But this program has encountered severe conceptual obstacles. Our own Earth, where superheroes exist only in fiction. An Earth of pulp characters, both derived from classic DC characters and also drawing on classic literary pulp characters. Its continents are named "Olympus" (Asia), "Asgard" (North and South America) and "Oceania" (Australia). WebThe ending of Crisis on Infinite Earths had history rewritten so that there never was a multiverse, and instead there was just one universe that incorporated characters from Earths 1, 2, 4, S and X. Right now, we dont have one. Variations of some of these worlds appeared in the 52 and New 52 Multiverses, which are also Hypertime realities.[1]. Politically, Earth-Two was different from the Earth-One template modeled after Earth-Prime. Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? In February 2018, the Dark Nights: Metal series disclosed the existence of an additional Earth within this context, populated by sapient metasimians.[79]. Because the position of each molecule cannot be specified exactly, the gas has only a finite number of distinct configurations. This Earth appeared to be technologically less advanced than Earth-Two, with Dazam's navy using oar-powered ships. In the multiverse, the volume of space grows indefinitely, all the while producing expanding bubbles with a variety of states inside. WebUltraman; Formerly Mandrakk the Dark Monitor II Origin Place of Formation Limbo, Earth-51 Place of Defunction New Earth Creators Grant Morrison First appearance Final Crisis #7 ( March, 2009) The Supermen of the Multiverse were assembled in order to fight against the monstrous Mandrakk during the Final Crisis . The Batman Who Laughs, an insane Batman and successor of his Earth's Joker after being driven over the edge from being intensely tortured by his nemesis. Etrigan bonded with Jason Blood, the son of a Midwestern preacher, who uses the demon's powers and physical form to fight crime. These included (but were not limited to) the two-page "How Superman Would Win the War" (1940), the ancient Greece/ancient Israel mash-up world from Action Comics #308 (January 1964), the Earth where "The Super-Panhandler of Metropolis" and "The Secret of the Wheel-Chair Superman!" If the multiverse is large and diverse enough to contain some regions where dark matter is made out of light particles and other regions where dark matter is made out of heavy particles, how could we possibly predict which one we should see in our own region? We imagine this as an isolated brain that survives just long enough to notice it is about to die: the so-called Boltzmann brain. [159] Characters within this storyline are stated as originating from beyond the core New 52 Multiverse that has been depicted until now and contains Dark Knight Batman analogues of the Flash, Doomsday, Aquawoman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Cyborg and the Joker. Sherloque and his partner Watsune battled this Earth's Mad Hatter; Watsune died facing him alone. WebHe starts reminiscing about the Crisis on Infinite Earths, when New Earth was formed mostly from the reality called Earth-One. This universe's Earth had the ability to ride unicorns. He can be found most days actively dismantling the rules of a local TTRPG and can be reached at ben.b@cbr.com. Nautilus is a different kind of science magazine. As the Cold War was brewing between the world's superpowers, a mysterious object from space crashed into Kansas. The Murder Machine, a cyborg version of Batman. Retroactively established as an alternate universe in "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five". Our universe is intricately structured, so it is analogous to a gas that clusters in one corner of a boxa state that is far from equilibrium. Crucially, the predictions do not depend on the initial conditions. The Earth-One Batman and Gotham City first appeared in Detective Comics #327 (May 1964)[3][4], The Adventures of Bob Hope #94 (September 1965) for Earth-Twelve, (Earth-692)[17] It is a compelling idea. It would thus require a profound shift in the way physicists think. Contents 1 History 2 Notes 3 Trivia Bousso, Stefan Leichenauer at Berkeley, Vladimir Rosenhaus at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, and I pointed outthat these strange results have a simple physical interpretation: The reason that more sleepers wake up from short naps is that living in an eternally expanding universe is dangerous, because one can run into the end of time. On this Earth, Batman forcibly merged himself with the Flash to gain the power of the Speed Force, becoming the Red Death, after he had lost his significant family members, friends and non-metahuman allies. Otherwise the system will never be able to explore all its states. Because 52 introduced another set of Earths, The Flash: Flashpoint changed the nature of many of those Earths. Therefore, the theory conflicts with observation: It predicts that typical observers should see a completely blank sky, without stars, when they look up at night. What is needed in this case is some additional information about how the exponential growth stops. Alan Moore's "What Ever happened to the Man of Tomorrow?" Worse, many of these prescriptions predict that the vast majority of observers are Boltzmann brains. From the first cells to unique minds, in the editors note from Print Issue 46. In the second, a huge meteor suddenly destroys the planet, terminating all sleeper experiments. No divergence in history other than every inhabitant is a werewolf. Published Sep 12, 2022 Written by Mark Waid, drawn by Dan Jurgens and more, a one-shot for Dark Crisis explores the restored infinite Multiverse with familiar If, on the contrary, the universe has an infinite number of available states, then our usual statistical techniques are not predictive, and we are stuck. Whereas our present theories take the prior state of the universe as an input, a theory of initial conditions would have to give this state as an output. North America was destroyed by Monarch. [218] Guggenheim had wanted there to only be the single, new Earth-Prime that remained at the end of the crossover, but had that happened, the crossover would not have been able to visit the worlds of other DC properties. The expansion approaches a steady-state behavior, with the expanding high-energy state continually expanding and budding off lower-energy regions. Crucially, the predictions do not depend on the initial conditions. When it comes to physics, says Sean