it comprises of only 711 Sanskrit verses and it was spoken on a battlefield as the two armies were getting ready for the war. Arjuna is unwilling to fight the Kaurava army. And Prabhupada is a bona fide spiritual master. Haribol Can i post some of your comments to some questions on my facebook page.Your answers are nice.So do i have your permission for that? I am enlarged Kaal. You are very kind to help me for getting on the right track back to the supreme, our Krishna. HARE KRISHNA Even so many of Srila Prabhupadas disciples did not actually surrender to Srila Prabhupada. So he was the one who needed instruction. Please accept my most humble obeisances.All glories to Srila Prabhupada. What is Krishnas answer to Arjunas dilemma? This means that your senses took over your intellect. The setting was unprecedented. Dogs can only think about eating, sleeping, mating and defending. I really appreciate your effort. To the honored, dishonor is worse than death. From the point of view of military strength and the number of competent generals to lead the battle the Kurus led by the great and expert general Bhisma were far superior to the Pandavas led by Arjuna. They are eternally current and easily achievable by any sincere soul. Thank you once again for your news letter. What does the Bhagavad Gita say about reincarnation? Appreciate your comments. Bheeshma was the embodiment of chastity, and remained a lifelong celibate to fulfill the vow he had made to his father. Hare Krishna Prabhu, These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. 9 34, 10 42, 11 55, 12 20, 13 35, 14 27, 15 20, 16 24, 17 28, 18 78. Many thanks for your very loving and clear cut teachings. How did Sri Krishna and Arjuna find out about Abhimanyus death? Hare Krishna, Im still in Love with God, Krishna, because we know that His Mercy is there, here, everywhere. So it was good for everyone. My best greetings to everyone, I enjoy reading the Gita, I have nothing to say to enlighten anyone, except Krishna is God, and I love him. Similarly, the temporary bodies of the men Arjuna will fight against arent real; their true selves are eternal and immutable, and change bodies as a living person changes clothes. He was not born like an ordinary child. 3. So the history of the Bhagavad-gita was there already, Vedavyasa just wrote it down so it would be properly preserved for the future. Can you not work this out???? So in this and in so many other ways Krishna proved that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Arjuna has a responsibility afterwards. This is a healthy relationship with the world where all traces of selfishness are gone, and one works in a spirit of yajna. Because the way Bhagavad-gita is the more we read it the deeper our understanding of it becomes. He states that Bheeshma and Dronacharya are worthy of his respect and adoration. He casts down his weapons and tells . I have been a Bhakti all of my life, and even though through studying all different forms of yoga, being pounded with Mayavadi philosophy, I just never bought into it! Hare Krishna Madhudvisa das We have to actually surrender to Srila Prabhupada, serve him, follow all his instructions and make his instructions our life and soul. Dont you think God has other issues to solve rather than some silly people fighting over landand get involved in other familys business. I am little confused on your recent article Krishna never gets old. Your Servent These are materialistic perfections. Hi, What is the best free software to automatically backup wordpress database and files ? Why did Arjuna choose Krishna as his guru? The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Like this article? Pl help me to come out from dat bond. Since, Arjuna had these qualifications, Krishna delivered Bhagavad Gita to him. So, I have given below my quick response. How often does a Cessna require an engine overhaul? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. thanks for posting. It is here in which Lord Krishna instructs him as to the fault in his reasoning. I have a question, which came in mind after reading the brief history of Bhagavad-Gita, that why Shree Krishna allowed His army to fight to Pandavas from Duryodhans side. Again, a very nice article summarizing the importance of reading Bhagavad Gita-the song of Supreme designer of this entire creation. I have never heard Srila Prabhupada chastise anyone for calling the Bhagavatam or the Mahabharata an epic. Arjuna is bewildered and appears to be in illusion but we understand this is also Krishnas arrangement. I agree with Srila Prabhupada on every point. So tell me what was the point of the fighting then if everyone on both sides heard the bhagavad gita on the battlefield of Kuruksetra. And if he is a reader get some small Prabhupada book and ask him to read it. Lord Krishna told very clearly that one must do ones duty without any second thought. Some say Bg was related only after Bhismadevs death to Dhristarastra by Sanjaya in Hastinapur. Arjuna is overcome with despair. The Gita is a dialogue between the warrior-prince Arjuna and the god Krishna who is serving as his charioteer at the Battle of Kurukshetra fought between Arjunas family and allies (the Pandavas) and those of the prince Duryodhana and his family (the Kauravas) and their allies. The conversation took place in the middle of the battleground 5137 years ago just before the start of a great war in Kurushastra, India. This was a righteous war, he told Arjun, a Dharma war. