Kevins father, Larry, could not believe that Kevin was knocked out on marijuana or into any kind of heavy drugs because he was usually home when Kevin would come home from school and his mother, Linda, was home at nights; they had never seen him spaced out or seen any signs that he was into drugs. The weight of the heavy cargo train carried it for a full half mile. They have spent many hours at the spot where they were killed, wondering how it could have happened. No matter the medium, the end is always the same: no Moreover, the hospital where the boys were taken and examined kept no records of their presence there. More than 1,000 feet of the decelerating train crossed the point where the bodies lay before it came to a stop. After some time another intriguing lead surfaced. Several people were implicated in this conspiracy, which involved numerous investigations and two grand juries. The plan worked. The state medical examiner, Dr. Malak, concluded they had smoked the equivalent of twenty marijuana cigarettes. A second autopsy by Georgia medical examiner Dr. Joseph Burton found the equivalent of one or two marijuana cigarettes, not 20. Cuts in the fabric indicated that Don was stabbed before the train ran over him. She also worked with private investigators in her quest for answers. don henry and kevin ives theories don henry and kevin ives theories. The teenagers had stayed out late hunting the night before. the unsolved 1987 slaying of teenagers kevin ives and his friend, don henry, is one of the most high-profile homicide cases in arkansas history, with an investigation tinged with. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette file photo). AtConspiracy theoriesyou can read about real experiences or perhaps read about mind boggling instances that may or may not have taken places living up to the name of it being aconspiracy. While there, he allegedly witnessed the murders. That May, an editorial in the Benton Courier posited the possibility that the boys may have been murdered. They were lying exactly parallel on the tracks; their legs were across the rails, their torsos were between the tracks, and their arms were straight down by their sides. Rate and review titles you borrow and share your opinions on them. The AP will not be held liable for any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions therefrom or in the transmission or delivery of all or any part thereof or for any damages arising from any of the foregoing. Linda Ives, the mother of one of two teenagers whose bodies were found more than three decades ago on railroad tracks just outside of Little Rock, died Thursday morning at a Benton hospital without any closure in the highly publicized case surrounding her son's death. It was reported in February 2018 that former World Wrestling Federation wrestler Billy Jack Haynes had recorded a video testimony in which he claimed to have witnessed the murders of Ives and Henry while providing security for a drug trafficking drop in 1987. Unraveling Mysteries in Saline County Murders. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, December 26, 1999, p. 6J. The State medical examiner concluded they had smoked the equivalent of 20 marijuana joints and were in deep sleep when the oncoming train closed them. On June 3, 2021, Linda passed away at the age of seventy-one. For more information, contact 501-918-3025 Teenage boys are more likely to get themselves into a dangerous situation, but it shouldnt result in their. He was certain that the tarp was there. On the same night the boys died, a similar-looking man dressed in military fatigues was spotted nearby. The locomotive engineer engaged the brakes while blowing the horn, but the train could not stop in time and rolled over the bodies. A federal judge later dismissed many of the agencies listed, but ordered three of them to turn over the pertinent documents to him. Their bodies were placed on rail road tracks, later to be run over by a train. Anonymous tips to the telecenter suggested that Kevin and Don were murdered by drug traffickers, and that they may have stumbled onto them in the middle of a "drug drop". Their parents would not accept Dr. Malaks conclusion. Newly appointed prosecutor Richard Garrett had Kevin and Dons bodies exhumed for a second autopsy to be performed by a noted expert. When Stephen laid down on the diesel horn, he got no reaction from them. He placed the train into an emergency stop position and laid down on the horn. Prior to working on this case, Garrett never carried a gun. The ensuing investigation unearthed an intriguing lead. One of them would shine a light in the animals eyes, transfixing the prey while the other fired. Several witnesses who testified before the grand jury were charged with drug trafficking and other offenses. "[5] When it was found that Don Henry's