2.0 OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to Israel? Its technology is extremely similar. OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to Greece? 2.0 OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to Greece? Also, both countries have extremely similar demographics and culture. In addition, these countries are democracies that are part of the European Union. Another difference is that it does not border the Black Sea. Which Countries are Most Similar to France? A richer country has the ability to deliver more tests for the detection of Covid-19 patients, whereas a poor country is likely to do fewer tests and hence may report a lower number of patients. With the exception of Italy, most of the regions in these countries have a temperate climate. OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to Israel? The type of data structure, to which these indices are frequently applied, was described as consisting of vectors of measurements on attributes (species) observed in a set of samples. The Ukrainian military's morning summary made one mention of Soledar, listing it as one of several towns being shelled in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk region. L'AQUILA, Italy, Jan 18 (Reuters) - Mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro was being held on Wednesday in a high-security jail in central Italy, subject to special restrictions applied to the country's . Although most Latin American countries speak Spanish, only Chile, Argentina, and Uruguay are significantly similar. Sure, France is culturally closer to Spain or Italy than to Germany, but the cultural similarities account only to 20% in this comparison, besides other factors. Both countries have a high employment rate for men, but a low employment rate for women. The index is a statistically-based way to measure this. OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to Sweden? The Most Popular Team Sports in Each Country, The North Eurasia Region OBJECTIVE LISTS, The Tropical Africa Region OBJECTIVE LISTS, The North Pacific Region OBJECTIVE LISTS, The World Web of Countries OBJECTIVE LISTS, -: , Most Average Country in Each World Region OBJECTIVE LISTS, The Objectively Most Similar Countries - OBJECTIVE LISTS. OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to Portugal? . Another difference is that the countrys population is mostly Mongoloid and is landlocked in contrast to Turkey. The origins of the Hutu and Tutsi people is a major controversial issue in the histories of Rwanda and Burundi, as well as the Great Lakes region of Africa. Local Online Service Index (LOSI) Application of LOSI methodology in countries. Full Ranking of Countries and Territories Most Similar to France, Most Similar Demographics: BelgiumMost Similar Culture: BelgiumMost Similar Government: ItalyMost Similar Infrastructure: BelgiumMost Similar Geography: Germany, Least Similar Demographics:NigerLeast Similar Culture:MyanmarLeast Similar Government:SudanLeast Similar Infrastructure: HaitiLeast Similar Geography:Solomon Islands. In fact, they were once part of the Roman Empire and Istanbul was once known as New Rome. Furthermore, Latin Americans tend to have a high diversity of ancestries, unlike the Spanish. How could Spain has no Latin American countries in its top 5. Georgia is former-communist and former Soviet. In this study, we described the molecular and genomic characteristics of a carbapenem-resistant K. michiganensis strain KM166 cultured from a one-month premature baby's blood sample. They also have few cultural or demographic similarities. However, they also have a significant amount of differences as well. amount of cheese eaten. It weighs equally five major aspects of countries: their demographics, culture, politics, infrastructure, and geography. For example, only Cyprus and Greece share the same exact national anthem. But when similarity index is high with multiple instances of texts across sections . Italian isnt even spoken all that much, mainly by elders. Reports. OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to Azerbaijan? It would be nice, however, if your tables of detailed similarity analysis for each country could also be automatically ordered by each individual metric (for example demographics, culture, etc.) Very interesting, thank you for your hard work! Agreed. It weighs equally five major aspects of countries: their demographics, culture, politics, infrastructure, and geography. However, unlike Turkey, Morocco speaks a completely different language, called Arabic, and has much more desert. Iceland is the other country on the same tier. The map is very interesting and as a total geography and culture nerd I enjoyed every bit of your country specifc comparisons and the classifications on here. Compare Cities. It doesnt make sense, Brazil is very different from Portugal in everything for everything, but the Portuguese dont want to admit it because of a nationalist pride. Agree that Portugal does not overlaps with Brazil. It might have something to do with how new Argentine cities and buildings are overall. Have you ever wondered how similar or different two countries are? The site of the city wall, and the city gates are preserved, though the former city wall now consists of houses.The medieval part of the town has been pedestrianised and many of the medieval buildings are . Culturally, I would say Greece is equidistant between the two countries (Georgia being Orthodox doesnt mean much. OBJECTIVE LISTS, Belgiums Most Similar Countries OBJECTIVE LISTS. Choose a topic of comparison using the third drop-down list. Jan 11, 2023. OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to Tajikistan? Spain is also wealthier and more developed than all the Latin American countries. The agriculture in the top five countries is similar as well, since their farms mostly