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". A son shouldn't take on his father's business by virtue of being his son, but, because he is an able and competent worker. This sublime message of Bhagavad Gita was spoken at the battlefield of Kurukshetra. So it is written down, dictated by Vyasadeva to Ganeshji who was the scribe. In his eyes, killing his evil and killing his family is the greatest sin of all. So yes. I am seeing progress, improvement, but I am far away from being able to say that I can control my mind. Arjuna said that he had made a pledge that "If someone asks me to hand over Gandiva to someone else, I shall chop off his head." He went on to say that if anyone asked him to hand over Gandiva to someone else, he would do it. Hare Krishna! You have to become Krishna consciousness. Arjuna then tells Krishna that he cannot fight, because he sees opposite him his grand uncle Bhishma and his Acharya Drona. Prince Arjuna leads the Pandavas' army. Particularly in the government. Then He was simply repeating the same thing He taught the sun god Vivasvan around 120 million years ago. (Shortform note: Sri, sometimes spelled Shri, is a term of respect that doesnt have a direct translation.). So Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead appeared on this earth by His own desire. Is there some contradiction? So the souls just change from one body to another. How is Arjuna supposed to lead the Pandava side? So you can understand for yourself how long it would take to have this conversation. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It was spoken by Krishna to Arjuna about 5000 years ago. WHO IS SANJAY IN THE MAHABHARATA AND HOW HE HAS DESCRIBE THE CONVERSATION OF THE SUPREME GOD KRISHNA AND HIS FREIND ARJUNA WHO HAS GIVEN THE SPECIAL SEEING POWER TO SANJAYA ? Thank-you again for listening this, and thank-you if you reply to this and thank-you for everything so far.). Often referred to as nishkam karma, doing action without expecting reward. Krishna had asked Arjuna to take Subhadra to the deep end of a pond and push her in. RE: talking to unbendable people The Kauravas were on the side of Adharma and had broken rules and laws and hence Arjun would have to . So if God wants to appear on this planet He can. Best time is to get up before 4:30 AM in the morning. People will talk about your disgrace forever. Especially Prabhupadas laughing photo at the back of every book delights me very much. In this way Jada Bharata transformed his consciousness from spiritual consciousness to deer consciousness. That's my life and full-time occupation now really. So everyone there assembled on the battlefield on both sides heard the Bhagavad-gita. Arjuna is a boy facing his own shadow. By controlling food intake, we can control our mind. It is a truly wonderful book and every time you read your realization and knowledge deepens and you see completely new aspects to the book that you did not appreciate before. thank you very much. He also asked me that whether GOd can have 16 hundred wifes ??? Swami I am a student and Im am very attached to Lord Krishna. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. A kshatriya who demonstrates courage, likes to organize and protect people, face challenges, take risks, try new things will have a prominence of sattva and rajas. My hope would be to have more love, less betrayal and no demons. English is the language he wrote it in and English language is the only original. Of course Arjuna wanted His friend Krishna on His side and was very happy with this arrangement and Duryodhana wanted Krishnas powerful army on his side so he was also happy with the arrangement. But Arjuna is a great warrior, and defeat is unlikely in his case. by Madhudvisa dasa | Full size image. Im rather absorbed in Bliss, at the moment. I am Arjuna was the third son of Pandu and Krishna was related to and friendly with both factions of the Kuru family. And if you and your family members are chanting Hare Krishna and having nice kirtans he will hear that and that will help him. Hare Krishna! What does Krishna say to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita? The Latest Innovations That Are Driving The Vehicle Industry Forward. We will fall into one of these fourcategories-. and I ask for daily miracle healing and protection for everyone. Sometimes it is good to get back to basics on the philosophy of Bhagavad Gita. Shri Krishna has mentioned 4 classes in Gita, so that we could perform our duties, or svadharma effectively. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Thus when we went to our school library we found a BG and I searched for changes in them and luckily, that book had no changes. He was surprised at Krishna's command but he did as he was told. ; Do you know if these sites are reliable?. How do you remove a flashlight from your eye? Thanks for explaining, as you said I m reading Gita second time and I lv speaking to Madhavan, I lv reading it, I lv singing and hearing, it is very interesting to do his works, only some times I struggles to do his work. I knw d bond is not permanent but still I req Madhavan not to gv me such circumstances and test me, I will fail and I m failing every time and after some time I m bcoming fine. Sri Krishna is our boss and that pure devotees are the trainer and managers of this company , we are the trainee. I would suggest to all the Gods and Demi-Gods, the necessity, at this time to supernaturally cause PEACE , because many in nthe World here, are so lost, and so resentful, that things could get worse before they get better, in many areas, so ..with hope, I ask that Peace would BE, and that PEACE could BE, and that PEACE will BE . Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Humans mind is always racing with thoughts and anxieties about the future.Shri Krishna gives us many ways of attaining self-knowledge, depending on the maturity of the individual. Arjuna doesn't want to fight. 4 How did Sri Krishna and Arjuna find out about Abhimanyus death? Swamiji kindly clarify a humble doubt of mine When the Lord made the Gita Upadesa to Arjuna did the others also have the opportunity of listerning to Him ? So if in our next life we take birth as an animal or a tree then it will be practically impossible for us to practice Krishna consciousness. So you can not say that Krishna took birth like any other human being. The mother deer was either killed by the tiger or died somehow leaving the baby deer with no one to look after it. I do not know many happy Mayavadis, but I do know many happy Bhaktas!! Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Dharma is a set of rules and laws that have been laid down in the name of righteousness. Carrie worked in book publishing for several years before getting an MFA in Creative Writing. Here, we slowly give up attachment to theresult of our actionby dedicating it to ahigher ideal. How do I find my Asus laptop serial number? I have now appeared, that is, I have now entered into Shri Krishna's body. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Krishna says: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to the sun-god, Vivasvan, and Vivasvan instructed it to Manu, the father of mankind, and Manu in turn instructed it to Iksvaku. I started seriously reading Srila Prabhupada's books in Australia 1985 and by 1986 Srila Prabhupada had convinced me "Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead" and "we should surrender to Krishna." Krishna wanted Arjuna to fight the Mahabharata war because Krishna as an Instructor is leading the human beings (Arjuna) on their path of practical spiritual realization and the process of realization demands that human beings fight with their inner tendencies, desires, and character traits, even those, which are very . Faith in: And be convinced that theres something beyond the material world. I dont have my own temple and my family members blasphemes anything devotional so I do most of the things without their notice and for me safest time is when they all fall asleep. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". What grade do you start looking at colleges? The original form of the Supreme Personalty of Godhead is Krishna with two hands. Fighting this battle will nearly guarantee Arjuna entrance to heaven while he waits for his next life. Prabhupadas original books are in English so serious devotees should learn English to read them. As per scriptures there are 33 crore demigods which is equivalent to 330 million . So please read Srila Prabhuapadas Bhagavad-gita As It Is for yourself. Abhi Sharma Bhagwad Gita The Bhagavad Gita is known as the Song Celestial. Because krishna knows that arjuna is a kshatriya or warrior and has to fight to get back his kingdom to do his occupational duty of administrator or king to rule the kingdom or people. This is a secret Sastra and should be learned only from an Acharya . It may look like a silly doubt but Im really curious. In chapters 10 and 11, Krishna reveals himself as the Supreme Being and finally displays his Vishvarupa to Arjuna. Read Prabhupadas books and get in contact with Prabhupada and Krishna and all the great saints and sages who appear in Prabhupadas books. Thank you for your all mails and need Krishna mercy not only for me, all world need Krishna mercy. 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