B) They are intelligent and they are well-adapted to living around humans. Are they in your head? Dont relocate wild critters yourself, either. Reviews. Reviews. same here Tina I am having the same problem . The smell permeates into the house making it unbearable inside. I called the sheriff because at the time I did not know it was a possum. Make sure you take control over the situation before possums do it. It finally got caught under the dishwasher & died yuck but found out that pouring amonia heavily around the premimeter of the house repells the rest of the family. They are more afraid of you. Moth balls really did help. good advice in this column, try following some of it. I agree with Stacy about this not being a safe sight for possums.. but hey Stacy. Make sure you monitor the trap daily as once the possum is captured they will not be able to source food or water. They would much, much prefer to eat a carcass bone than a live one! Because we just had to put down my daughters horse. Opossums very rarely carry rabies because of their unusually low (for mammals) body temperatures. Im not sure how these people that like opossums can. Where are these imaginary people who love having filthy, stupid possums around? Can I drop my possums in your yard since you love them so much.Can i? I am assuming it is crawling down the chimney. You are wrong about disease. You are wrong in that opposums do not carry disease and are totally harmless. The possums ate the kittens. Use spaces to separate tags. It can only be contracted through opposum feces, which can be in the hay, grain, or even water. Install a motion sensor light in areas where possums frequent. If you hate them kill them. Kill ticks, kill bugs, eat dead animals, help control snake numbers, and only come out at night so you rarely know they are there. I feel you Denise he can send me a check too for all of the duct repair I have had to do!!! And-like ANY animal, if cornered, or if protecting their young, of course they will become aggressive. I take pleasure in helping gods little creatures survive in a cruel world where horrible humans would rather harm or kill them. Im absolutely losing sleep over them. I hate this pest and now I need new carpet. I had a dog get loose and get poisoned by anti-freeze. Increasing the slope will make it more sensitive. You can remove possum from your roof. Itrsquos a zapper. You obviously didnt care too much about them to leave them outside. It never includes too much. Forget the diseases, we get it. This is my thought on the subject. We are having a problem with them and all the bacteria and diseases they do carry causes EPM in horses which is a parasite that is passed through their feces. Stucco lathe works well and allows for air flow. We tried everything to cure him. I had a tarp over a pile of wood in my backyard and saw the possum. They wont and Im not paying 85$ to have a man/woman drive here to pick it up. just buy a cheap capture cage from harbor freight, anything that smells and they cant help but get themselves caught. Sharing the Earth is fine, but not my house! I stepped into my large opened area backyard,in complete disbelief at what I was seeing. Get a life people!! These creatures do not need to live in my opinion! Those who suggest using poisons to kill animals themselves need to eat a few packages of it, and let us all know how you fare. We have to share the earth. Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects. And leave them where they lay. My house dog goes out to use the bathroom and if one was in the yard he would bark and not come inside.So I got a pit bull for my backyard and we just killed one tonight.They carry diseases so be careful letting your dogs get at them.another one bites the dust. when full grown they are immune to pit viper venom and kill and eat those snakes. A possum just ate 4 8 day old baby rabbits in my yard. My dog had one cornered last night and I got a net and caught it. Regular Price: I will have to call my landlord to get tide of them. Next morning a big agressive male was in the trap. They DO dig up your yard, cary diseases, make an unsanitary mess of your yard. Sleeping with this stench is almost unbearable. Whats wrong with these people? That means they board with you during the day and go out to forage during the night. opossums are the worst. And they are COVERED in fleas. There are over 15 million homeless dogs and cats on the streets and another 15 million and euthanized yearly because of people like you who do not spay their animals. Throw this over susceptible plants in the evening and remove the next morning. Its a case of they MAY become extinct is more important than the fact that were giving these creatures an advantage they never would have had in a natural ecosystem. Thats not normal you need help. What I thought to be a cat fight, as the neighbors tom cats will do at times, was not. I see stray Tom cats coming from there, as well as the possums. Everything weve tried to deter, short of killing him has simply made him more aggressive. I am scared to death. Losing him has ripped a hole in her heart so big it will take a very long time to heal. I dont want my kitties getting sick. Just dont kill them like the rest of the bastards on this site. So we cant do anything about it and Im so scared and it crosses over to our yard all the time I dont know what to do. Tonight Im sitting by the window right now waiting on him. So, how to catch these nasty creatures? All the best, msonnyt. All you people who want to save the possums need to start a fund to reimburse the livestock owners for sickness and death of horses and cattle. Home remedies for opossums have limited scientific backing. I stepped out into my back yard with a flash light, which I now wish was my shotgun. I was looking at the full moon and I look to the right and there he is. I am an animal