shirt contained evidence of a stab wound to the back, and Kevin Ives' skull may have been crushed by his own rifle, the ruling was changed to "definite homicide. The boys' bodies were terribly mangled. The spot where their bodies were found was about a mile from the home of Henrys family in Alexander. However, no suspects were identified. Arkansas criminal politician and was asked if I would provide muscle at an He later served time in prison on federal drug and racketeering charges. When they were about six poles away from Kevin and Don, his conductor yelled out big-o and he immediately realized that there were bodies on the tracks. To him, it looked like they had been laid out by someone. The same man was also spotted on the night that Don and Kevin died. So far, Kevin and Don had avoided being caught. Details: In the pre-dawn hours of August 23, 1987, a seventy-five car, 6,000 ton cargo train made its regular night run to Little Rock, Arkansas. Suspects: A week before Kevin and Don were killed, an unidentified man wearing military fatigues was spotted in the vicinity of the tracks. Kevin and Don had avoided being caught. His behavior was suspicious. homicide. June 13, 2020 - Latest Upload: Murder On The Tracks - The Billy Jack Haynes Story 20 2019 Upload: American Re-Made - The Real . The boys had reportedly left home about midnight to go hunting. To cover their tracks, they laid them on the railroad tracks and covered them up with a tarp. The case was profiled on the television program Unsolved Mysteries. The tragic story has been brought to life in books, When police officer Danny Allen attempted to stop him, the man opened fire and managed to disappear into the night. ", "Her determination and iron will have left an indelible mark and moved mountains," Alicia Ives continued. Continue with Recommended Cookies. One week before the boys were killed, a man wearing military fatigues was spotted near the train tracks. The day after, the case was officially reopened. Killing of Don Henry and Kevin Ives On August 23, 1987, the bodies of 16-year-old Don Henry and 17-year-old Kevin Ives were hit by a freight train in Alexander, Arkansas as they lay on the tracks. Don Henry's father also noted that he did not believe his son would have risked his gun getting scratched by laying it on gravel. However, just like Jean . Former Saline County prosecuting attorney Dan Harmon investigated the case and presented evidence to the grand jury. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. He is not sure why someone would do that, however. Psychokinesis: A hoax Or A Mind-Bending Ability! Karen Spears, a friend of Linda Ives who met her couple of years after Kevin Ives' death, spoke of her determination for justice. Six months after the incident, a three-day-long hearing was held in the Saline County Courthouse in Benton, with the Ives and Henry families hoping to get a new ruling. Today Kendall and Josh discuss the case of Don Henry & Kevin Ives. Lying parallel to both of them was Dons .22 rifle. Real or Fake: Can Zero-Gravity Positively Make You Weightless? The parents of the boys insisted on a second autopsy, and after exhumation it was ruled that homicide was likely. View original page. Cody Lynn Berry A new autopsy revealed that they only smoked 1 to 3 joints. They hoped to force the authorities to reopen the investigation. Ashokas 9 Unknown Men Indias Illuminati? It is not known if the boys were Kevin and Don. The locomotive engineer engaged the brakes while blowing the horn, but the train could not stop in time and rolled over the bodies. What had caused Kevin and Don to lie side-by-side on the railroad tracks? A month after that, the grand jury ruled their deaths a probable homicide. Before leaving Arkansas, Burton told Garrett that, per his calculations, the two boys had smoked only one or two joints of marijuana before their deaths.. Links: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! On November 15, 2017, a federal judge ordered three defendants in the suitthe Executive Office of U.S. The CALS Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization. Kevin waited on the porch while Don went inside to talk to his father, Curtis. [11] Keith McCaskle, also implicated in the murder,[11] was stabbed to death by an unknown attacker[12] on November 10, 1988.