Turn right (North) for .68 miles to a fork in the road where you will hang left for another .32 miles to another fork 4. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Apatite, Colophane, Fluorapatite, Francolite, Phosphorite, Agate, Chalcedony, Jasper, Petrified wood. See ourrockhounding map. You can imagine at this point that we were frantically digging with berserk-like fury for anything and everything that resembled what we were looking for, knowing that it might be weeks or even months before we would be able to return. 350 East 300 South Easy parking can be found off the road. Collection in large quantities or for commercial purposes require a permit, lease or license from the Bureau of Land Management. We did find several specimens, but our enthusiasm to return to this location is off the charts. Again, as with many of the other locations I have been to and mention on this site, the directions to this place were completely off-base in the other books and references I was using so I have corrected that below. Learn how your comment data is processed. A locations listing here is not a guarantee of accuracy. Algonquin (384 pp.) Wonder if these agates were formed differently than normal (i.e. Home; Visit; Dewey Bridge Campground; Dewey Bridge Campground. Turn right onto the Black Spring dirt road and park in the open area by the watering trough. Many specimens are broken nodules or pebbles. Follow posted signage and always get permission from the landowner to collect. Most pieces are black but some reddish-brown and snowflake obsidian can be found. First off, let me mention that I have only been to this location once. Follow the dirt road for 1.4 miles to its end. It will be on the left. ON AGATE HILL. Topaz, Utahs state gem, is a semiprecious gemstone that occurs as very hard, transparent crystals in a variety of colors. The Tintic Mining Museum is right there on the downtown strip or, right as you get into town, there is a small restaurant called the 3 Prospectors. Just call: Jerry at (801) 503-8736 for a Date and Time., 2. Ive found some nice botryoidal, mossy, and plume agate, but one of my favorites is the yellow dendritic agate. This bundle of information includes a book, videos, and online tools. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 324 South State From my limited knowledge on how agates are formed, I assumed that the numerous amount of agate material was due to these large ancient lava beds. Turn left (west) on to Fountain Blvd (U.S. 24). Youll find jasper as well (sometimes it is hard to tell the differenceat least for me anyway ha ha). In your directions on this page, you state: Directions to Brian Head Agate. It is the responsibility of each rockhound to obtain permission from a landowner to search and/or collect on a piece of property. From the expansive sandstone mesas in the south to the rocky mountains and Salt Flats to the north, there is an almost limitless supply of rockhounding sites awaiting the casual rock and mineral collector. I was actually super curious about what one would find further up the wash so that is awesome to know it really is all over the place. You will cross railroad tracks and eventually run into Highway 36 running North to South, 8. Agate Hill Inn Corner of Spencer and Cave Avenues Manitou Springs, Colorado 80829 Phone: (719)685-0685 . My boys are very happy. Glad You Asked: Ice Ages What are they and what causes them? If you search in the right place you may even be able to find some plume agate and snowflake obsidian. Joining up with a local rockhounding club for a group trip can often get you access to otherwise off-limits locations like privately owned mines and quarries. Turn west and travel 38 miles until you reach the Topaz Mountain sign. Thanks for posting. It is said that Millard County is one of the best locations in the world for rockhounding because of the variety of rocks, and exhilarating rare finds. Directions to Agate Hill near Bryce Canyon: 1. Visit Garden of the Gods, take a driveor tour to Pike's Peak, go zip lining or take a cave tour. Anyone been here lately? There are many such locations throughout the country, but this is most remarkable, not only Thank you Jeremy! These sediments eventually became mudstones, sandstones, and conglomerates; cavities in these rocks were later filled in with the quartz. Drive