It is the expectation of the Committee that the health care field will find these recommended data elements to be fundamentally important for any collection of person and health care encounter data and will consider these elements and standardized definitions for inclusion in their data collection efforts wherever possible. Any new data items, as well as the old, must be produced with clear instruction on data collection and coding. Don L. Zimmerman, Ph.D. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. 37. In addition to the presentations at the meetings, more than 100 written responses to the solicitation letter were reviewed and considered. Physician including specialty or field of practice, Includes, but is not limited to, the patients complaints and symptoms reflecting his or her own, perception of needs, provided verbally or in writing by the patient at the point of entry into the, Race and ethnicity in the United States Census, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, Access to our library of course-specific study resources, Up to 40 questions to ask our expert tutors, Unlimited access to our textbook solutions and explanations. They have influenced the claim forms on which Medicare and Medicaid data sets are based. In the early 1990's, it formed an Ad Hoc Work Group on Confidentiality to study issues related to confidentiality, unique personal identifiers and data linkage across time and systems. Core Health Data Elements Project The Committee has recognized that data confidentiality is a major concern in the collection of health data from an increasing number of sites, and the Committee has long been concerned with personal privacy and data confidentiality issues. Other Procedures (inpatient) - All other procedures that meet the criteria described in element 33. 12. One would be through the use of a state-level or regional-level organization that already has a line of communication with other organizations. The report provides important background information on coordinators and promoters of standards development; lead standards-development organizations; organizations developing performance measures indicators; departmental organizations; international organizations; and others. It is hoped that the system will improve the coordination of benefits, as well as providing access to information about health insurance and making it easier to track third party liability situations. We realized that the industry needed a standardized dataset that provides essential elements for EHR documentation. Patient's Stated Reason for Visit or Chief Complaint (outpatient) - Includes the patient's stated reason at the time of the encounter for seeking attention or care. Department of Veterans Affairs, John A. Hornik, Ph.D. 38. The ever-expanding sites of care, combined with the increasing use of electronic data, make it imperative that all health data collection activities, where possible, utilize standardized data elements and definitions. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal government site. Permanente Medical Group What clothing brands were popular in the 50s? What does Lo Debar represent in the Bible? Personal Identification The unique number assigned to each patient within a hospital that distinguishes the patient and his or her hospital record from all others in that institution. It is recommended that convergence of these guidelines be investigated. Living/Residential Arrangement - The following definitions are recommended by the NCVHS: Multiple responses to this item are possible. Provide stable resources to the project to establish an interdepartmental work group, with DHHS taking the lead, to work with the key standards-setting organizations in the area of core health data elements. Type of admission C. Gender D. Reason for encounter D. Reason for encounter What is the purpose of data mapping? In addition, the historical knowledge of the NCVHS and its earlier decisions in the area of data standardization played a role in the preparation of a listing of core data elements and, where possible, recommended definitions. It is possible that the description of functional status may entail more than a single measure, thus needing space for more than one measure and/or an additional element to document the scale used. Facility Identification - The unique HCFA identifier as described above. B.Spouse 4. What is Uacds? Department of Veteran's Affairs (19), Lora Kraus With the use of UHDDS-defined data, for example, state and private abstracting systems have been providing comparable state and local data for health planners for many years. The elements described in this section refer to information collected on enrollment or at an initial visit to a health care provider or institution. It also may be required to verify benefits. ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials ). Bureau of Health Professions, HRSA, Fernando M. Trevino, Ph.D., M.P.H. Procedures and Services (outpatient) - As recommended by the UACDS, describe all diagnostic procedures and services of any type including history, physical examination, laboratory, x-ray or radiograph, and others that are performed pertinent to the patient's reasons for the encounter; all therapeutic services performed at the time of the encounter; and all preventive services and procedures performed at the time of the encounter. Currently, data are often shared within a facility in an identifiable format. 