grow wheat and barley. . But politically-economically, closer to Austria. The only real Eastern Europe consists of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. I dont really get why Georgia and Armenia get classified into 1C together with the East Slavic nations when Georgia does not even have any of them in its top 5 most similar. Swedish economist Steffan Linder developed the country similarity theory in 1961, as he tried to explain the concept of intra industry trade. Four of the top five countries are predominately Catholic, although they have a significant percentage of atheists as well. Their infrastructure and standard of living is far lower than Italys as well. country similarity index south korea Recientes How To Change Font In Avada Theme , All-inclusive Resorts With Swim-up Rooms Adults-only Mexico , Walgreens Coralville Iowa Phone Number , Xbox Controller For Pc Bluetooth , Garmin Connect Export Health Data , What Is Bedrock In Minecraft , Puyo Puyo Tetris Vs Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 , Long Distance . Their laws are more conservative and they are less democratic. The countries in each region and their individual pages are as follows: 1-A) Anglo World United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland United States, Canada1-B) Europe Poland, Czechia, Hungary, Bulgaria,Serbia, Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Slovenia, Montenegro Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium,Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia Greece, Cyprus Iceland, Greenland Romania Albania1-C) North Eurasia Russia, Ukraine, Belarus Georgia Armenia Moldova, 2-A) The Caribbean Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, Bahamas Guyana, Suriname Belize2-B) Latin America Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Guatemala, Ecuador, Dominican Rep., Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Puerto Rico Argentina, Chile, Uruguay Bolivia, Paraguay Cuba Brazil French Guiana2-C) Atlantic Ocean Cape Verde2-D) Indian Ocean Mauritius, Reunion, 3-A) Arab World Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Libya, Palestine Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia Yemen Lebanon3-B) Israel Israel3-C) Nastaliq Region Iran Afghanistan (transitional zone between Middle East and Central Asia) Pakistan (transitional zone between Middle East and South Asia), (transitional zone between Sub-Saharan Africa and the North Africa)3-D) Sudan, Mauritania4-A) Niger, Mali, Chad Somalia, Djibouti, 4-B) Tropical Africa Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Guinea, Benin, Togo, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, Rwanda, Burundi D.R. 16) TAJIKISTAN is another Muslim country in Central Asia. The index is a statistically-based way to measure this. which countries are most similar to spain? In addition, they both use a lot of water for irrigation. 2.0 OBJECTIVE LISTS, Irans Most Similar Countries OBJECTIVE LISTS, The 10 Most Average Countries OBJECTIVE LISTS, Venezuelas Most Similar Countries OBJECTIVE LISTS, Least Similar Countries in the Same Region OBJECTIVE LISTS. (Note: Overseas territories of France are treated separately from France by most statistical sources, so they are not included as part of France for this study.). In addition, the top five are some of the most religious countries in Europe. Both countries predominately grow wheat, although Uzbekistan grows more cotton than barley. Country comparison. The value of the index has a range from 1 for maximum similarity to 0 for maximum dissimilarity. Felice Beato (1832 - 29 January 1909), also known as Felix Beato, was an Italian-British photographer. .mw-parser-output table.static-row-numbers{counter-reset:rowNumber}body.skin-minerva .mw-parser-output .static-row-numbers2.sortable{counter-reset:rowNumber -1}body.skin-minerva .mw-parser-output .static-row-numbers2.sortable.static-row-header-two{counter-reset:rowNumber -2}.mw-parser-output table.static-row-numbers tr::before{display:table-cell;padding-right:0.5em;text-align:right}.mw-parser-output table.static-row-numbers tr::before{content:""}.mw-parser-output .static-row-numbers-skip{counter-increment:rowNumber}.mw-parser-output table.static-row-numbers.sortable tbody tr:not(.static-row-header):not(.static-row-numbers-norank)::before,.mw-parser-output table.static-row-numbers:not(.sortable) tbody tr:not(:first-child):not(.static-row-header):not(.static-row-numbers-norank)::before{counter-increment:rowNumber;content:counter(rowNumber);padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;vertical-align:inherit}.mw-parser-output .static-row-header-text thead tr::before{content:"No. The index is a statistically-based way to measure this. Italy is a lot more like Spain or France than Turkey! This is exactly what I hoped in since the beginning! -. Quite interesting that the 1st and 4th least similar countrieswere actually Italian colonies! Select one or several countries/regions in the menu below to see the values for the 6 dimensions. Both countries are quite interested in basketball and excel at the Olympics. . 9) MOROCCO had been part of the Ottoman Empire for hundreds of years, until it gained independence in 1912, and also has quite a large Turkish community, so its no wonder why the country is so similar. Four of the five least similar are countries where most people are Muslim. 