Even While the origins of their multiculturalism are suspect at best (lets be real, theyre pretty shady! But it is still higher than other European countries. It also makes it challenging for EU nationals who have been living and working in the UK for years. This is the main benefit of living in the UK that made me think Id want to settle here: you can go to Europe so easily! Local Moving; International Moving; call+44 (0)20 961 4141. No one wants things to go wrong on their getaway, but sometimes accidents happen. You dont have to worry about undue sexual harassment in a way that is different from home. Theres a dairy-free brand of yogurt (among other dairy-free foods) called Alpro. Thats saying something cause my time living in Scotland was one of the darkest in my life (thanks anxiety and depression! I once tried a vegetarian version of haggis, neeps, tatties (haggis with turnips and potatoes), and I was not a fan. Even though you will have access to free healthcare, you are advised to purchase travel insurance for the duration of your stay in Scotland. The food is often bland and not very exciting.8. Youre guaranteed to have a terrible time if you just sit in your bachelor apartment all day never speaking to anyone (trust me, Ive been there!). If youre planning to live in the UK, youll definitely need to invest in some wellies and an umbrella. Leaving the EU would also put the UKs efforts to uphold the EUs action plan for reducing air pollutants in jeopardy, while creating uncertainty for investors in the environmental sector. This government funded healthcare system ensures that any British citizen with an injury or illness can get access to treatment from a doctor or nurse. (but we can still complain!). When I lived in England and Scotland, I took the train constantly. However, my northern friends still find it harder to find jobs than any other Brits. I was able to explore the home of Shakespeare, see an ancient market town, and visit the historic Avon river. What is the best country to live in as an expat? Depending on where youre coming from, you may have to deal with the dreaded culture shock. Still undecided? When I was in Oxford, I was able to visit the pub where Tolkien and C.S. Take advantage of sales to get the cheapest fares. This leads to gatekeeping around high paying jobs in the country and ostracizing people who arent white-born Brits. I LOVE an accent. If you have family or friends in the UK, it may be worth considering moving for them.If youre looking for better economic opportunities, the UK may be a good option. You will find lots of adjustment issues if you are moving from another country. The UK is an incredibly accessible area. Its not totally uncommon for someone whos had a little bit too much to drink to try and talk to you or yell at you across the street. Someday you will notice sunlight, on the other hand, you have to wait long to see the sunshine due to heavy rain. From US Netflix in the UK to social media sites banned in Asia. Wise.com offers free global accounts, and the cheapest money transfers. Since the British historically took over basically everything, theyve gathered a population from around the world. I used to use outdated bank transfers and Paypal, which meant paying HUGE fees and inflated exchange rates. As long as youve been living there for at least three years before applying for university, youre eligible for free university tuition. So Im going to connect them this way. So that multiculturalism I love so much? Unfortunately, it pairs well with binge drinking, which leads to a lot of rowdy footballers. For example, living in London or Edinburgh might be fairly expensive whereas finding good deals is easy to do if you live in the north of England like Newcastle, Sheffield or Birmingham.It can be a bit tricky to find a nice living space in London, but if youre willing to commute from the outskirts its much more affordable. For this I get to travel freely throughout 28 countries for as long as I like and I can apply for a job in any one of them. Some people see British food as a con of living in England, but I disagree. You can definitely thrive in the UK if youre foreign, arent white, or are lower class, but youll have to work harder to succeed. DISCLAIMER: The articles on our website are not endorsed by, or the opinions of Shout Out UK (SOUK), but exclusively the views of the author. Winter in the UK is definitely a benefit to living in England. Its hard to make friends in a new city, and even harder to find a social scene that fits your interests.6. So of course British food plays a role in my love of England. Free healthcare isnt 100% free. I went through a few temp agencies before ultimately deciding to work at one of Edinburghs major attractions. beautiful scenery. Im not a fan of either of these things. Yes, an American can move to England. Lets take a look at