4. Health Care Facility and Practitioner Identifiers - Each provider should have a universal unique number across data systems. Those present at the November and December 1995 NCVHS regional meetings agreed that the establishment of a unique identifier is the most important core data item. The major objectives of this project include the production of a report assessing existing data for care provided to persons with disabilities in institutional and community long term care settings, as well as in rehabilitation. Children's Memorial Hospital, Ernest J. Sessa Review state-of-the-art of widely used core data sets in the United States and other countries (including coding and formatting features that allow for flexibility); ANSI (American National Standards Institute). The database will contain payer names, billing addresses and business information. The UHDDS and UACDS have recommended the collection of all charges for procedures and services rendered to the patient during a hospitalization or encounter. The categories in this element were recommended by the UHDDS for primary and secondary sources of payment. There may be more than one health care provider identified: A.The health care practitioner professionally responsible for the services, including ambulatory procedures, delivered to the patient (health care practitioner of record) Another problem is that, although the HHS Data Council has recently established a Health Data Standards Committee, until the past few months, there has been no central location within the Department for monitoring the activities of the data standards groups. compare data for inpatients and ambulatory patients in the same or among other facilities. It is of vital importance to participate in and/or be members of the numerous data standards groups. Ideally, one would also collect income to more fully define socioeconomic status. 36. 30. The Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set, or UHDDS, is used for reporting inpatient data in acute-care, short-term care, and long-term care hospitals. 35. Mactas A commonly used measure is the person's rating of his or her own general health, as in the five-category classification, "excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor." Discharge Date (inpatient) - Year, month, and day of discharge as currently recommended in the UHDDS and by ANSI ASC X12. External Cause of Injury - This item should be completed whenever there is a diagnosis of an injury, poisoning, or adverse effect. There is less agreement on data definitions, even for data items that have been in the field for years. The increasing use of electronic data, the evolving managed care field, and the growing requirement for performance monitoring and outcomes research have made it imperative that all health data collection activities, where possible, utilize standardized data elements and definitions. During the NCVHS review of core health data elements, discussion arose regarding the specificity of diagnoses reported The official national outpatient/physician coding and reporting guidelines provide instruction that a suspected or rule out condition not be reported as though it is a confirmed diagnosis. In some instances, lists of items were received with many basic data items not included. The set includes reasons for the encounter, living arrangements, and marital status. Birth weight of newborn is readily available in the medical record and has singular importance for risk-adjustment outcome studies and health policy development related to maternal and infant health. To transmit electronic data C. To create a process for transmitting data to external users D. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Amy Fine These data assist in the examination of disparities in stage of illness, care, and outcome, some of which have been documented in the past among racial and ethnic groups. 33-35. New York, using the last 4 digits of the Social Security Number, with other characteristics (such as date of birth), indicated a match rate exceeding 99 percent. Health Care Financing Administration, Brenda Spillman NCQA (National Committee for Quality Assurance). Throughout the meetings it became apparent that many standards-setting groups are moving ahead without broader input, for example, from those in the public health and epidemiology fields. Secondary Source - The secondary source, if any, that will be responsible for the next largest percentage of the patient's current bill. 200 Independence Avenue, SW Health Care Financing Administration. Participation is voluntary, and HCFA, which is funding its development, has been working to get consensus about the kind of system that would be useful. UACDS. Any unit of data defined for processing is a data element; for example, ACCOUNT NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS and CITY. Percutaneous exchange of transvenous right atrial and ventricular leads of a pacemaker, which was initially placed three years ago; battery remains intact. "Payers" are defined as public and private entities that have contract responsibility for health care payment. A listing of the Core Health Data Elements grouped by level of readiness for implementation is provided after the section with the definitions of each data element. Medications Prescribed - Describe all medications prescribed or provided by the health care practitioner at the encounter (for outpatients) or given on discharge to the patient (for inpatients), including, where possible, National Drug Code, dosage, strength, and total amount prescribed. In August 1994, the Department asked the Committee to provide information and advice that will help maximize the utility of core person and encounter data for meeting the Department's responsibilities. Performance monitoring and outcomes research are two additional areas that are currently hampered by the inability to link data sets from various sources due to varying data elements and definitions. Which of the following data elements is unique to UACDS A. Also, describe, to the extent possible, the provision of drugs and biologicals, supplies, appliances and equipment. The draft systems requirement definition was issued in January, 1995. University of Nebraska Medical Center, Deborah M. Nadzam, Ph.D., R.N. What does ambulatory care include? Oak Orchard Community Health Center, Geraldine Nicholson Additional evaluation and testing are warranted for this important information. The NCVHS notes that the Department of Veterans Affairs routinely collects this element, and thus approves the continued inclusion in this core list, pending a review of uses and users of this element. An official website of the United States government. Uniform Ambulatory Care Data Set. Kunitz and Associates, Inc. Laura B. Landrum Health Resources & Services Administration, Office of Policy Coordination, Nancy Moss, Ph.D. 