another 10.4 miles to the four way stop in the town of Francis and go straightonto UT-35 East/W Main Village Way, 6. Apache Tears (round nodules of obsidian) form if water is present during the cooling of obsidian lava. as the post says, pretty much any rock you pick up is agate. We went slow and made it over the big bumps in our Pilot. Unfortunately for rockhounds, the law in most states prohibits them from publishing their names or contact information online. An annual permit if $10 per person or $200 per family. Turn right (West) on East Main Street for 16.6 miles to Elberta Slant Road, 3. Monday through Friday, If you get bored searching the hill itself, I would highly recommend meandering around the washes surrounding the hill, especially to the East when you start getting into the red sand. and also re-visited the agate location above. The opal is one of those things you really have to see with your own eyes to appreciate the attractiveness of this mineral. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Recreation and Vehicle Guide to the House Range Resource Area map. But i had more fun collecting down lower in the washes. P.O. Youll find some killer burgers and some proud Eurekans who are always good for a story or two. For the general location, see ourrockhounding map. The R.O.C.K. Little flakes, larger softball size, and some big rocks poking out of the dirt my guess 2-3ft diameter. Probably could get there in a van when the road is dry. Especially fun was finding two large mossy pieces of agate that resembled petrified wood, I think. Thanks again! In Connecticut, I would recommend starting with the County Assessors office. Road was wet and muddy in places, i used 44 to stop sliding around. I think last weeks rain must have stirred things up because so many specimens were laying in plain site- perfect for my kids. Agate Hill (GC2ZNRF) was created by caleb.osborn on 7/7/2011. There are a lot of trees so you can find plenty of shade which is nice, Has any one been to this location recently Im wanting to go with my husband and 2 kids my 2 yr old son lives rocks and Im slowly teaching/learning about rock my self. to S, Tintic Mountains, many area mines and claims, Cricket Mountains, in Prospect Mt. When does it snow down there? Agate Map The City of Agate is located in Grand County in the State of Utah. As a city dweller not from the area, its helpful to note that Main St is US Hwy 6 (west.) Like many of the other locations I have on this site, the directions and distances can and will vary quite a bit from what you will see in books or on other websites. Survey Notes, v. 27 no. I am a little reluctant to post this since I havent exactly become an expert on this particular area just yet. Red, white, orange streaked, caramel colored. Our cottages are on our one acre garden property. On Google Earth or Google satellite view you can see this from above as a large white area on the map where the dirt road drops down a bit. The mountains, washes, and draws in the area are known to contain many interesting mineral species including beryl, calcite, hematite, garnet, limonite, and azurite. Thanks for your postings and tips on where to seek rocks and minerals in beautiful Utah. Many people like to combine their trip out to Topaz Mountain with a stop over to the Dugway Geode Beds because of their close proximity to each other. I am unsure who the owner is or how one would contact them, but I met other people there when I went and I remember seeing evidence of lots of activity in that area so it would seem that most people disregard this fact. Continue driving on Pioneer Crossing for another 5.3 miles. Most of the Dugway geodes I have collected have been hollow and full of chalcedony and beautiful druzy quartz crystals. we teach about any where we can get people to listen. Turn left (South) onto North Main Street for 1.2 miles, 3. Smith, Lee. Azurite, Bornite, Brochantite, Carnotite, Chalcocite, Chalcopyrite, Gold, Hematite, Hyalite, Malachite, etc. At this spot, you can see the towering sandstone monoliths in Capitol Reef National Park several miles to the west. Hi Misti! We spent yesterday in the Thomas Range and added some great new locations to our collection. Take that left (West) toward the town of Faust for 13.6 miles, 7. The beauty of the area surrounding this location really is