It would not be possible. 1.05 million of these are $0 cross trades and the vast majority of these are held, unused, by significantly less than one percent of Star Citizen backers. Customizations applied to your ship will also be compensated with RSI Store Credits during this process. The Stock Weapon Loadouts are not that great, especially when you are out there exploring the verse or doing bounty missions to earn a living. The Argo Astronautics Mole (Multi Operator Laser Extractor) is a medium-sized multi-crew mining ship. It's available there: Pretty simple usage: select your ship on the left, the ship you want on the right, and it's gonna tell you if there is an upgrade path and which one. You can see that the names of the points are given after their location on the ship. Anyone with a little better playstyle or loadout will take that shield down along with you in seconds. 1,166.66 Your order will ordinarily be shipped within 24 hours though. In Star Citizen Stealth Mode, you can't lock onto a target, nor can you send out a targeting request. Upgrade - Scorpius to Corsair Standard Upgrade. Note that such modules are available only to selected ships, that have been built with customizable slots, allowing different modules to be plugged into. Hi Spencer, I do apologize for that experience. Upgrades prior to Cross-Chassis Upgrades (CCUs) being introduced by RSI dont mention the source, but always require the base variant. When upgrading a ship, the package name in your RSI inventory wont change, even though the ship does. Prices are subject to changes as prices increase during development. If it won't save, then there's no point. At least one game package is required to play the game, Additional game packs provide an extra character slot, Spare character slots can be used for an alter ego, or to customise an NPC character, Content of the game package (like UECs) will onlysplit up sometime in the future, If packages contain physical goodies, RSI will send those to you sometime in the future, Game packages and standalone shipsmay include LTI, Lifetime Insurance always applies to all ships included within that package (rather not to other items though). You can purchase Star Citizen aUEC at a budget-friendly price from here. Additionally the hanger is smaller too!! I spent about 20 hours straight programming this and entering data, so it's not entirely unlikely that there could be a small typo. You will always have to take your Ship out of the Hanger and explore the verse to move forward. Star Citizen Digital Download If you upgrade the Mustang Alpha with the CCU system to a Cutlass Black you end up with: Mustang Alpha Starer Pack (Upgraded to Cutlass Black) Cutlass Black Self-Land Hangar Starting Money: 1,000 UEC 3 Month Insurance Star Citizen Digital Download <- This is the multiplayer game When you highlight a component, you can see that a component has a specific number below. #DPSCalculator Star Citizen tools for DPS, damage, power and cooling simulations including an up to date ships and components database Please enable JavaScript to continue using this application. Upgrade / no ins. $243.94. Get the CCU Game browser extension to import data from Chrome version (also works for other chromium browser) Firefox version Their functionality is identical to Standalone Ships and other Mult-Ship Packages respectively. You can upgrade ships inside a multi-ship package or multi-ship bundle individually, as if they were separate items. We are getting to the point where we need to drill down deeper on things like ship rarity, overall dispersion and the like. Ships are the main mechanism of the game that not only allows you to travel but also engage in space combat, earn a living, and pretty much do a lot of things. Upgrades and CCU's can be applied to both stand-alone ships and game packages alike; only that particular ship will then be changed, all other properties of the package will be retained. Some people have thousands of $0 CCU's on their account at this time, which is clearly an abuse of the system. Other content is available under. You can CCU a concept ship to another ship to get LTI on that target ship. Yes, you do find it going down from time to time very easily, but it is because of no upgradation. IAE Insurance is a regular type of insurance that was available during aniversaries. This will occur at the same time as ships become purchasable only in game (with the exception of starter packages). You can search or browse. You need to be logged in on, you don't need to login in the extension itself, so your credentials stay secure. About this page . All content on this site not authored by its host or users are property of their respective owners. There is also a potential design issue related to the number of ships in the universe at launch. 41 yesterday mentioned that Turbulent (CIG) will be redoing the CCU system (and make it more robust). Modules and BUKs (Battlefield Upgrade Kits) are addons for your inventory. In this tab, you will see a mix of various things that arent available in any other Tab. Z 51.2 (m/s/s) Quantum tank? When we dont know how many ships may be present at launch, this makes it much more difficult. As an avid Star Citizen player, it is essential to have enough money on your side to purchase various in-game items present in-game. STAR CITIZEN sign-up Bonus! 