[13]. State officialsincluding the state medical examiner, Dr. Fahmy Malakruled the boys death as an apparent suicide despite the fact that all four parents disputed the ruling. Their families have conducted their own investigations and are still hoping that the case can be solved. In August 2016, a new lawsuit was filed by Linda Ives citing a violation of the Freedom of Information Act by local and federal officials, or stonewalling, in relation to the boys deaths. The second Prime Minister of India - Lal Bahadur Shastri, was also a senior leader of the Indian National Congress party. In the tragic evening, Kevin and Don met a group of friends at the commuter parking lot a popular gathering place for the local teenagers in Bryant, Arkansas. Little Rock, AR. The train was over a mile long and was traveling at a speed of fifty-two miles per hour. He determined that they had been in a deep sleep induced by the "psychedelic" effects of the drug and had never heard the oncoming train. The two left around midnight to go back to Dons house. All Rights Reserved. Was The Old Mill really used as a movie set in this classic film? Real Names:Larry Kevin Ives and Donald George Henry [citation needed] Keith McCaskle, also implicated in the murder,[citation needed] was stabbed to death by an unknown attacker on November 10, 1988. Police officer Danny Allen stopped to question him. Alicia Ives, Linda Ives' daughter, did not return calls from the Arkansas Democrat Gazette concerning her mother's death. So far, the run had been clear sailing, as engineer Stephen Shroyer approached the small town of Bryant, Arkansas. By March 1989, another recipient of a subpoena to appear before the grand jury, Daniel Boonie Bearden, had disappeared. Another death supposedly connected with the case was that of twenty-one-year-old Jeffrey Edward Rhodes, whose body was found in a landfill in April 1989. The area was searched, but he was never found. "The criminal politician suspected that some drug money drops were being stolen.". Leveritt says in her book that his conviction and the resulting eleven-year prison sentence handed down in 1998 proved, to the boys parents at least, that their sons deaths had occurred in an environment of local corruption. Despite the exhaustive collection of details that Leveritt provides in the book, she offers no answers to the questions it raises. The two boys were identified as sixteen-year-old Don Henry and seventeen-year-old Kevin Ives. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. He was Ashoka, also widely known as Ashoka The Great was the third ruler of the Mauryan Empire. The boys bodies were terribly damaged but were later identified as 16-year-old Don Henry and 17-year-old Kevin Ives.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'conspiracytheories_in-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',620,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-conspiracytheories_in-medrectangle-4-0'); The reports revealed that the boys were under the influence Within about three seconds, they hit the boys. He does not believe that anyone could sleep through that kind of noise. 2023 Encyclopedia of Arkansas. Haynes said that the teens were murdered by people "working for the same criminal politician.". The case allowed for numerous theories. Garrett then focused on the green tarp. "I would just like to thank everyone out there who has been supportive," Linda Ives said in the video. In light of this new evidence, the grand jury changed its ruling from probable homicide to definite homicide. They made no attempt to rise.". In a video posted on January 23, Billy. The Trail Went Cold - Episode 213 - The Boys On The Track (Part 1) August 23, 1987. The state medical examiner, Dr. Fahmy Malak, ruled the deaths an accident as a result of marijuana intoxication, saying the boys had smoked the equivalent of 20 marijuana cigarettes and fell asleep on the tracks. He ruled their deaths an accident. Newly appointed prosecutor Richard Garrett had Kevin and Dons bodies exhumed for a second autopsy to be performed by a noted expert. Arkansas parents dispute ruling on sons' deaths, Parents Doubt Report Blaming Marijuana: Youths' Deaths on Train Tracks Probed, Forensic photos indicate teens were injured prior to being struck by train, Garrett says, Second Autopsy Report Concludes Teens Murdered, Saline County Sheriff criticizes Malak for his handling of deaths, Prosecutor says teens hit by train may have seen drug dealers before death, Prosecutor: Teens killer will be brought to justice, Teens deaths ruled homicides after parents push for facts. cigarettes, not 20 as the first report stated. 16-year old Don Henry and 17-year old Kevin Ives head into the woods to do some late-night hunting, but never return. The Murders of Kevin Ives and Don Henry Shortly after midnight on August 23, 1987, teenagers Kevin Ives and Don Henry set out to go night hunting in the wooded area near Don's home in Bryant, Arkansas. Kevin Ives and Don Henry on Encyclopedia of Arkansas, Friends, Train Crew Subpoenaed In Investigation Of Deaths Of Teens, Malak Ruling In Train Deaths Of Teens Challenged By Pathologist, Jury asks FBI to probe train deaths in Newton County, Jury 'not completely pleased' with progress in investigation of two Bryant teens' deaths, Drugs cause of deaths? She hoped to force eight federal agencies and three Arkansas-based law enforcement agencies to produce any documents they had about the case. It also looked into an alleged drug ring in Saline County which ran out of Mena Airport and was covered up by police. It was also the subject of a book, "The Boys on the Tracks", by Mara Leveritt, published by Bird Call Press in 1999. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. However, many do not consider him to be a credible source. When police officer Danny Allen stopped to question him, the man opened fire. He took Curtis spotlight and took his own .22 rifle. The Crime Logs mission is bring awareness to crimes which are both solved and unsolved. Your Arkansas weather forecast from THV11. As a result, the families were not able to move forward with their investigation. The boys were typical teenagers. The ensuing investigation unearthed an intriguing lead. The area was searched, but he was never found. When Stephen laid down on the diesel horn, he got no reaction from them. Ivan Pavlovs Classical Conditioning Theory. In Hogden, Oklahoma, just 200 miles west of Little Rock, two young men,Billy Hainline and Dennis Decker, lying together on the railroad tracks had been run over by a locomotive in 1984. In her fight for justice, Linda Ives became the central figure of an award winning book by investigative journalist Mara Leveritt titled Boys on the Tracks: Death, Denial, and a Mother's Crusade to Bring Her Son's Killers to Justice, published in 1999. Listen to their story now told by Holly! Police speculated that Kevin and Don's may have been related to drug trafficking. All rights reserved. He was murdered Investigation of the case of Kevin Ives and Don Henry, The Mysterious Death of Lal Bahadur Shastri, Was Queen Elizabeth A King? It is not known if the boys were Kevin and Don. They were lying exactly across the tracks; their legs were across the rails, their torsos were between the tracks, and their arms were straight down by their sides. New York: St. Martins Press, 1999. Don was a natural comedian and Kevin was his best audience. The trains crew immediately reported the incident to railroad officials and to local law enforcement at Benton (Saline County), where the train had come to a full stop. The hospital clerk told an investigator, per Leveritt, Thats why the families were not billed. However, a medical report found by an EMT at the tracks that night noted that the boys blood looked like it lacked oxygen, raising questions about whether Ives and Henry were already dead when the train hit them. Police never found a tarp.[3]. In 1995, the investigation into Kevin and Don's murders was officially closed without their killer(s) captured or identified. They were partially covered by a light green tarp. The train was over a mile long and was traveling at a speed of fifty-two miles per hour. Dan Harmon, a prosecutor of the case, who was later arrested for dealing drugs, is one person implicated in the murder. The Murder Of Seth Rich: A Robbery Gone Awry Or A Conspiracy? Kevin and Don set off to go spotlighting, a form of night hunting which is illegal in Arkansas. On her Facebook page, Alicia Ives wrote: "The world has lost a bright light. One week before the boys . Hours later, the two boys are seen lying on some railroad tracks before they are run over by a cargo train and the . On January 22, 1989, twenty-six-year-old Greg Collins, who had been called to testify before the grand jury, died from three shotgun blasts to the face. Their parents would not accept Dr. Malaks conclusion. The deaths of Ives and Henry were among those to which Bill Clinton was supposedly connected. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. However, since he started working on it, he has carried one. On August 23, 1987, the bodies of 16-year-old Don Henry and 17-year-old Kevin Ives were hit by a freight train in Alexander, Arkansas, United States, as they lay on the tracks. He took Curtiss spotlight and took his own .22 rifle. Three hours later, Stephen Shroyers locomotive came speeding down Bryant Hill. Nearby were a .22 caliber rifle and a flashlight. Killing of Don Henry and Kevin Ives On August 23, 1987, the bodies of 16-year-old Don Henry and 17-year-old Kevin Ives were hit by a freight train in Alexander, Arkansas, United States, as they lay on the tracks. Curtis recalls that Don came into his bedroom at around 12:15am. The locomotive engineer engaged the brakes while blowing the horn, but the train could not stop in time and rolled over the bodies. And both were partially covered by a green tarp. However, on the night of Saturday, August 22, 1987, Kevin and Don met a group of friends on the outskirts of Little Rock at a favorite gathering place for the local teenagers. Date: August 23, 1987. On February 26, 1988, five days after the hearing, the cause of the boys deaths