2.0 OBJECTIVE LISTS, Brazils Most Similar Countries OBJECTIVE LISTS, Cape Verdes Most Similar Countries OBJECTIVE LISTS, Greeces Most Similar Countries OBJECTIVE LISTS, Countries with the Most Conservative Laws OBJECTIVE LISTS, Spains Most Similar Countries OBJECTIVE LISTS. OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to Kyrgyzstan? Both countries drive on the right, use Type C electrical outlets, and their legal systems practice Civil Law. According to Similarweb data of monthly visits, colinmarc.com's top competitor in December 2022 is hardcodex.ru with 88.0K visits. No country or territory with less than 50,000 people were considered. An overall low similarity index score (1-10%) that is acceptable to process a manuscript further but this is not definitive but indicative.Thereafter, an author may be given the chance to revise the texts, words, sentence, paragraph, or section in a manuscript. amount and type of meat eaten as Turks dont eat pork, while it's italian's favorite meat. 743 1.438 France 336 0.139 6.63 42.45** 8.69 11.71 -2.074* 0.738 Germany 336 0.276 6.39 72.38** 14.80 24.15* -2.114* 0.003 Italy 336 0.254 7.45 3.11 18.24 10 . MILAN, Jan 18 (Reuters) - Italy's government is determined to secure an investment by Intel to build a chip factory in the country, the economy minister said on Wednesday. In fact, Bulgaria was part of the Ottoman Empire, since today has a significant Turkish-speaking population, a remnant of the time when Bulgaria was ruled by the Ottoman Empire. The biggest difference is their governments. high taxation. Have you ever wondered how similar or different two countries are? -. It weighs equally five major aspects of countries: their demographics, culture, politics, infrastructure, and geography. Most people in both Spain and Chile natively speak Spanish. A low percentage of both countries is used for agriculture, but their agriculture is similar. OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to the Ireland? However, since over 100 individual statistics were used, adding in more would not significantly change the overall score for a country. Spain is by far the most similar country to Portugal. OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to Poland? Italy and Turkey also have a lower percentage of college graduates and a lower percentage of employed women than Azerbaijan. Another difference is that the country is Slavic and has much less coastline than Turkey. The index is a statistically-based way to measure this. Portuguese unemployment rate was never high and certainly was never as high as in the Mediterranean Countries, especially in Spain and Greece. Applying robots to mobile application testing is an emerging approach to automated black-box testing. comparative comparison country country similarity cultural culture demographics geographic geography government how . which countries are most similar to portugal, Which Countries are Most Similar to Spain? The Most Similar Countries to the United States, Which Countries are Most Similar to Iran? World Web of Countries - Country Similarity Index. 2.0 OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to Belgium? Please note that this is a quick explanation of the index. (Note: Overseas territories of France are treated separately from France . Since France is more northern, its average . The research combines 1,000 different data points to arrive at the conclusions. However, Romania has medium coastline, its languages and writing systems, while distantly related to those of Turkey, are different, its people are mostly Orthodox and its climate is slightly colder. rather than only by total. By. For example, Brazil has strongest cultural . Greece has also a significant amount of islands. The notion of risk was already understood in Ancient Greece and especially by the Athenians. Think of every country as a data point that . ago. The index is a statistically-based way to measure this. The terrain in these countries is quite mountainous as well. View Country Data. Try to guess the 20 countries that are most similar to Romania, considering demographics, culture, politics, technology, and geography. NEWS World Scientist and University Rankings 2023 2023 World, Region and Country Top Lists World's Top 2% Scientists list 2023 1.272.186 scientists, 216 country, 19.527 university/institution List without CERN, Statistical Data etc. With the exception of Croatia, they use the Euro as currency as well. Sometimes I am not interested in overall similarity, but care more about cultural or infrastructure similarity only. Countries Least Similar To United States. I would definetly said Puerto Rico or Cuba rather than France. In this firm-based theory, Linder suggested that companies first . .mw-parser-output .hover-highlight tr:hover td,.mw-parser-output .mw-datatable tr:hover td{background-color:#eaf3ff}.mw-parser-output .mw-datatable{background:#fff}, List of countries ranked by ethnic and cultural diversity level, "Ethnic Diversity and Economic Performance", "Measuring cultural diversity: ethnic, linguistic and religious fractionalization in the OECD", Current real density based on food growing capacity, Antiviral medications for pandemic influenza, Percentage suffering from undernourishment, Health expenditure by country by type of financing, Programme for International Student Assessment, Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, Progress in International Reading Literacy Study, Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_countries_ranked_by_ethnic_and_cultural_diversity_level&oldid=1132094891, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 7 January 2023, at 06:37. Have you ever wondered how similar or different two countries are? Their demographics and culture are also very similar. Cyprus has a sizeable Muslim population, also is legally different (uses Anglo-influenced common law rather than Roman-Byzantine-Germanic Civil Law that Greece, Italy, and the rest of mainland Europe use). I just think it would be more appropriate to have Armenia and Georgia as a separate 1D subregion within the west especially when Cape Verde which has 65 point similarity with Brazil is its own category and Georgia and Armenia have approximately the same similarity with the Slavic countries. Furthermore, Frances climate is somewhere between Belgiums and Portugals depending on the specific region. Please see the above YouTube video for a quick overview. 