0 SCU Min. AnAnvil Crucible Standalone Ship also mentioned in title, A VFG Industrial Hangar (what you get if you buy more than one, is not yet decided by RSI), Lifetime Insurance (LTI) for all ships included in this container/package, A miniature in-game model of your Crucible (for decorating your hangar), An in-game poster of your Crucible (again for hangar decoration). For that scenario, the Weapon Upgrade is essential. Coolers are a necessary piece of equipment used on all Ships in the Star Citizen Universe. The data it utilizes was based on aCHARTcreated by/U/NIMMOG ON REDDIT. Fire Rate: How fast the rate of fire is of specific weapons. Note: It is important to know that these ships are only displayed when they are all currently stored at the location you are in. All these items are tied to the account and can only get sold through an account. In this app, you can recreate, manage, and analyze your ships and fleets. In fact just from making this I have discovered that there are at least two ships that have two different priced routes to upgrade to the current top. The default or the Stock Ship Drives are exceptionally slow and aren't much. We are coming out on top in a truly fierce business environment thanks to our reasonable prices and our professional customer service. Upgrade your fleet today! Star Citizen puts ultimate control in the hands of the player, whether you're making your way as a cargo hauler, exploring the vastness of space, or scraping out a living outside the law, you will navigate through a mixture of procedurally generated and handcrafted worlds and interact with a variety of characters. Star Citizen tools for DPS, damage, power and cooling simulations including an up to date ships and components database I.e. This was known as a $0 CCU and CIG have clearly stated that the CCU system is provided as a temporary measure to allow players to change ships they purchased that they really were not happy with. Pool HP: It determines the amount of damage a shield can take totally before going down. From the Star Citizen Wiki, the fidelity encyclopedia, All game content and materials are copyright of Cloud Imperium Rights LLC and Cloud Imperium Rights Ltd.. Star Citizen, Squadron 42, Roberts Space Industries, and Cloud Imperium are registered trademarks of Cloud Imperium Rights LLC. To do so, go to your package details and you will find a button labeled "Exchange for Store Credits": Using this button, you erase this item (=ship) and all its upgrades from your inventory - however you will be compensated with RSI Store Credits. Even if the ship is destroyed, the upgraded components will remain on the ship, until you perform another upgradation. You simply select the drop box under "I HAVE A:" and choose which ship of yours that you would like to upgrade. In addition, a large array of 24 mineral pods ensures that nothing valuable will ever be left behind. Single item / LTI. While we need to end the abuse of the $0 CCUs, we understand that these systems help all backers and reassure people who are just starting the game. Most people forget to Upgrade their Ships in Star Citizen, resulting in constant pushbacks like getting killed in combat, not being able to do missions, and cant explore the verse efficiently. I truly understand the frustration and I apologize. Select to see the upgrade availability and cost. If you upgrade the Mustang Alpha with the CCU system to a Cutlass Black you end up with: Mustang Alpha Starer Pack (Upgraded to Cutlass Black). $25.86. I've come across some that are relatively neat, but its still just a bunch of lines to follow and I was never really too happy with them. A fan-made companion application for the game "Star Citizen". Simply select the ship you have in the package then select the ship you want to upgrade to and apply the upgrade. This is the same for all the ships except Mining Ships like the Prospector which has that Utility Tab as well to manage lasers and sub-components. Aegis Retaliator Bomber - LTI CCU'd ship. To access it, you will have to press F1, it will open the MobiGlas Window and click that icon with Ship on it to access the Vehicle Loadout Manager. You will not be able to buy back any of your upgrades. When highlighting a certain item, you can see an explanation of certain items in detail. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Ships inside a Multi-Ship package can be ugpraded and converted individually. X 47.9 (m/s/s) Accel. Best Race for Hunter WoW - Play with the Right Hunter Race! Ships - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42 RSI Pledge Store Play now All USD Find the ship that fits your style. The only way to get free UEC when purchasing. The app is completely useless it constantly closes when I try to do ANYTHING. Upgrades may include insurance, adding to the source ship. In both of these things, the Atlas is considered the best all-rounder, as its speed is quite good and its fuel efficiency is reasonable as well. "We have identified an issue related to the stockpiling of $0 CCU's. For that specific reason, we have here Star Citizen Ship Upgrade Guide to help you with everything related to Ship Upgrades. If your ship does not currently have LTI and you would like to get another ship with LTI it is important to note that the Cross Chassis Upgrade retains the insurance policy of the original ship. You can put it in a specific manner; Grade A represents Number 1, while Grade D represents Number 4. The best Shields are currently referred to as FR Shields, namely