23. Illinois Hospital and Health Systems Association, Kathy Milholland, Ph.D., R.N. Location or Address of Encounter (outpatient) - The full address and Zip Code (nine digits preferred) for the location at which care was received from the health care practitioner of record (see 19A.). Health Care Financing Administration, Christine Rice Which is a data element of the Uniform Ambulatory Care data set Uacds )? The Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) is the principal advisor to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on policy development, and is responsible for major activities in policy coordination, legislation development, strategic planning, policy research, evaluation, and economic analysis. Deborah Lieberman, MHSA, OTR/L, PAOTA If there appear to be two procedures that are principal, then the one most related to the principal diagnosis should be selected as the principal procedure. The collection of this element allows for the investigation of issues surrounding health and health care by a person's race and ethnic background. ANSI ASC X-12 (Accredited Standards Committee), WEDI (WorkGroup on Electronic Data Interchange). Several major issues were raised that were broader than the discussions of specific data elements. Although there is agreement that "payments" or "costs" are needed, most participants agreed that it is virtually impossible to collect these items consistently across time and locations. For children under the age of 18, the mother's highest grade of schooling completed should be obtained. Qualifier for Other Diagnoses (inpatient), 28. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Stephen E. Marcus, Ph.D. Lovassen chapter 24 Case Scenarios 5.The patient was assaulted by an unknown assailant and had stab wounds (lacerations) to the chest and neck. Diagnosis Chiefly Responsible for Services Provided (outpatient), 38. These elements apply to persons seen in both ambulatory and inpatient settings, unless otherwise specified. Updates of activities in each of the agencies are presented to the Committee on a regular basis. Self-Reported Health Status - There was much interest in documenting health status, one element that can precipitate the demand for health care and help determine the prognosis, although there was no consensus on how its definition should be standardized. Which data is collected on Medicare and Medicaid patients? UACDS. Biometrics, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Food and Drug Adm. Elizabeth Grossman National Center for Health Statistics, David P. Winchester, M.D. All have significant value and could result in the collection of four separate data elements. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The immediate goal of the NPI/NPF project is to support HCFA's Medicare Transaction System initiative by providing a single, universal method for enumerating the providers who serve Medicare beneficiaries. The National Committee is well aware of the numerous efforts currently underway in both the public and private sectors to standardize health data, especially the progress made during the past 10-15 years in developing uniform data sets (Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set and the Uniform Ambulatory Care Data Set) as well as common claim forms (Uniform Bill 82 and its successor UB 92 and HCFA 1500). College of American Pathologists, Division of Government and Prof. Affairs. Half of the ten major employers who were asked to participate declined; only four actually sent in a data set. The latter element, which describes all conditions requiring evaluation and/or treatment or management at the time of the encounter as designated by the health care practitioner, has been divided into two elements: 1) the diagnosis chiefly responsible for services provided, and 2) other diagnoses. It also includes data elements specific to ambulatory care, such as the reason for the encounter with the healthcare provider. To document the current status of activities in the field, the Committee awarded a contract to produce a Compendium of Core Data Elements. American Society of Ophthaimic Registered Nurses. A listing of all participants in the two meetings as well as those who provided written responses at any point in the process is found in appendix E. The Committee reviewed all of the input received from the hearings, meetings, letters and other communications. Principal Diagnosis (inpatient) - As recommended by the UHDDS, the condition established after study to be chiefly responsible for occasioning the admission of the patient to the hospital or nursing home for care. Information on multiple diagnoses is important for developing severity indexes and assessing resource requirements and use. For the first 12 elements, with the exception of unique identifier, information may not need to be collected at each encounter. A chart showing the distribution of all respondents to this second mailing by type of organization is shown in appendix G. The importance of participating in meetings of the various standard-setting groups has been recognized by the Committee. There have been several proposals for Federal legislation in recent years; however, to date, no Federal legislation protecting the confidentiality of health records exists. However, AHCPR is in the process of publishing findings indicating definitional discrepancies even within the organizations collecting the UHDDS. The identification, definition, and implementation of standardized data in the health care and health care information fields are long overdue. Operative Report PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Recurrent sigmoid volvulus and tumor POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Recurrent sigmoid volvulus and tumor OPERATION: Directions: Discussion Overview: Choose a specific commonly collected data set (UHDDS, CDC, NCDB, UACDS, OASIS, HEDIS, etc.) Kaiser Permanente, Medical Economics, Kathleen H. Fyffe A large number were collected by only a few of the data sets. 17-23. The Committee recognizes that a person's social support system can be an important determinant of his or her health status, access to health care services, and use of services. The currently recommended coding instrument is the ICD-9-CM. Information on all patient problems and diagnoses requiring attention at the encounter are needed to assess the quality of care delivered, to determine what types of health problems are being seen and treated in the different types of ambulatory care facilities, and for assessing the appropriateness of the setting used to perform the services. Foundation for Health Care Quality, Terry Rudd 33. American Medical Association, Zili Sloboda, Sc.D. 13. [Uniform Ambulatory Care Data Set (UACDS)]: A core set of data elements used to report ambulatory data elements in standardized manner. 