what else makes it worth living in the UK! Like the US, they have an issue with white nationalists and British people who feel that colour of skin matters more than who someone is. ), Wise.com is a great solution. Mostly, these are infrequent and harmless encounters. It actually confuses me to go to places without that multiculturalism. To find cheap rental cars, I recommendDiscover Cars. WebAnswer (1 of 34): Many answers on this page relate to the economics of the situation and most make good points so I would like to look at some others which may make this question imperative. LateralLimey 2 yr. ago. I absolutely loved it! It rains pretty often. Theyre all just so much more fun than my American-Canadian accent! I always include cell plans as a judge of a country. If youre ready to move to Scotland, you should also be prepared to fight with its rainy climate. 25 Pros and Cons of Living in New Zealand, 28 Pros and Cons of Living Abroad: Why You Should Move to Another Country, Everything You Need To Know About Living In Wales [From a Local], Guy Fawkes Night (also called Bonfire Night), Eurovision Song Contest (not a festival, but they sure treat it like one! Possibly. However long you live there, Scotland will change you for the better, and youll turn into a proud Scot even if you have no Scottish ancestry at all. The UK is close to so many countries for travel. Because the BBC wants to remain ad-free, each household must pay a monthly TV tax. Delicious, unhealthy and my personal favourite, the pizza supper is a deep-fried individual cheese pizza served with a side of chips. Ergo the UK left the EU. With Ryanair and EasyJet, youll have tons of options for a cheap weekend getaway. The cost of living is higher in the UK than in the US, but it is still manageable.Housing, transportation, and food are all more expensive in the UK, but salaries are generally higher as well.The cost of living also varies depending on which city you live in. As you advance in your business, youll get even more time off! ZHOUXI, China Marching in dragon dances, cheering on buffalo fights, singing folk songs with villagers, an enamored Then they take your passport for weeks even with an expedited Visa. Tourism can easily generate a massive amount of wealth. Scotland is known for producing great food from seas, lochs, and fields. Peter Damian, a 10th-century monk, related the story of a woman in Rome who was shocked to see a familiar figure coming out of a basilica dedicated to the Virgin And somehow in summer it rains even when there isnt a cloud in the sky! I even include tips for prepping your family, and for how to handle family who arent supportive. If English isnt your first language, it can feel impossible to tell what the hell people are saying. Although both are mild, New Zealand is far warmer than the UK.New Zealand has some British imperialism left over, as you can see in their food and their slang. Everywhere you look, youre sure to see stunning landscapes that will leave you in awe. Panel shows are the BEST. You dont need the added stress of dealing with medical bills, lost luggage, or delayed flights when things are going awry. Immigrants from the EU also tend to be better educated than UK nationals with 11 per cent more immigrants having a degree than natives. You might experience the four seasons in a single day. Scotland is the perfect country for anyone looking to move abroad. And unfortunately theyve become important to know about if youre considering moving to England. London is one of the most expensive cities in the world, while other areas are more affordable.Take into account your personal circumstances and preferences to decide if moving to the UK is right for you. Slum tourism- Have you heard about it? Its not good for your liver or your wallet! I love a good pub night out, even though I dont drink. Even peoples moods change. Stop by the Cotswolds to visit the prettiest cottages and maybe consider moving into one of them while youre there. There are some regions where you can feel remote and isolated. Scotlands many hills, peaks, and hiking trails make it easy to stay in shape. If UK leave EU will the power of economics, immigrations and a lot of more debates will be settle in the nation instead of in the EU commission. That requires you to have all sorts of information that they inevitably wont accept, will mail back to you, and will then start a four month process of what I can only classify as hell. I dont speak the language. The public transportation system is not very reliable or efficient.5. The EU also put in place laws regarding banning potentially harmful additives from food and EU-wide animal welfare standards again, something that would become Britains job to uphold in the event of an exit. This happens at pubs and at home. That meant my study abroad in Scotland was incredibly easy. Take advantage of the opportunity when you live in the UK to embrace the pros of British society and find ways to conquer the cons. Or stay for free with Trusted Housesitters! The healthcare system is good and free for all residents. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. One of the main reasons the UK is so safe is that there are CCTV cameras in all major cities. They both have free healthcare options, but incredibly long wait times. Moving away from the unhealthy world of fish and chip shops, Scotland actually has a fantastic selection of vegetarian and vegan food, both in takeaway restaurants and grocery stores. Pros Rejoin the European Union. Everything is made to be satisfying, homey, and warm. Living in the United Kingdom isnt for everyone, so you need to know the advantages and disadvantages before you commit to moving your life overseas. Every job gets a minimum of 4 weeks off even if you work somewhere like McDonalds! To find cheap flights, I recommendSkyscanner. Racism is a huge issue in the UK. The UK would no longer have to pay membership fees, which are estimated to be about 11 per cent of the UKs annual GDP, around 200 billion. Once you do find a house thats semi-affordable, youre likely to get stuck in a mortgage for at least 30 years to try to pay off the cost. You can read more about my review of types of suitcases for travel here. Its truly an incredible place for foreign workers, whether you visit as part of your gap year with a working holiday visa, as a student studying at one of the universities or even if you're looking for a new place to live within Europe. If you prefer sunshine, this place is definitely not for you. The referendum is over and voters have rejected Scottish independence, but the question is far from settled. The UK is an awesome place to live, if you can overlook the disadvantages of the country.People in certain jobs may not enjoy the UK, or may only be able to live in southern cities like London. They get so wound up that when you go to a football game, you actually have to sit in separate sections based on which team youre rooting for. Jobs do pay well in the UK once you move above entry level positions, but cost of living is high enough to make it challenging for people to get by. Before you move to Scotland, you need to pay a one-time immigration health surcharge when you apply for your temporary work visa. WebThe UK sees the need to have large armed forces, a nuclear deterrent, large imposing embassies etc that we wouldn't have in an independent Scotland. In fact, many jobs keep employees late to ensure they finish work. Scotland is the best place for the beach lover. Scotland natives have learned to live with the rainy season. You can sub drinks for food pub chips are always yummy. Another additional tax is TV tax! But the UK is far more rigid. Rishi Sunaks Vague Promises: An Act in Five Parts, Capital unites to launch campaign, ensuring all know the new Voter ID requirement for elections, Sex Work: The Ugly Side of Pretty Woman. The UK has a flourishing economy. Please select menu for Vertical navigation. Youll see them mistreat these people or deny them jobs, just for the way they sound and the places they came from. So be prepared to dash outside often to pull your clothes off the line and dry them inside on a clothes drying horse instead! This doesnt really relate to female safety in the UK, but it was a PAIN when I lived there. Its truly an Highly qualified and professional people earn a lot and live very well. Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Whats the best site to buy cheap flights? These taxes pay for local services, such as garbage collection, schools, and general city maintenance, making them necessary and important. WebThis depends upon the nature of the secession: A soft Scexit which preserves the UK single market, retains the pound sterling and retains free movement across the border, A hard Make sure you check out my post about where to live in Edinburgh or how to find a flat in Glasgow to get help finding a flat or renting a room in Scotland. Peter Damian, a 10th-century monk, related the story of a woman in Rome who was shocked to see a familiar figure coming out of a basilica dedicated to the Virgin Mary. In Oxford, I found the cost of living very high. Most cities in the south dont get more than a handful of snowfalls per year, many of which barely settle on the ground before melting. WebLiving in Scotland as an Italian 2021; On this video, I shared my experiences living in Scotland. In the UK, I had a phone plan with giffgaff that cost 8 pounds for over 3GB of data! My friend needed to see a psychiatrist for medications immediately, but was told it would take at least 2 months, even though she was a critical care patient due to a brain injury. Plus, Scotland is the land of rain. Or let me know which of these cons would be a deal breaker