extraordinary. We never saw any no trespassing signs. Your email address will not be published. I am offering Field Trips to the public by Scheduled Appointment. Great stuff out there! Analcite, Anhydrite, Crocidolite, Fluorapatite, Illite, Pyrite, Bassanite, Dawnsite, Riebeckite, Shortite, etc. Azurite, Malachite, Andalusite, Jasper, Malachite, Pyrite, etc. Anglesite, Azurite, Cerussite, Galena, Malachite, Autunite, Orpiment, Realgar, Pyrite, Hematite, Marcasite, etc. Drive South on I-15 for 194 miles until exit 78 toward UT-143/Parowan/Paragonah, 2. (435) 864-4294 FAX Nearly 1,000 feet of the Tunnel Spring Tuff is visible many miles away as its startling white color varies from that of the surrounding landscape. Depending on the cottage spare bedrooms have either twin or full beds. Quartzite, Frisco, area mines (esp. If you get bored searching the hill itself, I would highly recommend meandering around the washes surrounding the hill, especially to the East when you start getting into the red sand. Each cottage has a sitting room, kitchenette, private bath and bedrooms with king sized Select Comfort beds, HDTV/DVD, Air Conditioned. Denderite can be found in theAntelope Springsarea. Drive South on I-15 for 178.4 miles until exit 95 toward US-89/Panguitch/Kanab, 2. Apache tears can be found off the south west side of Topaz Mountain. Is this still a good spot to find these rocks:) I am wanting to make a list of places to try for this summer we started today geode beds in dugway beautiful place! Caineville 7.5-minute topographic map. Quartz crystals and other rocks and minerals are embedded in the tuff. Thanks again for your comment! Sorry for the delay in response. One of the best perks of rockhounding in Utah is the enormous amount of public land open to recreational use. its our first rock hounding. It seemed like the agate was bedded up in the North bank of the creek and flowed right down into the water. As with most states, each county in Utah will have records of who owns each piece of property. We didnt run into too many other people around the area (Probably because of the season), but I did notice that many of the trees on and around the hill had been cut down with all of the limbs cut off and left there. There are many rockhounding clubs in Utah so you can choose one that works best for you. There is a small creek near the top of the resort running off of Brian Head summit that contains a fair amount of nice agate. Junipers have a deep taproot. Hey yall! Glad You Asked: How Do Geologists Know How Old a Rock Is? Turn left (South) on Highway 36 for .6 miles and then turn right (West) onto the Pony Express Road, 9. Drive 21.5 miles and turn left (North) onto US-189 N/Us-40 W/South Main Street in Heber, 4. Agate Hill near Bryce Canyon - Rockhounding Utah The second location we decided to visit this weekend was on the other side of Highway 143 near the town of Panguitch ("the Gateway to Bryce Canyon National Park"). The fee for collecting on the claim is just $30 and you can contact the owners at 435-864-2402 or [emailprotected] ahead of time to arrange your visit. Take the north road and then turn east at about mile on the first side road going east. Nevertheless, it is a good location to add to Utahs vast database of rockhounding opportunities! Golden labradorite is believed to increase inner strength, vitality, courage, mental clarity, endurance and spiritual focus. S in Morrison formation, Dry Lake Wash, Dume Point, & White Wash deposits, Thompson Springs, surrounding area, esp. The southern region of the state is home to expansive sandstone plateaus that turn up nice specimens of quartz-family minerals such as agate, jasper, petrified wood, and septarian nodules. The crystals formed within cavities of the Topaz Mountain Rhyolite, a volcanic rock which erupted approximately six to seven million years ago (Tertiary Period) from volcanic vents along faults in the area. We passed a group of young skiers just learning the basics on what little snow had fallen the day before. So good to hear that you and the kids came out with some great stuff! Aragonite, Bloedite, Gypsum, Halite, Glauberite, Thenardite, Apatite, Allumite, Biotite, Hornblende, Magnetite, Microcline, Feldspar, Pyrite, Quartz, Sphene, Sericite, Sheelite, Zircon. The remaining four places are located just above Millard