was changed from accidental to undetermined. Following the discovery of new information after a second autopsy of the two boys bodies by Georgia medical examiner Dr. Joseph Burton, the case was put before a grand jury in April 1988. He does not believe that anyone could sleep through that kind of noise. Cerne Abbas GiantThe Mysterious Hill Giants of England, Death Of Nelson Mandela And The Existence Of The Multiverse. In July 1988, a grand jury reversed Dr. Malaks original finding of accidental death and officially ruled their deaths "probable homicides". The boys also had a gun on them that night and a flashlight, double homicide. Extra Notes: Results: Unresolved. He said that he and Kevin were going to go out hunting. The unsolved 1987 slaying of teenagers Kevin Ives and his friend, Don Henry, is one of the most high-profile homicide cases in Arkansas history, with an investigation tinged with international intrigue, conspiracy theories of local corruption and allegations of cover-ups that went as high as some of the most powerful political institutions in the United States. As a result, the grand jury changed its ruling from "probable homicide" to "definite homicide". This time, he was leaving town, heading down a road less than 200 yards from the spot where Kevin and Don were later hit. Creating an account gives you access to all these features. The officers later returned to the scene without the boys. The focus of the investigations turned toward allegations that their deaths had something to do with drug trafficking, and some additional people were thought to be connected to the deaths or to have informationpeople who knew each other and supposedly knew things about what Leveritt calls the countys drug underworld. Two days after Steed lost the election, Keith McKaskle, one of Harmons informants in the case who was asked by Harmon to take aerial photographs of the crime scene, was murdered. One theory given a . Five minutes later, Celine County officers showed up. Linda wondered, if they were that stoned, how were they able to lie down in identical positions? Associated Press text, photo, graphic, audio and/or video material shall not be published, broadcast, rewritten for broadcast or publication or redistributed directly or indirectly in any medium. On the weekends, they went to double dates with their girlfriends. The state medical examiner, Dr. Fahmy Malak, said they had been under the influence of marijuana and ruled the deaths accidental. Booie Bearden is my nephew and still hasnt been found. This doctor concluded that together, they had smoked not twenty, but between one and three marijuana cigarettes. This time, he was leaving town, heading down a road less than 200 yards from the spot where the bodies were run over. Families don't accept explanation, Marijuana coma? Dan Harmon, a prosecutor of the case, who was later arrested for dealing drugs,[10] is one person implicated in the murder. It was featured in a two-part episode of "The Trail Went Cold" podcast. It seemed difficult to believe that they would lay on the tracks without moving a muscle, while a huge freight train was hurtling towards them blaring its horn. Thats the last time he saw his son and his best friend alive. Several conspiracy theorists online have tried to connect Rich's death as well as "The Boys on the Track" to the widely debunked "Clinton Body Count" conspiracy theory. The two victims were identified as 16-year-old Don Henry and 17-year-old Kevin Ives, best friends and popular seniors at Bryant High School. This document may not be reprinted without the express written permission of Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Inc. Material from the Associated Press is Copyright 2023, Associated Press and may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Onthe night Kevin and Don were killed, witnesses again saw the man in military fatigues. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The weight of the heavy cargo train carried it for a full half mile. However, he was never charged in the case or officially labeled a suspect. . Nelson Mandela, born on 18 July 1918, was the President of South Africa. Linda Ives filed several lawsuits to try to obtain documents and any other evidence that might reveal who killed her son. Manage Settings How Did The Indus Valley Civilization Decline? A second autopsy by Georgia medical examiner Dr. Joseph Burton found the equivalent of one or two marijuana cigarettes, not 20. In the early hours of August 23rd, 1987, they also died together. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'conspiracytheories_in-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_1',624,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-conspiracytheories_in-large-mobile-banner-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'conspiracytheories_in-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_2',624,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-conspiracytheories_in-large-mobile-banner-2-0_1');.large-mobile-banner-2-multi-624{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}, Haynes says he sobered up a few years ago and reached out to Larry and Linda Ives after years of guilt. He was known for his anti-apartheid and philanthropic works. He feels that his life could be in danger. Haynes also claimed that the politician believed police officers were involved in the theft of the drug money. They were lying motionless on the tracks, in a position nearly identical to Kevin and Dons. were killed by the dealers who found them. Around midnight, the boys left to Don's house to get .22 rifle to go "spotlighting" a method of night hunting animals using off-road vehicles or flashlights, transfixing the prey, while the other fires. Just like all the other cold cases, even this case file was That night, they chose their usual hunting ground, along the railroad tracks that ran behind Dons house. When it was found that Don Henry's shirt contained evidence of a stab wound to the back, and Kevin Ives' skull may have been crushed by his own rifle, the ruling was changed to "definite homicide." They have spent many hours at the spot where they were killed, wondering how it could have happened. When police officer Danny Allen stopped to question him, the man opened fire at him. They believe that Kevin and Don walked up on something that they were not supposed to see; they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. It seemed difficult to believe that they would lay on the tracks without moving a muscle, while a huge freight train was hurtling towards them blaring its horn. In 1996, Linda and film producer Patrick Matrisciana released the film, "Obstruction of Justice," which detailed the botched investigation into the murders. In March of 1987, a major plot twist appeared in the case when Billy Jack Haynes wrestled in front of a record-setting audience off 93,000 fans at the Pontiac Silverdome in Detroit, Michigan during Wrestle mania 3. It is also known as the "Boys on the Tracks" case. "I come to you straight face-to-face because this is reality, man.". With the help of lawyers Dan Henry and Richard Garrett, Malaks ruling of accidental death was overturned, but the result was hardly definitive. The apparent murder in Saline County in 1987 of seventeen-year-old Kevin Ives and sixteen-year-old Don Henry has spurred ongoing controversy, including conspiracy theories tying their deaths to a drug-smuggling scandal. His behavior had aroused suspicion. Steed had also lied about where he had sent the boys clothes for examination. They had a quick chat with Dons father and said they would go hunting near the train tracks. These Central American drug war/Cold War ops were run by Langley frat . The bodies were lying between the tracks, wrapped in a pale green tarp; there was a gun nearby. Teacher * Psychology * Unsolved Crime * Forensics * Mystery * Animal Lover * Fashion * Southern California, One XY Mans Life as an XO Woman (#GamerGirl Appendix), To my Irish American Family on St. Patricks Day. [14]. 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All your favorite fandoms in one place over him their girlfriends police officer Danny Allen stopped question... Linda passed away at the spot where they were lying motionless on the night before Kevin. Charged with drug trafficking Facebook page, Alicia Ives continued has been supportive, '' Alicia Ives.! Conspiracy, which involved numerous investigations and are still hoping that the case, never... Over the pertinent documents to him, the grand jury, '' Linda Ives filed several to. In identical positions the book, she offers no answers to the grand jury ruled their deaths `` probable ''. Not known if the boys deaths was changed from accidental to undetermined return! Concerning her mother 's death around 12:15am fandoms in one place were,. Into Kevin and Don set off to go back to Dons house everyone there. Found a tarp. [ 3 ] Robbery Gone Awry or a conspiracy smoked the equivalent of or., man. `` were not able to lie side-by-side on the tracks, they went to double with... 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A form of night hunting which is illegal in Arkansas seventeen-year-old Kevin Ives into. Was searched, but the train was over a mile long and was at! Waited on the railroad tracks and covered them up with a tarp [! Could sleep through that kind of noise Logs mission is bring don henry and kevin ives theories to crimes which both... Why someone would do that, the case p. 6J to question him it... Of details that Leveritt provides in the case was officially reopened Giants of England death.
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