The Sphinx has thus emerged into the landscape out of shadows of what seemed to be an impenetrable oblivion, the New York Times declared. The position involves creative writing, extensive editorial work, data logging and game testing. In front of the Sphinx, between its paws, is stone tablet, known as the Dream Stele. Many people in the alternative history movement believe erosion patterns on the walls of the Sphinx indicate prolonged exposure to intense rain. learn from it. Image by Adrian Petrisor. After decades of research, American archaeologist Mark Lehner has some answers about the mysteries of the Egyptian colossus. For thousands of years it has harbored mankind's greatest secret. After studying sediment samples in the Nile Valley, she concluded that climate change in the Giza region began early in the Old Kingdom, with desert sands arriving in force late in the era. Also, in the ship are the tools and knowledge needed to fight . Seismological readings of the ground beneath the Sphinx do indicate that there could be an open space there, and evidence even suggests that the walls of this area may have 90-degree corners, indicating that they were constructed. Did you know that NASA has lots of secrets and some are about Ufo's. Is there a possibility to get 1 space at the top and 1 space at the bottom of the picture without having to use a \ in the syntax? My library of blogs is located here for the curious, I will be adding more soon. Over the spaceship, erected a marker in the form, of a lion yet like unto man. He started speaking a few months later and by the age of one and a half was able to read, draw and paint. Hermes Trismegistus is a combination of Thoth Shambhala: Where is the Mythical Kingdom? German climatologists Rudolph Kuper and Stefan Krpelin, analyzing the radiocarbon dates of archaeological sites, recently concluded that the regions prevailing climate patternchanged around 8,500 B.C., with the monsoon rains that covered the tropics moving north. It's Cayce who believes and talks alot of there been a Hall of records under the Sphinx in Egypt? Read 51 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. It also contains technical information on how to construct pyramids, how to work with metals, and other aspects of the advanced technology, including for communication, and transportation. Im sure this might have been covered, but I would like to know why this explanation is not being accepted as the most plausible From Robert Bauval, co-author of The Message of the Sphinx (1996): "Meticulously researched, scholarly, and very convincing, UNDER THE SPHINX is an exciting investigation into the possible existence of the legendary Hall of Records at Giza. Modern literature You can read more about that here. Boriska, of Volgograd, Russia, alleged he lived on the red planet before being reborn on Earth along with "others" on a mission to save mankind. there are more. However, geologist Robert Schoch of Boston university contends, based on weathering patterns that the erosion of the Sphinx had to have been done by precipitation over an extended period of time. Egypt were invaded and conquered by a tribe from the Carpathian region. Boriska Kipriyanovich has baffled experts with his amazing. The scene resembles the hieroglyph akhet, which can be translated as horizon but also symbolized the cycle of life and rebirth. Ciao! The Sphinx is 66 feet tall, and 240 feet long. Passage entrance near left hip. Here is a quote from Tablet 5 of The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean, interesting because of its mention of a spaceship beneath the Sphinx, the Great Pyramid, and a mysterious Key of the Seven, which I believe may relate to the royal cubit of seven palms: "Raised I to Light, the children of Khem. He claims they are all reincarnations and referred to as 'Indigo Children' who have supernatural abilities and survived the Martian wars. Boriska's own parents are convinced their gifted son is telling the truth about his previous life on Mars. However, because of the sand, these early attempts at excavation were not successful, and it was not until the 1930s they were able to dig the body out from the dessert. He said: The human life will change when the Sphinx is opened, it has an opening mechanism somewhere behind the ear; I do not remember exactly.. Once, all life in the universe knew the Flower of Life as the creation pattern the geometrical design leading us into and out of physical existence. There are signs the Sphinx was unfinished. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Boriskas mother and father didnt teach him anything about space as a child but say he would often sit and talk about Mars, the planetary systems and alien civilisations. He added the opening mechanism is hidden somewhere behind the world-famous landmark's ear. On his popular Youtube channel Ancient Architects, Mr Sibson references a document called Operations carried on at the pyramids of Gizeh in 1837, allegedly written by 19th century Egyptologist Colonel Howard Vyse. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. SoundCloud JavaScript is disabled You need to enable JavaScript to use SoundCloud Show me how to enable it Spaceship Under the Sphinxby 4Chun500 published on 2016-05-11T13:14:26Z Users who like Spaceship Under the Sphinx This monumental statue, the first truly colossal royal sculpture in Egypt, known as the Great Sphinx, is a national symbol of Egypt, both ancient and modern. Sphinx and Khephren Pyramid carinemahy (Copyright) The monument is the largest surviving sculpture from the ancient world, measuring 73.5 m in length and in parts 20 m in height. The theory is arguably more watertight than a recent one claiming the pyramids were built by aliens. Naravno da postoje grobnice vanzemaljacaaknse i zna da su Faraoni bili jedni od njih.. He said in 2001: The objective of one of the particular missions was to find any knowledge left behind from an extraterrestrial civilisation. The Sphinx is the oldest patient in the world. Weatherologists are able to trace climate backwards in time, and say that that region of the world has gotten about an inch of rain per year since the Old Kingdom, when Khafre supposedly built the structure. The Atlanteans were far more scientifically advanced, as well as culturally different, and posed a threat to the other groups. The series involves a Boy Scout named Eddie who meets an alien in his apple orchard who comes from the planet Martinea. The changes were likely to have been the actual shape of the head because experts say a Dogs head would of been a far more likely intended for the head because that's how it's depicted elsewhere instead of it been a human head, and further more a Dogs head would of sat perfectly in the place of what is there now? There is a constellation called Centaurus since ancient Greek times, since they saw it as being a centaur, or human-headed horse. It complained about its ruined body and the encroaching sand. The temple plan is laid out on an east-west axis, clearly marked by a pair of small niches or sanctuaries, each about the size of a closet. Note the opening on the top of the head in photograph #1. A great number of studies have been performed by various institutions and archaeologists which have demonstrated that there are many 'untold' secrets beneath the Giza plateau. Nobody knows its original name. And, who did the translation to come up with such a modern word? Edgar Cayce also called the 'Sleeping Prophet . Moisture was drawn up into the body of the Sphinx and large flakes of limestone were peeling off the statue. Described by psychics though never officially found, it was created by people from the ancient civilization of Atlantis, who relocated to Egypt after the destruction of their continent in 10 000 B.C. Residues of red pigment are still visible on the face, leading researchers to conclude that at some point, the Sphinxs entire visage was painted red. title correction: Under the Sphinx, not the great pyramid. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. Some three hundred years after Khafre's death, during the time of social collapse that Egyptologists call the First Intermediate Period, the signs are that his valley temple was ransacked and his statues there deliberately smashed - it is unlikely that the Sphinx would have escaped the attentions of the wreckers at the same time, when the monuments of Giza were attacked in general. Then, in 1925, French archaeologist and engineer Emile Baraize probed the sand directly in front of the Sphinx and discovered yet another Old Kingdom buildingnow called the Sphinx Templestrikingly similar in its ground plan to the ruins Mariette had already found. 2021, Under the Sphinx. Relative to the Cayce readings, the creators of these recent movies took great poetic liberties with the facts of the Hall of Records, mostly just using the compelling mysterious nature of the story as an added element to the work of fiction. Part of the uraeus (sacred cobra which protected from evil forces), the nose and the ritual beard are missing; the beard is now displayed in the British Museum. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. Is there really Aliens buried inside tombs of the Ancient Egyptian Sphinx or is it a made up legend or myth by Egyptians and conspiracy theorists? Interest in this region began with the discovery of what appeared to be man-made rectangular blocks. The word sphinx was derived by Greek grammarians from the verb sphingein ("to bind" or "to squeeze"), but the etymology is not related to the legend and is dubious. Now that's the million Dollar question? However, refugees from Atlantis also escaped the destruction by fleeing west to Central America. It's either a load of gold, like ton's of it or Alien artefacts? If Im right, this episode could represent a kind of tipping point between different climate statesfrom the wetter conditions of Khufu and Khafres era to a much drier environment in the last centuries of the Old Kingdom.. This transitional period was characterized by cycles of ever-decreasing rains and extended dry spells. They wouldn't get anywhere near it! Anne. "There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. The library is actually one of several Atlantean libraries, and its existence is even described in carvings on the outside of the Sphinx. They found the water table was only 15 feet beneath the statue. Egypt's or the United States? Ive been warned that there may be some sort of guardians in the astral plane to keep out travelers, has anybody heard of this? Across Egypt, sphinxes appeared everywhere in sculptures, reliefs and paintings, often depicted as a potent symbol of royalty and the sacred power of the sun. Over two/thirds of Cayces readings were regarding diagnosis and treatment of disease. Independent researcher and author Manu Seyfzadeh takes the reader on an investigative journey to ancient Egypt to explore what it is the ancient Egyptians had to . An archive of prehistoric documents was stored in a portable wooden container in a chamber beneath the lion predecessor of the Sphinx. one. The theme of the hall of records has appeared numerous times in popular culture in recent times, such as in movies. The Nations Security, which nation are they on about? That date range is 500 years later than prevailing theories had suggested. This study argues that on the upper areas of the Sphinx there is precipitation induced weathering. The Akashic records is a psychic compendium of all life forms, events, ideas, etc., from the past, present, and future. Where can I look into this for more information? You can unsubscribe at any time. Boriska - who calls himself an 'Indigo Child' - said "his people"have a strong connection to the ancient Egyptians. Remnants of the temple walls are visible today in front of the Sphinx. Then awake, ye who have wisdom. Some features of ATS will be disabled while you continue to use an ad-blocker. We put a lot of man hours in to writing each posts so you get the right information. Manage My Data Look for a crawlspace at the back of the sphinx, and use it to enter the secret dungeon. So right there, right there is the red flag which is the smoking gun also that begs people to investigate further? The full name of the magnificent monolith located in the Giza plateau of Egypt is the Great Sphinx of Giza, and it is made from a single piece of limestone rather than from stacked bricks. His investigations at the Lost City revealed that the site had eroded dramaticallywith some structures reduced to ankle level over a period of three to four centuries after their construction. It makes perfect sense, Egypt is an obvious choice for the aliens if they had to establish an outpost for planetary expeditions. Now I have the problem that LaTeX is setting my picture at the top directly after the text and at the bottom of the image it puts 3 or 4 linebreaks. Did they find anything under the Sphinx? I was just reading a post today on a reference to these in regards to the Akashic library and a hinted at space ship under the sphinx. In regards to Atlantis, Cayce gave 2500 life readings to 1600 people between 1923 1944. The implication is that the Sphinx and the pyramids, epic feats of engineering and architecture, were built at the end of a special time of more dependable rainfall, when pharaohs could marshal labor forces on an epic scale. Mr Sibson came across an image of one of the two missing stelae in the Vyses book, telling the Daily Star: Theres a Sphinx on the top of a platform, with Rameses the Great next to it and giving an offering. Many of his patients came to him as a last resort after consulting conventional doctors, and in a trance, he would diagnose their condition. What was found in the Sphinx? In 1971, Lehner, a bored sophomore at the University of North Dakota, wasnt planning to search for lost civilizations, but he was looking for something, a meaningful involvement. He dropped out of school, began hitchhiking and ended up in Virginia Beach, where he sought out Cayces son, Hugh Lynn, the head of aholistic medicine and paranormal research foundation his father had started. The meaning of SPACESHIP is a vehicle used for space travel. By using our website, You agree to the use of Cookies. One of the leaders of this tribe was a priest name Ra-Ta, who was Edgar Cayce in a previous incarnation. THE Russian child genius who says he was born on Mars claims the secret to all human life can be found INSIDE the Great Sphinx of Egypt. Once that is out of the way, go to the Great Sphinx in Giza, east of the central pyramid. He produced 14000 stenographic records of the telepathic-clairvoyant statements he had given for more than 8000 people over 43 years. Cayce would discuss health, dreams, reincarnation, past life experiences, healing, nutrition, as well as the pre-diluvian civilization Atlantis, which you can read about here. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. The library is accessible from a chamber in the right forepaw of the Sphinx, although it is not as simple as just walking in. Know ye, O man, that far in the future, invaders shall come from out of the deep. The Emerald Tablets of Thoth are said to reveal secrets of creating the Philosopher's Stone. Conventional Egyptologists believe that the Sphinx was created during the Old Kingdom by Pharoah Khafre, around 2600 B.C White its original name is unknown, it became known as the Sphinx at least several thousand years after it was constructed, in reference to the human headed lion in Greek mythology. The workers diet indicates they werent slaves. The Egyptian statue, located in the city of Giza, is one of the most recognized and famous sculptures in the globe. Edgar Cayce, the "sleeping prophet" predicted a century ago that records from Atlantis will be found somewhere under the Great Sphinx in Egypt. Many academics believe that this iconic figure was carved out of the bedrock about 4500 years ago under the reign of pharaoh Khafre. This content community relies on user-generated content from our member contributors. The Space Ship Under the Apple Tree is a children's science fiction book series by Louis Slobodkin, and also the name of the first book in the series. In a depression to the south of Khafre 's pyramid at Giza near Cairo sits a huge creature with the head of a human and a lion's body. Its a theory in progress, says Lehner. The Passage Under the Sphinx The Passage Under the Sphinx Mark E Lehner Zahi Hawass We report on the passage in the rump of the Sphinx, and the information it gives on the, geology and weathering of the Sphinx, and the history of its masonry casings. Cayce described the library in many of his readings, such as the following quote: the monuments were unearthed and added to from time to timemany were buried beneath shifting sands. (Edgar Cayce Readings 341-9). In addition, SRI conducted a resistivity survey and acoustic sounding tests, discovering numerous oddities beneath and . it's still there and visible from space under a mere 20mtrs of water on a shallow day. They were also very advanced in their consciousness, and probably possessed psychic abilities. In front of them (i.e. Joining them are 300 geometric shapes. The CIA stepped in and stopped it's own official's of Egypt from investigating any further? It faces directly west, and is locate on the west bank of the Nile river. Precognition: able to see events before they occur The Atlanteans were able to move freely between our realm and the 4th dimension, and it makes sense that they would store their higher knowledge in a dimension beyond what we are currently capable of perceiving. The opinions of our members are not those of site ownership who maintains strict editorial agnosticism and simply provides a collaborative venue for free expression. Horemakhet then offered Thutmose the throne in exchange for help. Browse real life cover ups. Later an entire city was discovered next to the Sphinx, including a cemetery with 600 buried people. Hawass arranged for workers to drill test holes in the bedrock around the Sphinx. There is a man-made space that Edgar Cayce predicted under the Sphinx's right paw. Despite this exciting evidence, insufficient research has been conducted, because the Egyptian government has denied access to alternative researchers. Cookie Settings, Illustration by Pedro Velasco / 5W Infographics (source: Mark Lehner), Ancient DNA Charts Native Americans Journeys to Asia Thousands of Years Ago, Catch a Glimpse of a Rare Green Comet This Month, Ancient DNA Reveals a Genetic History of the Viking Age, See the Face of a Neolithic Man Who Lived in Jericho 9,500 Years Ago, How an Unorthodox Scholar Uses Technology to Expose Biblical Forgeries. The anomaly -- for the moment, we'll call it that -- is approximately 2,000 feet below the surface of the water, measuring nearly 3 miles wide. In 1973-4 the first in a series of serious pioneering projects was launched, using ground-penetrating radar and other high-tech remote sensing equipment to locate "anomalies" under the bedrock beneath the Sphinx. But when he became Pharaoh Thutmose IV, he helped introduce a Sphinx-worshiping cult to the New Kingdom (1550-1070 B.C.). Kuper and Krpelin say this green Sahara came to an end between 3,500 B.C. 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