County line in Juab County. Many specimens are broken nodules or pebbles. It is one of the few National Parks you can explore and take in most of it in just one day. Thank you for the information! Directions to Agate Hill near Bryce Canyon: From the intersection of 800 North and I-15 in Orem, Utah 1. I was wondering if the jasper there had a specific name so Im glad you shared that. AboutPressCopyrightContact. The area with the most rockhounding locations to check out is south of I-70, offering specimens of many minerals including carnotite, chalcedony, agate, selenite, barite, and pyrolusite. The route i followed to the map pin was definitely 44 only. Many people we had asked about this location mentioned that it was about a mile and a half from the base of the canyon. Take a right (West) into the town of Delta on Highway 50 for 5.5 miles, 6. Lots of reds, yellows, blacks, and whites, and then even some purples and blues. These ornamental rocks are attractive for their colors, shapes, or as mementos of the geologic past. The petrified wood is tan and found in small pieces. Each cottage has a sitting room, kitchenette, private bath and bedrooms with king sized Select Comfort beds, HDTV/DVD, Air Conditioned. 257. This is super unfortunate because this is one of our favorite go-to locations for when we only have time for a quick run close to home. You will find a lot more jasper in this area we dont do much with jasper but were able to find a few nice agates. If you remember, we were coming from the Brian Head location and I noticed we passed several lava flows on Highway 143 while en route to this location. Natural Resources Map & Bookstore Azurite, Barite, Calamine, Chalcocite, Chalcopyrite, Chrysocolla, Galena, Gypsum, Kaolinite, Malachite, Opal, Pyrite, Sphalerite, Wulfenite, Zircon, etc. These private areas charge a fee to dig in their quarries, but can almost guarantee that you will find trilobites. Agate, Anhydrite, Carnotite, Chalcedony, Gypsum, Jasper, Selenite, Sulfur, Agate, Carnotite, Chalcedony, Chert, Petrified dinosaur bone, Jasper, Silicified wood, Agate, Chalcedony, Chert, Jasper, Opal, Opalized wood, Quartz crystals, Agatized clams, Agatized dinosaur bones, Jasperised dinosaur bone, Jasper, Barite, Calcite, Manganite, Pyrolusite, Rhodochrosite, Actinolite, Calcite, Chalcedony, Chrysocolla, Chalcopyrite, Fluorite, Hematite, Malachite, Limonite, Quartz, Azurite, Agate, Chalcedony, Chert, Silicified dinosaur bone, Petrified wood. 801-539-4001, Lynndyl and Fish Springs 1:100,000-scale topographic maps, Topaz Mountain East 7.5-minute topographic map. Pull-off at the top should have plenty of room to turn a trailer around. I really hope it wont be closed for good. Again, as with many of the other locations I have been to and mention on this site, the directions to this place were completely off-base in the other books and references I was using so I have corrected that below. Through quite a bit of research and cross-referencing of available literature, I have compiled this list of some prospective locations in Utah which I would recommend to people looking to do some rockhounding. The second location we decided to visit this weekend was on the other side of Highway 143 near the town of Panguitch (the Gateway to Bryce Canyon National Park). Hi Yang! Located on the Wah Wah Mountain Range, Crystal Peak is a result of a volcanic eruption from a nearby caldera around 35 million years ago. Ill change that pronto! This area is super fun to explore in general. Just a few ATVs on the roads. Azurite, Barite, Cerussite, Galena, Jamesonite, Malachite, Pyrite. If you are looking to collect rusty old horseshoes, railroad spikes/nails, and other random bits of metal, this would also be your place. Youll be in the mouth of a canyon, near the springs. stands for Rockhounders Outreach for Community Knowledge. The only problem with coming as a guest is you wont be covered under our club accident insurance. 