4. If the HCFA system does not have separate identification numbers for parts of a hospital (i.e., Emergency Department, Outpatient Department), an additional element (such as element 13) will need to be collected along with the facility ID to differentiate these settings. Date of Birth - Year, month and day - As recommended by the UHDDS and the Uniform Ambulatory Care Data Set (UACDS). Non-excision all debridement of stage three pressure ulcer of subcutaneous tissue of buttock. In 1989, NCVHS approved the UACDS, recommending its use in. These activities could take several forms. Circulate the report within the Department for review and constructive criticism. National Academy for State Health Policy, Marie Roberto, Dr.P.H. This item would be collected at first clinical visit and periodically updated, at least annually. Health Care Practitioner Specialty 1/, 27. Emily Friedman Health Policy Analysis, Del Fulgencio The NCVHS has undertaken parallel efforts to identify elements specific to mental health, substance abuse, disability and long-term care settings. Medicare decided a PAYERID was needed because of the difficulty its contractors were having in transferring claims to other insurance companies, due to incomplete information or multiple names for payers. In addition, home address will allow the application of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) technology to the analysis of health issues. H.Left against medical advice or discontinued care. Center for Mental Health Services, Corinne Kirchner, Ph.D. The set includes reasons for the encounter, living arrangements, and marital status. University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Inpatient Administration, Charles J. Rothwell 8. Sex, age, and race of the patient. Operating Clinician identification 1/. A data element is defined by size (in characters) and type (alphanumeric,. ), particularly when used alone, and impediments (legal and otherwise) to its use. American Medical Peer Review Association, Kathleen A. Weis, Dr. P.H. The Committee recommends that the HCFA identifier be adopted when completed. The site is secure. The Committee recognizes the importance of having both data items and identical definitions in order to compare and analyze data elements. More recently, the Department has been asked by the Vice President to play a leadership role, working with the Committee, in accelerating evolution of public and private health information systems toward more uniform, shared data standards. Race and ethnicity B. From the respondents, a total of 138 different data elements were obtained. and provide a thorough description of what you have chosen. offices, the location of the usual or principal place of practice should be given. Molly A. Anthony, Ph.D. There is not one agreed-upon coding system for this item; the International Classification of Primary Care, and the Reason For Visit Classification used by the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey are two such systems. The NPI/NPF will provide a common means of uniquely identifying health care providers, including institutions, individuals, and group practices, both Medicare providers and those in other programs. Functional assessment scales must also be age-appropriate. Providers, Insurers, and universities represented about 7 percent each. University of Virginia. University System of West Virginia, Curtis O. Porter Primary Source - The primary source that is expected to be responsible for the largest percentage of the patient's current bill. The Committee recognizes that not all providers are obtaining this detail, but it is anticipated that these data will be more frequently collected in the near future with the growth of computerized prescription information. Health Care Financing Administration, Steven B. Cohen This term is one that needs study and evaluation before it can be implemented. American Hospital Association, Dawn Carlson, Ph.D. of Socioeconomic and Practice Issures, American Academy of Dermatology, Harold S. Luft, Ph.D. In addition to requesting a written response from these experts, they were invited to participate in one of two special meetings organized by the Committee to discuss the project and to seek input. Procedures (inpatient) - All significant procedures, and dates performed, are to be reported. Members of the Committee and DHHS staff participate when possible, however, the increasing numbers of groups and meetings is problematic from a staff and budget point of view. If the recommended specifications are widely adopted, then problems--such as data incompatibility and high costs of collecting, linking, and using data--can be substantially reduced. HHS, HFCA, Bureau of Program Operations, Leo J. Nolan The study also found that with the multiracial option there was a considerable decline in percentage terms (approximately 29 percent) of respondents choosing American Indian, Eskimo or Aleut. B.The health care practitioner for each clinical service received by the patient, including ambulatory procedures. Attending Physician Identification (inpatient) - The unique national identification number assigned to the clinician of record at discharge who is responsible for the discharge summary, as recommended by the 1992 UHDDS. Consensus building on data elements and definitions was, as always, a complex issue. Southern California Public Health Association, John R. Lumpkin, M.D., M.P.H. 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