lover but my neighbors animals do not belong on my property. For information on the dangers of asbestos, lead-based paint and CCA treated timber and tips for dealing with these materials contact your local council's Environmental Health Officer or visit our Health & Safety page. So why dont you tell my daughter that opposums are harmless and carry no diseases. Not to mention we have HUGE ISSUE WITH LITTLE OR NO ANTIBIOTIC DEFENSE. They move in to OUR territory / houses to find easy food. Forget the pellet gun, I going straight for the shot gun. Why do people think you can live in a vacuum? Only brushtail possums may be trapped. although they dont carry rabies they do carry many other diseases such as TB, can carry plubonic plague, and a few other nasty ones. But my luck they would die under my house. We have to share the earth . I have a family of possums that live underneath my house , it has killed two of my chickens and ate all the eggs the chickens had laid that week . It is all worth trying, if you dont they will try to get to make their home in your roof ceiling and if they cant find a way out thay die and decay. If you cared about your cat, you would keep her indoors or find her a home where the new owners would keep her indoors. These creatures related to koalas and kangaroos are wildly misunderstood. If you truly cared about those babies and their mama you would of found a place in your home or at least a garage to keep them in. Learn how to trap possums with a Flipping Timmy. Don't forget. I was told to leave rat poison out for it but, my cat lives outside. Yates Possum Repellent Spray helps protect your precious plants by deterring possums from feeding on sprayed plants. Possums are great animals to have in your yard. I have a nice bridge for sell in New York if youre interested. This is such BS! Its my property seems ridiculous just wondering if true. I dont want anything harsh that will hurt my dogs do Im hoping to try the mothballs/ammonia along the outside rim of the fence! Must not care too much about those babies, anything could of gotten them, including raccoon, hawks, stray dogs, a stray cat especially if its male, rats, just to name a few! I got to know that I hate their giant rat guts. Even with all the windows rolled down, sunroof open, air conditioning full blast, I was gagging. Was able to capture all three now their living in my cat carrier until I take them to a safe place. The possum played dead until my husband relocated it then it ran off. I live in the country and see a lot of animals and opossums. Thank heavens their shoulders were too big to come all the way through. How do I figure out how they got in? (anyone notice the irony & hypocrisy in THAT law?) wow all you people that actually get close enough to kill these possums you are freakin brave. ThanksI will try that! Recently visited the south island in New Zealand, their possum population eats 50 acres of vegetation per day, they like to feed on native bird eggs of which, are now becoming extinct, it is an environmental catastrophy of uncontrolable proportion. Its what to do after you catch the little buggers (and in some cases HUGE) I am having trouble with. The people who post here have PESTS they need to KILL not because we only like pretty animals or skinny animals or animals with nice hair, and not because we have made it our mission to eradicate a species we are just looking for advise on getting rid of a pest that is causing extensive & expensive damage to homes, pets, and/or livelihood. I am feeding 4 coons, 2 opossums, and a ground hog. How about you come over here and explain to Mr. Or Mrs. Possum that i would appreciate it if it would take its ass to the woods down the street and rough it instead of trying to live off me like all of the other obama lovers. And guess what. I am a disabled female veteran who lives with a small 7 pound toy poodle. i have a major problem with these things. i want a kill trap badly. Restore the balance! This video is a complete step-by-step guide on how to use a flipping timmy and trap possums in New Zealand. I say death to any animal 2 or 4 legged that invades my home!!! Thats really all they arenasty trash eating scavengers. The chicken coop is attached to the potting shed and there is wire fencing all around the structure, buried 2 feet under the ground. I wont say what it is. My dog was chained in my hallway so I dont think it went passed her. Pour about 200 mls (7 oz) of boiling water, stir and let infuse. The left over cat food is consumed by who ever gets to it first, even the bluejays Ive seen have stolen cat nuggets here and there. Strong and sturdy construction. Buts this is a very rural environment. Used in openings around nearby shed & critters were gone in 24-36 hours. Any ideas? Please. And heres the REALLY lovely part.. Our home is very low to the ground, so a normal size man cant fit under the house to retrieve the decaying carcass. I too hate the ugly critters but unlike you all up here in Canada guns are against the law except for long barrels & only for permitted hunting. They carry alot of deseaces. thank you for your info on possums. It is built strong for regular outdoor use. if you know where they sleep during the day?roust them up!! they have had litters too. if you have a possum feed it, to keep it around, they are immune to snake venom and kill poisonous snakes. Shit me and u borh every night I come have a cigarette the same one always is on the wall looking at me, Lol I have three children so I understand how you feel. The various diseases these creatures carry are not something I want my livestock exposed to. whats with all the YELLING? No sympathy for you! I know for sure it is not getting in the attic. Tell you what I am going to do next time I see that big fucker I am taking the metal baseball bat to its head. Holy cow. They are set where the animals