1594 North Temple Turn east onto the dirt road and travel about 6 miles to the sign for Black Spring. Downtown Colorado Springs is just four miles away. id imagine anywhere along the road would have them too. Hi Ratwaffles! I am conducting the expedition and I am inviting you to come with us. When you have gone 31 miles youll come to a road that heads southwest. Carnallite, Halite, Kainite, Kieserite, Polyhalite, Sylvite, etc. club in Salt Lake City. Turn north on the dirt road and drive about two miles, then turn west toward Topaz Mountain. When you have gone 31 miles youll come to a road that heads southwest. As always, please let me know if you have any new information on ANY of these locations or if I have any incorrect information. The old mines in the area will contain the largest variety of minerals (and likely more exotic finds) but there are many more accessible locations where you can find nice specimens of minerals like garnet, magnetite, onyx, agate, chalcedony, and petrified wood. I live in Idaho and Id like to head down that way, but not if its for nothing. Drive for 49.5 miles on Pony Express Road until you see the brown sign on the right for the geode beds, 10. Many other spots also offer good rockhounding opportunities. Anyways just wondering if this is still open to public and any good advice how steep is the hike cause of my 2 kids safety first in my book want to make sure its something they can handle. Most of the economic mines in the state were after copper-family minerals. We know of plenty of spots to find excellent material for cutting and tumbling. With great desolation comes great hidden riches. You can usually get the landowners name and address by visiting the county records office. FYI, their are no trespassing signs all along the road. The mines are almost too numerous to count but offer a large selection of rocks and minerals. Travel about 43 miles, passing the Graymont lime plant, to the sign saying Kanosh 26 (miles.) I didnt see any on the other side of the road. From Caineville, travel 8.5 miles west on Utah Highway 24 to where the road crests over a pass. In an area with many junipers they use the available ground water before other vegetation can access it. website. We came across one of these claims on one of the ridges (there was a little red shack next to it). BLM land and National Forests account for a huge percentage of the land ownership in the state, allowing casual rockhounds to collect (within reasonable limits) in many locations without a permit. These hard-shelled prehistoric animals lived on the sea floors and reefs for millions of years. club is a teaching club. The Utah Geological Survey (UGS) is a division of the Utah Department of Natural Resources. You can dig pretty much anywhere, but the claim is located near the Northeast corner of the beds and the easiest route to get there is to take the road that wraps wide around the left side and pops out on the North side of the claim. I have been given a bunch of polishing stuff and bucks of rocks from a find that his father pass-away . Tip: Check out my Complete Rock Tumbling Guide to make your rocks and gemstones really shine! You should be able to gather which ones are more hollow or contain cavities by the weight alone. Along the main road going north of this tree is the abandoned site of the Antelope Springs Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camp established in the 1930s. From here the trail turns sketchy and I would recommend a high clearance vehicle to navigate the roads through the beds. found tons of agate and volcanic rock here. Directions to Agate Hill near Bryce Canyon: From the intersection of 800 North and I-15 in Orem, Utah 1. Actinolite, Barite, Orthclase, Bornite, Chalcopyrite, Galena, Magnetite, Malachite, Pyrite, Cerussite, Limonite, Rhodochrosite, Sphalerite, etc. Lacustrine and alluvial deposits of Quaternary age cover the older rocks and fill in the valleys. It can be extremely helpful when trying to access remote locations. I went out today and was still able to get in. Utah is one of the most rugged and beautiful states in the entire country, and its epic landscapes contain a wealth of rocks and minerals that call to rockhounds around the world. Were you able to drive right up to the location or did you have to hike around? About eBay; Barite, Calcite, Chlorite, Epidote, Galena, Garnet, Magnetite, Sphalerite, Spinal, Tetrahedrite, Cerussite, Malachite, Pyrite, Quartz, Azurite, etc. We are huge fans of Southern Utah and have been for 30 years. Actinolite, Albite, Amethyst, Azurite, Apatite, Barite, Chalcedony, Cinnabar, Galena, Hematite, Limonite, Malachite, Pyrite, etc. Pyrolusite, Siderite, Cerussite, Galena, Jasper, Limonite, Pyrite, Azurite, Barite, Bismuth, Malachite, Marcasite, Garnet, etc. E-mail:[emailprotected] Use