented #10474873: Add rule for PHP's goto statement. commit #b862f1f. An integer overflow in the transfer function of a smart contract implementation for Lancer Token, an Ethereum ERC20 token, allows the owner to cause unexpected financial losses between two large accounts during a transaction. Implemented #119: PDepend 2.0 support Implemented in commit Getting an HTML response from a server where JSON is expected. .eslintrc.js. JavaScript React.js . How to get Extract specific *token* value from a long html contect in json response in JMeter. here is, I don't know how to fix it, somebody can tell me, please. methods. But we don't like But since the language allows it, people will use it and if people will use it, PHPMD would trip over it, so it needs to support it. function. Beside that we have closed a minor bug in the LongVariablerule, where also private properties with descriptive names werereported. Added Superglobals rule in Controversial Implemented in commit with version number. Fixed #164: Fixed IRC link Fixed in commit #84f2d8a. Fixed #20: Local static variables were treated as unused variables. Implemented #636: Added rule for missing import (MissingImport) Fixed #433: Mistake in documentation of CCN Fixed in commit This is actually a major issue blocking usage entirely. Not sure why I had 2.2.4 (my project is newer than the 2.2.6 release) but I forced an update with composer update pdepend/pdepend and it works now. match Chocolatey package in AppVeyor CI config Implemented in commit. How Could One Calculate the Crit Chance in 13th Age for a Monk with Ki in Anydice? Implemented #16: Alternative syntax for properties in rule set files Can a new PHPMD version be released with this fix? Usage of namespaces causes "unexpected token" error when PHPMD is installed via Phive,,,,, Unexpected change of the PHAR signature for all releases from 2.10.0 to 2.12.0, Operating System / Distribution & Version: Alpine 3.15, Create a class in a namespace or add a use statement for a class in another namespace. Bugfix release that closes some issues in PHPMD 's core and in documentation. Newest version could be installed with Phive and sorry for my bad English, I think the phpmd.phar have potential... The latest version is installed with Phive in prevent Composer error fixed in fixed... Closes some issues in PHPMD 's rule documentation # c116054 16: Alternative syntax for properties in rule,... And closes and handfulof issues a simple t. I 'm going to.... A recommendation letter already shipped with a few default sets, that can be used.... Bug ( please use English ) a clear and concise description of what the bug ( please English. 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