the FR-66. These packages contain multiple Standalone Ships, typically at a reduced price; however, such packages may not contain the game itself, so the ships therein are only useable if you already own a game package on your account. Get a quick overview over all your ships/upgrades in your hangar and buyback, plan optimal upgrade chains. CCG - Citizen's Conversion Guide(see link) is a nicely done fan created Cross Chassis Upgrade (CCU) tool that will also link you right to the RSI Website. We use cookies to keep session information to provide you a better experience. Further, on the right, you can select certain things in the genre and it will automatically mount the ship selected. There are various upgrades available, select the one you like Quantum Drive, Shield Generator, Power Plant, and so on. This app does NOT in any way integrate with your actual fleets on the RSI website or in any other way. Warbond packages are sold by RSI typical during concept sale, often coming at reduced price and with special bonus items. Caterpillar to Banu Merchantman Upgrade. This site is not endorsed by or affiliated with the Cloud Imperium or Roberts Space Industries group of companies. in few rare cases, LTIupgrades were available. You can also select some CCUs you already own by clicking on the button on the right. When Quantum Drives are engaged they produce extraordinary high temperatures. If you melt a ship(exchange for store credits), all upgrades are lost and cannot be re-bought. This is done to discourage frequent ship swapping. The last field is "TOTAL COST", and like the name implies, it will generate the total cost that will be required to get to your desired upgrade. Their purpose is to keep the Quantum Drives from overheating during intermediate and long distance use. So if you've been looking to buy . You can also select some CCUs you already own by clicking on the button on the right. Feature list includes. Star Citizen Wiki is an unofficial wiki dedicated to Star Citizen and Squadron 42. From the Vehicle Loadout Manager or Ship Manager, you can do the upgrades of various things. Downgrades to cheaper models are not possible. In Star Citizen, the idea is to create a universe that feels inhabited where each item matters. It's easy! As this was a big update (introduced json uploading of your fleet), A lot changed from the previous version, causing previous saves to break. Out of all the Upgrades, some things are essential for you to climb up the ladder in Star Citizen. We will divide the things and explain them in detail here; Missile Rack: The Missiles are stored in a Rack on the Ship named Missile Rack. CCU are a great way of getting LTI on ships for FREE (without having to "pay up" on the Grey Market). This means that you are undetectable on the enemy's radar. If a ship thus holds multiple insurance products, only the highest insurance will count. Ship upgrades can be applied to ship packages and standalone ships. You can place the Gimbal Mounts for much better and assisted aim, at the cost of smaller Ship Weaponry. To identify game packages you can simply got to our Star Citizen store pageand filter for game packages: You can also identify game packages when checking out the content screenshot:Packages including the Star Citizen game always state "Star Citizen Digital Download", To play the Squadron 42 Single Player campaign, you need the "Squadron 42 Digital Download". So now I've taken the liberty to program a little calculator that does all the work for you. to know about buying ships. If they are somewhere else you will have to go there and open Vehicle Loadout Manager to access them. The Citizen's Conversion Guide (CCG) is a fan-made tool 100% unaffiliated with Star Citizen, Roberts Space Industries, or Cloud Imperium Games. Your money will be refunded on request as soon as you have cancelled your order provided it has not been delivered yet. This means it could and probably will lack the extras that concept sales or packages and promotions come with. The original ship will be removed from your inventory (from its package) and be replaced by the desired target ship of the upgrade. Why will ship upgrades (CCUs) no longer be available? The creator of Space Foundry individually verifies every seller on the marketplace ensuring the safest experience possible. Nearly every component has its Grade, Size, and Class, which can be seen below for each one. They can, however, be "undone" using the pledge buy back tool. To get in touch, post onGITHUBorSEND A MESSAGE TO /U/SNOEEon Reddit. Mining Calculator, Trade, . Only the ship that you upgrade inside the package will be upgraded (to its standalone version). It provides 10 years of insurance coverage. Choose an account you want to buy, register and pay. These credits can then be used to buy something else instead.Additionally though you will also receive a so called 'Buyback Token'. That's actually pretty helpful! There isnt much here in this tab except the details we just mentioned. Originally thoughCCU's were considered to upgrade ships from one model series to another, whereas traditional upgrades would upgrade ships within a single model series only. Space Foundry was created to give the player a seamless experience from search to checkout to flying around the Verse. IAE Insurance is sometimes available on upgrades. Now looks better and includes an additional tool to help you sell account-bound RSI. -- Both can get you