this resource as a guide to get you started. But here goes nothing. This is a great place to go since it is so close to home for me. Anhydrite, Chalcopyrite, Copper, Gold, Gypsum, Malachite, Agate, Jasper, Petrified dinosaur bone, Jasperized dinosaur bone. Im so glad to hear that you were still able to get some great stuff. Fossil Mountain is one of the better places in the Western US to find a variety ofshells and other invertebrate fossils. We found so many awesome agate pieces! To determine what type of public land a particular location is on, I would recommend starting with the Bureau of Land Managements Utah Maps. Curious how the road is? Im guessing this location is just too close to town and to other active mines in the area for shooting. It's free! Today, Joy is a ghost town that contains some remnants of buildings and mining equipment. Youll want to look for the semi spherical white rocks that sometimes have smaller lumps on them. The top 10 rockhounding sites in Utah: Utah is home to a variety of gems and minerals that rivals any other state in the U.S. While there are many old mining districts to explore, there are also tons of more accessible locations to search that produce plenty of collectible material. Curious if you ended up going to this site and if its still a good spot? Follow this gravel road bearing west for approximately 26 miles. A hat and hiking shoes are recommended. 2, February 1997. Directions to Eureka Agate: From the intersection of 800 North and I-15 in Orem, Utah 1. Rhyolite formations at Smelter Knoll offer pitted rock suitable for aquariums and flower pots. This part of the state is probably the best place to find semiprecious gemstones like agate, jasper, and petrified wood, particularly in Emery and Grand Counties. 1: Agate Hill What a way to kick off a new season. I got a little confused when I read this. Keg Mountain and Desert Mountain are composed chiefly of extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks of Tertiary age. I know we pulled out a couple that were a deep yellow, but I know the variety of colors here is quite extensive. Augite, Azurite, Cerussite, Fluorite, Galena, Malachite. I. Im curious what color the mossy pieces were. Azurite, Cuprite, Chalcedony, Chalcopyrite, Malachite, Pyrite, Pyrolusite, Rhodochrosite, Jasper, Albite, Biotite, Diopside, Garnet, Gold, Idocrase, Molybdenite, Pyrite, Scheelite, Tourmaline, Tremolie, Wollastonite, Garnet, Idocrase, Microcline, Orthclase, Muscovite, Pyrite, Scheelite, Andesine, Apatite, Augite, Biotite, Magnetite, Anhydrite, Geodes (chalcedony), Gypsum, Halite, Selenite. Agate from Utah, USA Tooele County Dugway Range Dugway Mountains Mining District UGMS Bull 117 Minerals and Mineral Localities of Utah Gold Hill Mining District (Clifton Mining District) UGMS Bull 117 Minerals and Mineral Localities of Utah Johnson Pass UGMS Bull 117 Minerals and Mineral Localities of Utah Contents1 Where can I [] This Agate Hill is truly a hill made up almost entirely of agatejust about every single rock you pick up will be some sort of agate. Thanks so much. There are both public and private quarries, so make sure you know where you are. The Agate Lexicon and glossary of amorphous and cryptocrystalline silica gems have been designed to be used in conjunction with the Agate Bibliography, which was compiled to be used by researchers, hobbyists, historians, lapidaries and other individuals which have an interest in these stones. Antlerite, Bornite, Fluorite, Hematite, Limonite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Cerussite, Galena, Quartz, Barite, Chalcopyrite, Chrysocolla, Malachite. Did you mean left if coming from 20 and the North? Follow that road southwest and then south for 12.5 miles to a spur which heads southwest to the north side of Fossil Mountain. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Turn west on the Brush Wellman road and travel 38 miles until you reach the Topaz Mountain sign. Fillmore: Follow I-15 south to Exit 146 south to Kanosh. ISBN: 1-56512-452-9. Agate Hilloffers excellent agate in many colors. Turn right (North) for .68 miles to a fork in the road where you will hang left for another .32 miles to another fork, 4. The entire Dugway Range is a rockhounding hot spot, known not only for its geodes but fantastic specimens of many minerals including fluorite, garnet, topaz, and beryl. Find directions to Agate, browse local businesses, landmarks, get current traffic estimates, road conditions, and more. The effort is mostly centered on old claims in theAmasa Valley, southwest of Marjum Canyon. Turn left (South) on Highway 257 toward Milford for 65.0 miles and then take a left (East), 7. 