travel, rarely beside trees. When they have tried to come out through the bathroom wall through freshly gnawed holes in the tub enclosure and I make the mistake of going to the bathroom in the night, they try to lunge at me and make a terrible vicious growling noise. After clearing the trap of one possum, the second one (presumably the same one that visited the captured friend) came to check it out and got caught the second night. The trap's spring-loaded access door and automated lock ensure that the animal will stay captured until you set it free. #4 buckshot or a .22 do a fine job of controlling this problem. Do you propose we relocate rats too? An apple cut in half is a great lure for possums. Possums are not digging up your yard. Store tomatoes are not grown in a magical pest free place. I went out and grabbed the garden hose and trained it on the critter and followed him down the wall, down the tree and along the ground. Then they need water to get it down. Gonna try the mothballs. Never knew some of this stuff about possums, although George Jones was one of my favorite country singers. First thing I thought was it will either try to get in the house sooner or later or it will attack my dog. Fuck possums. By no means should they be in your home from some way that their smart little minds have figured out but guess whose fault it is that they got in-yours! No more possums or possum shit, you may have to repeat it a few times. If so how ? If the animal is a wild animal think about ways to remove it humanly. As a matter of fact I live 15 miles outside of the city; there is no leash law here. Reviews. Suitable for: I will invite to my house for dinner and shoot it with my .22. Havahart 1079SR Large 1-Door Humane Catch and Release Live Animal Trap for Raccoons, Cats, Bobcats, Beavers, Small Dogs, Groundhogs, Opossums, Foxes, Armadillos, and Similar-Sized Animals. They are the sweetest things when I get them in to rehab. Your info: was very helpful thank you! When he tries to dig under the upper portion of the L, he is greeted with wire that he cant dig through. I have seen mother raccoons help their young Kitts eliminate by means of what looks just like the heimlic maneuver but just lower down on the belly. I recently found a good deterent, mix about 30 gm(1 OZ) of precrushed garlic plus about 15 gm of dried flaked chilis in a jar. An excellent cat trap, possum trap, animal trap, magpie trap and pest trap for hu 1 He or she wakes me up every night. There is not a soft spot in my roofs. I never see them or see their droppings but I think they live one house over by a retention pond possibly under my neighbors deck and eat in my yard like its a buffet. So right! Wow I have never seen a site spreading so much fear and superstition. Need to trap possums? Now you know that elimination of possums from your place can become a pretty hard task if you apply no efforts, or an easy-to-do task, if you consider our tips. Now I have another one but it climbs up a tree and my dog barks constantly, I think I will get a pellet gun and some pointed pellets and try shooting from now on. I have befriended a couple of possums and they are THE SWEETEST, most gentle-natured wild animals I could ever imagine! There are many people who enjoy having possums around and can offer very good advice. My home sits on 1 1/3 acres of land while not in the woods I have a small section of woods separating my property from neighbors on 3sides. I have an 80lb German Shepherd who is scared to go outside bc of this Nasty, Rat tailed, Nuisance! Latest possum traps bunnings sydney Reviews. I blame me and hubs for not working on a solution like covering the opening under the deck and exercising and having discipline with the dogs. Its sweet tasting and smelling to them. Im just afraid the night they follow a cat in my house is the night I go back on my promise. As for today, most repellent products have too little effect and must be applied in very high concentrations, which is rather dangerous. I am between a rock and a hard place. In actuality they are more scared of us, than we should be of them! They are dangerous to pets and humans, as well. Cross that line and act in an intimidating or destructive manner .. youre a goner. Hedgehogs I just have done tons of research on REAL sites, after walking out to find those 2 babies(whos mother got hit in the road), in my cats kennel, guess what THEY HARMED NO ONE, they did not bother the cats, they did not try to hurt them, they did not destroy nothing under or around my house, they did not do anything wrong, they ate and they left! I just found a possum sitting on my backyard in the little pot that I planted the apple tree. Make sure you use appropriate bait such as fruit, berries, vegetables, peanut butter which will attract the possum into the cage. just kill them with a shovel and fertilize your plants. They arent comparable. The cats back end was in shreds. I have to pay to get the duct work back together to heat my house. So, if one of the live and let live possums are cute and cuddly clan will send me their NW Ga address, Ill buy a humane possum trap. Large dogs lime any large threat tend to trigger a seizure which makes them play dead that the animal has no control over. I put out food for the stray wildlife in the city. Features: They are now abundant because you folks have demanded all the predators be removed (foxes & coyotes in most areas) to protect FiFi, your little two pound lame poodle that has no place in nature other than as an appetizer. make all the noise you can so they cant sleep!!! I must say to these people you better not eat free-range poultry either, they are no pickier than a possum when it comes to dining. They are NOT RODENTS. Learn how to rid your garden of uninvited visitors and protect your flowering plants organically with Eco-Organic Garden. I placed the cage under a