the ship you want and youll find cheaper alternatives if you dont mind minor differences in bonus content. Ship upgrades can be applied to ship packages and standalone ships. This will occur at the same time as ships become purchasable only in game (with the exception of starter packages). Once upgraded, a ship cannot be reverted back to its previous state. History Note however, that apart from the ship included, the package content has not changed! There is a number on the Rack that indicates the Size of the Rack, how many missiles it can hold, and what is the size of missiles in that Rack. Powered by Invision Community, CCG - Citizen's Conversion Guide - Fan CCU Tool, community. In this app, you can recreate, manage, and analyze your ships and fleets. Star Citizen Datapad A Database of All Things Star Citizen I'll be collecting detailed information on ships, weapons, equipment, star systems, and just about anything else that might be useful for Star Citizen players to know whilst exploring the galaxy. To get LTI on another ship please follow this guide on LTI. In the Vehicle Loadout Manager, you can see various categories including the Miscellaneous Tab. To know if the ship is here or not, you will see a small red lock next to it, meaning it cant be accessed because it is either destroyed, wrecked, or for the reason above. If you are pirated or something goes wrong with your reputation, you can lose these items in the transfer process. Also.. To get rid of the gray slanted lines of the protected ranges, simply click on "View" and un-check "Protected Ranges". In the Star Citizen, you can directly buy items and fit them into your Ship, but they should be docked at the current location you are in. Keep in mind that the ships with red locks mean they are in Read-Only Mode and can only be read about, you cant change anything in them. Star Citizen, the popular multiplayer game, has recently received the much-awaiting update patch Star Citizen Alpha 3.17.2. As we previously stated, there are more than 1.1 million unused CCUs in the system today. When talking about the weaponry tab, things get a bit more complex and detailed. You may upgrade your ship multiple times using multiple upgrades; doing so the rules mentioned above do not change. It is in reverse, as the lower a number is, the better the component will be. The contents of the package stay the same. Ships reset filters Sort by: Name Sorting by: All ships Ship Classification This is done a way to give backers something extra for their support to create Star Citizen. Its something that touches every part of Star Citizen. Doesn't respond to any taps or movement. It also shows the currently available items in the store and makes them easily searchable. Both Ship Upgrades and CCUs (Cross-Chassis-Upgrade, typically the only name used nowadays) allow you ship upgrades from one model to another. Click here to use the referral code. Damage Regeneration Delay: The time required before Shield Starts to Regenerate after taking damage. Once players are able to buy and sell ships in the universe and have it persist, it is estimated that at this time, RSI will cease to offer the Cross Chassis Upgrade system via the website. You can find upgrades and standalone ships, as well as packages that contain upgraded ships at Star-Hangar. Star Citizen Hangar XPLORer 95 RSI Companion 37 Star Citizen Bulk XPLORer 5 Disney Plus Ultrawide Fullscreen Support 246 RSI Site Speedup 6 RSI Star Citizen Status Checker 340 users Hangar. For the Upgrades in Weapons, you should be looking for; Burst DPS: This is the maximum amount of damage that is done to the enemy if you hit every shot before the capacitor runs out. Upgrades typically remove the ship you had and replace it with another ship of higher cost/value. They are good with both the long-range and close-range while allowing you to catch agile ships easily. You can also use the starting ship called "no ship" that adds a virtual CCU equivalent to buying a ship. [CLOSED] tons of Scorpius CCU before price jump in 2 weeks. Promotional packages and items with a purchase cost of 0$ cannot be bought back if exchanged for Store Credits. For example, if you own a 6 month insurance ship and want to CCU to another ship (even if the ship is advertised with a longer insurance time) the new CCU'ed ship will have 6 month insurance. Update May 1st 2019: CCUs will be officially removed May 2nd (about a day later than originally intended. Weve settled on a plan that will eliminate $0 CCUs without impacting the benefits of the CCU and melting systems in general. They'll count as $0 CCUs. By Traders . Click on it and the highlight will appear. In the Systems tab, you can change the Quantum Drive, Shields, Powerplant, Coolers, and things like that. 2015 - 2023 Star Citizen Focus Organization,, Star Citizen Alpha 3.18 Key Bindings | Commands | Controls, Star Citizen Progress Report December 2022, Star Citizen Free Fly IAE 2022 Instructions, Star Citizen July 2022 Freefly Instructions, Star Citizen May 2022 Freefly Instructions, Star Citizen Alpha 3.17 Key Bindings | Commands | Controls, Star Citizen 2022 Freefly Februrary Instructions, Alpha 3.15 Bug Workarounds & Troubleshooting, Star Citizen Digital Download <- This is the multiplayer game, Star Citizen Digital Download <- This is themultiplayer game. It is the most important Upgrade to the ship you can go for. A very small number of users are creating a scenario where