for you! Here is a breakdown of the essentials to help you with last-minute decisions, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36027205, http://metro.co.uk/2016/02/24/eu-referendum-should-we-stay-or-should-we-go-5715240/, http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/feb/28/brexit-effect-everyday-life, http://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21567914-how-britain-could-fall-out-european-union-and-what-it-would-mean-making-break, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/eureferendum/11691955/European-Union-exit-could-make-British-households-933-richer.html. Although chances are it would actually be four new states England, Scotland, Wales and NI. Try it! If you are worried about making a move to Scotland, be sure to check out my Moving to Scotland Check Listso you will be fully prepared. Stricter voter ID laws can increase public confidence in the election process. Does anyone really watch TV anymore? To open a UK bank account, you will need your Visa, proof of tenancy, a proof of enrollment in a school or proof of a job, and proper identification. The UK is a good place to live for many reasons. Net migration from EU countries into the UK is at about 184,000 a year. In Canada, a cottage is a lakehouse. One final Scottish delicacy I need to mention is Irn Bru. On this point, at least, its clear what Scots want, says Times foreign affairs correspondent Ian Bremmer. Less regulation in the workplace could create more jobs, and lower migration could increase wages. England has a very high cost of living, especially in populous cities like London. Its a beautiful soda pop/fizzy drink that will rot your teeth while simultaneously filling your heart with happiness. The cost of living is high but manageable, and the weather is mild compared to other countries in Europe.If youre looking for a more exciting lifestyle, there are other countries that may be better suited for you. Growing up in Canada, flights were always at least $300 CAD to go anywhere inside Canada. That means that if you didnt live in Toronto like I did, youd have to fly to Toronto from the outskirts of Canada just to get your fingerprint scanned. The prostates for leaving the EU are that the nation will get more control over the rules. Someday you will notice Here youll find most of the major industries and companies in operation. Yes, the UK is a good place to live and work. EU citizens have the right to live and work in any member state. It is a warm and safe place for you and your family. There is currently a movement to allow for more jobs in the north of England, with large companies starting to open offices up north. Imagine the music from the Legend of Zelda when Link opens up a treasure chest playing as you approach this shelf. In the UK, youll find tons to celebrate while youre living abroad. Scotland is the land of deep-fried food. Youll need to consider whether the cons will overshadow the pros.For me, they were a shock, but I definitely still think the UK is a good place to live. ).One negative is that even in southern city like Glasgow, it gets dark around 3pm in winter. There are several buses and trams that run within minutes of each other throughout Edinburgh and Glasgow. In the US, we have a lot of really good (and unhealthy) food options. The UK is a bad place to live because:The cost of living is high in the UK, especially in London.Housing, transportation, and food are all more expensive than in other countries.The weather is also not as good as in other parts of Europe, and it can be difficult to find a job if you dont have the right skill set. Even as a solo female, I felt perfectly safe taking the bus home late and night or walking home from the pub with basic precautions. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are acknowledged as a promising template for designing new antimicrobials. That is the exact dryer horse I purchased and passed along to my friends when I moved. If you dont speak English fluently, dont have a UK passport, or live anywhere north of Oxford, youll struggle to find a job. Slum. The UK would no longer have to pay membership fees, which are estimated to be about 11 per cent of the UKs annual GDP, around 200 billion. (This is one of my favourite benefits of living in the UK to be honest.). Even office parties show the signs of binge drinking. Pros and Cons of Living in Scotland Pro: Free Healthcare with the NHS If you need medical attention, the National Health Service (NHS) will take care of you free WebThis depends upon the nature of the secession: A soft Scexit which preserves the UK single market, retains the pound sterling and retains free movement across the border, A hard Scexit in which Scotland changes currency, joins the EU single market and erects a hard border with England. 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Articles P