bush and let it die naturally in the cage in much the same way as it would have in my roof if it could not find a way out, Took 8 days to, die, they must be tough. Despite my attempts to be hospitable to the ones in my own back yard, and with all due respect to the animal lovers out there Helen, you need a GUN. Make sure you use thick gloves or a long pole to prevent yourself from getting scratched. WARNING: PLEASE CONTACT THE RELEVANT AUTHORITY IN YOUR STATE FOR REGULATIONS REGARDING THE TRAPPING OF POSSUMS, Must be released back onto your property at dusk, Must be released within 50 metres of property, Department of Environment & Heritage Protection, Department of Conservation & Land Management, Department of Primary Industries, Water & Environment. I then add this to a 5 litre(even an american can do the maths here!) Im not afraid of them or worried about damages, there have been no damages to date. Imagine my surprise when 5 months later the babies came back!! my chihuahua saw one and chased it. Usually not a problem until they go hunt for food and come up close to my back yard and the babies actually come into the yard even tho my property has wire fencing around it. Bad article for suggesting them. B U T N O W.THIS LITTLE CRITTER HAS BEEN JOINED WITH ANOTHER, AS THERE WERE TWO PILES OF POOP ON MY PORCH. I also provide product recommendations for my favorite pest extermination products. Animal pro will come caught it and clean up they cause histplasmoses in your lung get rid of them fast. Not really sure where to place a trap as I only see them when they have been caught by the dog. Call a pest control company. they are not on the sight. Where should I release the possum?Possums are highly territorial so you must be careful where you release the possum. Sorry to disappoint you, Reggie, but an opossum maimed my neighbors cat recently. These included naphthalene flakes, blood and bone, and garlic spray.". My poor hens are tramatized. Under the post hank, I made a mixture of garlic and chilliy Read it, it may help, Did it help? Not a good thing. Just this morning I went out on the porch to check on my 4 two week old baby kittens and there was a opossum in their box it looked like a blood bomb had went off in the box and all four of my babies were dead and that Damned thing was just sitting there proud. Want some company Michele?? Just an FYI. Number 2 Stacy. For small crops in vegie beds or pots, you can fashion a cage from sturdy wire mesh. What are your tips for growing passionfruit. Im very scared now to let my cat out of the house. Every effort to stop them from going under the house is met by another obstacle. Spent $1,000s on treatments and tests, but nothing worked. They may show their teeth and hiss but they will not lunge. The bathroom is on the 2nd floor of my 2 story house. They are related to koalas and kangaroos and are harmless and cant even defend themselves or hurt a human. Alternatively, an upturned laundry or waste basket can be used as an effective barrier. Then just 2 days ago it bit my dog and i had to take him to the vet and the bite got infected. I owned a gorgeous horse and she lived in my 5 acre back yard near Tampa. Opossums are resistant to many diseases because of the low body temperature. So sorry about your daughters beautiful horse. Looked through my living room window and saw the adult on the side walk there. Simply bait the trap, set it, and wait until your unwanted 'guest' arrives. How do I kill it and remove it? What is wrong with you people, how would you like to be treated and killed like thus website says? Our health care system doesnt seem to think any of this might be an issue in OUR COUNTRY! They live in the wash but come looking for food hoping the fence etc. I is all well and good to have sympathy for these creatures until they crawl up under the house and die! I meant any suggestion would be much appreciated. We have Massive range of Cheap Possum Traps Bunnings at Home & Garden. I have out door cats and one of them had babies. Now the animals have no place to live because the humans took over their territory. The possum was playing possum!! So sorry about your baby rabbits. Just called landlord about it We need to figure something out to take this thing away from here. You should consult you local authority to familiarise yourself with the regulations for the trapping of possums in your state. I found this site by googling how to get rid of a possum I did Not search for possum lovers unite! or pet possum pics or StacyStandsUpForSsums or even who does Stacy think is a meanie-head. Master Hire's animal traps can be used to catch various animals such as possums, rabbits, cats and other small creatures. Many cats get along fine with possums. What about all of the other diseases? How do you release the possum from the trap?The possum can be released via either end. Prevention is a perfect approach. Inside the box is a spring loaded bar that strikes the possum under the chin when it sets off the trap. What can I do. Also, had my handyman pull out a dead one under my house. Lady please hush, I will NOT share MY space with nasty giant rats which is all possums are, they are of no value to anyone unless you count the people you have to pay to get rid of them for you and the repair people you have to pay to fix all the damage they cause. True god did create them, but if your house was infested with other animals, would you be saying the same thing, after all they were there before you. Therefore, I need another way to get rid of it. But this possum is HUGE and she wont go out if hes in the yard! Yes I do help feed them. Its your property, you paid for it. However, they are known to carry diseases like leptospirosis, tuberculosis, relapsing fever, tularemia, spotted fever, toxoplasmosis, coccidiosis, and trichomoniasis. 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