they can get a limited ship in the future, without having put any value towards the right to do so. Choose a starting ship, a target ship and you'll get the most money-efficient CCU path. to access the data from your mobile device). a "Dragonfly Black to F7C Hornet Upgrade" requires a "Dragonfly Black" as a source product, which it will then consume and convert into a "F7C Hornet"). For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. This site was built for use by theSTAR CITIZENcommunity. It has a vast open world that encourages you to explore it fully, the combat feels smooth, and you have the freedom to do and pursue whatever you want. No, it is not possible to Cross Chassis Upgrade to a ship of the same price. Here, the ballistic rounds are taken into consideration as they penetrate the Shield and sometimes hit the Shield Armor Directly. Link placed at the top of page. a " Dragonfly Black to F7C Hornet Upgrade" requires a "Dragonfly Black" as a source product, which it will then consume and convert into a "F7C Hornet"). Imposed a solution to keep individuals from adding any additional Rows or Columns. By Developers can show information here about how their app collects and uses your data. Additionally, you can only buy back one item every three months as it requires a token, that will be restored by RSI automatically at set dates once every three months. Find the ship you want on the right. These upgrades are not wildcards though and in these cases, the mandatory source ship is always the "base" model of the same series (e.g. Purely optionally, you can sync your data through the cloud with the website (e.g. There is three things to consider though: How to identify a Star Citizen Game Packages. We are working with professional farming teams as well as with international suppliers who farm manually. Updated tool! While I try to do everything to the best of my knowledge and belief, this software comes without any warranty whatsoever and I assume no liability for any problems or damages which might occur due to its use. They (will) allow changing parts of your ships back and forth in hangar, as the situation requires. This data is available in JSON format on Github: CCU to Cutlass Black Best In Show (BIS) 2950, Updated Prices 2 OC ships, plus CCU'd LTI Ships and a couple of packages all below RSI cost, WTB "Gladiator to F7C-M Super Hornet" CCU. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. In this tab, you can change the look over of your ship physically and that is all to this tab. All rights reserved. As can be seen in this case, while it looks like youd be buying an Anvil Crucible Standalone ship, youre actually buying a lot more: Each container/package will be split up and bound to your actual in-game character(s) at a later point in time.However, whats important to understand for now, that you need to look at the actual content that is listed and the fact that typically, multiple items are included. The cost of the upgrade is typically the price difference between thetwo. CCU'ed ShipsWhile technically not an own product type, you can buy Standalone Ships or Multi-Ship Packages that contain already upgraded or cross-chassis-converted ships. This happened due to a wipe that came with the update 2.0.0. 10 years of experience in this business allow us to deal with any given issue with maximum efficiency. With the basic Ship you have from the start, you cant deal with the next level of these things and require another route of upgradation. With three independent mining turrets and comprehensive crew facilities, it is a ship perfect for efficient multi-crew mining. On May 1st 2019 they will remove all unused $0 CCUs from the system. Here is the list of all ships that are currently flyable and their in-game prices in UEC. It then computes the cheapest path from your current ship to your final upgrade, getting you the best deal possible. New World 1.7 Update The Ennead Expedition Guide. On the other hand, they cannot get traded directly especially packages that contain star citizen ships, hangars, money, and in-game insurance. Make sure to get 5000 free UEC when you buy Star Citizen. The process is relatively simple, you just need to open the Vehicle Loadout Manager and know which things to change from time to time. Good product when it works. Acknowledgements: The ship icons have been taken and modified from here. Quantum Drive, on the other hand, is the only way to quickly get away from one point to another. Lowest prices, fastest deliveries, rarest items and the best security. Ships are the main mechanism of the game that not only allows you to travel but also engage in space combat, earn a living, and pretty much do a lot of things. If you find this helpful, or even simply like it, please give this thread an upvote.. Downgrading or removing upgrades however is a lot more tricky and may not always possible and in fact, the only way to downgrade a package, is basically to re-create the original item. crew 1 person SCM Speed ? Will backers always be able to Cross Chassis Upgrade? Most people go for Ballistics, but the problem is that they dont have enough ammo and their cannons are exceptionally slower to catch any faster or skilled player. Own product type, you do find it going down the system today subject to changes as increase! For store Credits during this process DPS, damage, power Plant, and your! 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