2.0 OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to Uruguay? OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to the United Kingdom? However, Croatia is a Slavic country, and has also a lot of islands. Olives groves represent that largest land area of any crop in Portugal, just like Greece and some other Mediterranean countries. With the exception of Italy, most of the regions in these countries have a temperate climate. Language, writing system, land cover, and ancestry have been given a heavier weight than in the first iteration. Both countries are quite mountainous and border the Mediterranean Sea. Their infrastructure is far less developed. 1996). 42. r/MapPorn. It weighs equally five major aspects of countries: their demographics, culture, politics, infrastructure, and geography. It has a significant Muslim population in its northeastern and northwestern parts. They are all sparsely populated and located in the Sahara Desert. It borders the Mediterranean and is quite mountainous, just like Turkey. The methodology is exactly the same for each country. Which Countries are Most Similar to Canada? It is hoped that this study has created a more rigorous and logical world regional map than any previously created. Join. However, unlike Turkey, Italy is completely different, with its language being completely different, as well its religion. Their culture is also similar. OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to Finland? are indeed different from western European countries such as Germany, France or Italy, but not more than these continental western European countries are different from the Nordic countries or from the British Isles. The methodology is exactly the same for each country. In addition, many statistics highly correlate with one another. It has more Muslims than Greece. 12) CROATIA is yet another Balkan country on this list, with a significant Ottoman influence on it. Greece is a European country. No countries are a lot more similar to Italy than to Spain. Republic of Congo, 8. , 6) BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA is another mountainous country with a significant percentage of Muslims. OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to Canada? Most people in the top five countries speak Afro-Asiatic languages. Have you ever wondered how similar or different two countries are? It doesnt appear on the original source but I would guess they would score close to Italy, Cyprus, and Greece, the three of which are also scored relatively close to . The Index on Cultural Similarity shows how culutrally similar the populations of two compared countries are. Southern Italy has . OBJECTIVE LISTS, The World Web of Countries OBJECTIVE LISTS, Belgiums Most Similar Countries OBJECTIVE LISTS, Chiles Most Similar Countries OBJECTIVE LISTS, Italys Most Similar Countries OBJECTIVE LISTS, Luxembourgs Most Similar Countries OBJECTIVE LISTS, Portugals Most Similar Countries OBJECTIVE LISTS, Countries with the Most Conservative Laws OBJECTIVE LISTS, South Koreas Most Similar Countries OBJECTIVE LISTS, Turkeys Most Similar Countries OBJECTIVE LISTS. Many countries are similar to it. OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to Iran? Lesotho, 7. 2.0 OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to Finland? Like Portugal and Italy, both countries grow and drink a lot of wine. Score. The data indicates that Portugal is one country that has many more traits of France than Belgium. Two totally different countries, different social approaches, different mindset, different climate, different landscape. Request PDF | On Jan 1, 2022, Samantha Lane and others published Impact of Medicines Withdrawals and Revocations in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom | Find, read and cite all the research . OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to France? The most important Portuguese crop isnt olive oil because it represents only 1% (in Ton/year) of the total agriculture production, of course that olive oil is a product more expensive than crude oil and so, in therms of value, it worth more than 1%. lack of male circumcision. [3] This index of cultural diversity is biased towards linguistic variations as opposed to genetic diversity and other variations. Turkey feels way more middle eastern while Italy is a West European country with likewise architecture and culture. The northern third has a huge percentage of the population. (about 70% of similarity . Matt Vincenzi. Spain is the most similar country to Italy. Their governments also no longer have monarchs. If I left Brazil in several parts you will see that culturally Portugal is closer to the northeast, but in the way of life, I think they are closer to the south of Brazil. It weighs equally five major aspects of countries: their demographics, culture, politics, infrastructure, and geography. OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to France? OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to Germany? Also try Countries Least Similar To United Kingdom. OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to Italy? Most of their people natively speak Afro-Asiatic languages. It is used to monitor and compare developments in information and communication technology (ICT) between countries and over time. Could you share the average height for males and females in each region, please? Stein am Rhein (abbreviated as Stein a. R.) is a historic town and a municipality in the canton of Schaffhausen in Switzerland.. 2.0 OBJECTIVE LISTS, Which Countries are Most Similar to Uruguay? 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Andy Beshear Nra Rating, Sia Results Checker, Non Carbonated Alcoholic Cocktails, Intertype Competition, Articles C