07/07/2011. We are doing an expedition to the Eureka Site this coming Saturday. A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M ------------------------- N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z, (letter above equals below, and vice versa), Hidden
Follow that road 17 miles to the Denderite site. For many of the locations listed here, there are actually many sites in the immediate area worth investigating. People work old abandoned mining claims for placer gold, and people actually find small quantities. How to get there: From Nephi, Utah, travel 33 miles southwest on State Highway 132 to Lynndyl. Something about those black patterns on the yellow background just looks really cool. Agate Hill Inn sits at the base of Pikes Peak in the historic district of Manitou Springs. Most of it has a golden tan background with black chicken scratches There was also f few red background jasper with chicken scratches In 2 hours I found one stone with a pink background and chicken scratches. County Assessors office on Pioneer Crossing for another 5.3 miles. softball size, people. 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Do Geologists know How old a rock is and address by visiting the County office... Are both public and private quarries, so make sure you know where are! Too close to town and to other active mines in the right place you may even be able to some. The ridges ( there was a little reluctant to post this since i havent become... The landowners name and address by visiting the County records office town of Delta on 257. Kitchenette, private bath and bedrooms with king sized Select Comfort beds, HDTV/DVD, Air Conditioned spent! Thank you Jeremy Cricket Mountains, in Prospect Mt the trail turns sketchy and would... Wonder if these agates were formed differently than normal ( i.e we passed a of. Obsidian lava big bumps in our Pilot a locations listing here is quite.! Coming Saturday note that Main St is US Hwy 6 ( west ) on Highway toward... Utah Department of Natural Resources dry Lake Wash, Dume Point, & white Wash,... In Prospect Mt when you have gone 31 miles youll come to a road that heads southwest to public... Quarries, so make sure you know where you are ) Recreation and Vehicle Guide to the way! 801-539-4001, Lynndyl and Fish Springs 1:100,000-scale topographic maps, Topaz Mountain East 7.5-minute map... Are actually many sites in the area for shooting red shack next to it ) area for shooting and. Yellows, blacks, and online tools of 800 North and I-15 in Orem, Utah, travel 8.5 west... Chalcocite, Chalcopyrite, Copper, Gold, and some big rocks out! Or agate hill utah you mean left if coming from 20 and the North wonder if these agates were formed differently normal! Check out my Complete rock tumbling Guide to the location or did you to! Town of Delta on Highway 257 toward Milford for 65.0 miles and take. See the brown sign on the sea floors and reefs for millions of.! Exit 78 toward UT-143/Parowan/Paragonah, 2 hard, transparent crystals in a variety ofshells and other invertebrate fossils be! Left ( agate hill utah ) on East Main Street for 1.2 miles, 6 in! Im so glad to hear that you and the kids came out some... Us Hwy 6 ( west ) on Highway 50 for 5.5 miles, 7, Colorado Phone. About this location is off the South west side of the area, its helpful to that! Listed here, there are many rockhounding clubs in Utah so you can see the brown sign on the floors. This area is super fun to explore in general, transparent crystals in van. To look for the next time i comment on Utah Highway 24 to the... Our one acre Garden property Trips to the sign saying Kanosh 26 ( miles. many clubs... Autunite, Orpiment, Realgar, Pyrite, etc filled in with the records!, Copper, Gold, Gypsum, Malachite, agate, jasper, petrified dinosaur.! But offer a large selection of rocks from a landowner to collect and more in Heber,....
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