Carroll, you need the math. Now suppose you are just waking up in your cryogenic freezer and are asked to bet how long you were asleep. A lot more experiments started a year ago than 50 billion years ago, so most of the people waking up today were asleep for a short time. Nix Uotan broadcasts a message through a computer called the "Construct" saying that champions are needed to fight the threat. Harbinger visited this universe's Earth and retrieved its. We understand an ordinary box of gas in the same way. This understanding could take one of three forms. Essentially, rather than narrowing their scope, DC has broadened it so that Pariah and Anti-Monitor's actions allow for the creation of new universes and Elseworlds stories that simply need to be given a number. If the universe, like a box of gas, can exist in only a finite number of available states, theory predicts that we are Boltzmann brains, which conflicts with observations, not to mention common sense. This is sciences version of the old philosophical question of First Cause. Episode #29 LORD HAVOK AND THE EXTREMISTS, "DC Comics' solicitation for Justice League of America (vol. Attributing the idea to his assistant, known to history only as Dr. Stargirl, Superman & Lois, Greenlantern are some of the shows in the line-up. However, it is not known if these are part of the Multiverse, if they exist in Hypertime, or something else. Kal-El, a.k.a. (Action Comics #583 and Superman #423) in 1986 was the last Pre-Crisis story to use the label. The DC Multiverse is a fictional continuity construct used in DC Comics publications. So, whenever we make a prediction in physics, we need to specify what the initial conditions are. Though Crisis on Infinite Earths and Flashpoint are both brilliant stories, their practical fallout was largely reactionary. Jesse Quick also acted as "the Flash" on Earth-3 while Jay Garrick was trapped in the Speed Force. It appears to be pre-industrial in terms of its technological base. Why Reading Your Doctors Notes Can Be Painful. However, a tradition of spelling out the numbers emerged in "The Most Dangerous Earth" (Justice League of America #30 (September 1964)). Superman offered Pariah aid to absolve his mistakes but Pariah rejects their help believing that the heroes ruined everything. Once the theory becomes well-defined by making the total number of people finite, probability questions have unique, sensible answers. The main idea is to make probabilistic predictions. Appeared as an alternate Earth in the "Crisis on Infinite Earths" tie-in comic, where the Phantom Stranger resides. A new Multiverse was revealed at the end of the 52 weekly maxiseries. The multiverse offers an answer. On this Earth, there were no heroes until a league of scientists known as the Justice Consortium created them. The reason is that all our theories in physics are dynamical: The fundamental physical laws describe what will happen, given what already is. It has slightly over 2 billion inhabitants, although the reason for this slower global population growth is unclear. Note that Wonder Woman met a duplicate version of herself coming from an unnamed twin Earth in "Wonder Woman's Invisible Twin", (Wonder Woman #59 (MayJune 1953)). So, we must seek a new approach to making predictions in cosmology. DC's one universe, one timeline idea was silently killed off with the creation of the pocket universe (which was to explain why the Legion of Super-Heroes still remembered a Superboy when none existed in the Post-Crisis reality). This Earth was attacked and seized by Darkseid when it collided with his home planet of Apokolips. Ben Freivogel is an assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam. Mathematically, we can choose many different conceivable ways to synchronize clocks across these large regions of space, and these different choices lead to different predictions for what types of observations are likely or unlikely. WebDesignation Era Inhabitants Notes First appearance Earth-Zero: Infinite Crisis: Earth-Zero is populated by Bizarro versions of various DC characters : Earth-Zero's only appearance was in a single panel in Infinite Crisis #6. Physicists have always hoped that once we understood the fundamental laws of physics, they would make unambiguous predictions for physical quantities. Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane, and others were killed in a terrorist attack at the Daily Planet. According to Deathstroke, the Multiverse needs to end because it has hurt too many, including his children. These hopes now appear to have been hopelessly nave. At the next instant our delusions are extremely likely to be shattered, and we will discover that there are no other stars in the universe. An Earth populated by normal humans, but distinct in possessing an inner world populated by descendants of Atlantis called Skartaris, Designated a separate Earth in Answer Man column by Bob Rozakis, seen in, Advances in science and medicine have resulted in an Earth of immortals. A Hypertime version of Earth-Three was seen in, This Earth was introduced at the beginning of, Earth-Six is apparently ruled by a royal family of superheroes (Lord Volt is referred to as the king, and he mentions his family's reign over Earth). Trying to answer a silly question can take you through some serious science. In his death he was remembered as a hero in the world above. One of two new "centers" of the Multiverse after the Infinite Frontier was opened up. The Multiverse has undergone numerous changes and has included various universes, listed below between the original Multiverse and its successors. At the end of the crisis, only 52 universes remained. One of three Earths named by Alexander Luthor in, Home of variant versions of Animal Man, Batman, and B'wana Beast and many historical divergences, such as. (Pathology) pathol a sudden change, for better or worse, in the course of a disease. We found we could useBoltzmann brains as a toola way to decide among differing prescriptions for how to synchronize clocks. In this case we know how to make predictions, because after a while the multiverse forgets about the unknown initial conditions. As it was mentioned in The Multiversity, this multiverse was destroyed by the Empty Hand. Our stories take you into the depths of This assumption must be incorrect. If our state of delusion lasts long enough for this article to appear, you can safely discard the theory. By acting in direct opposition to previous events, DC has created the most potential for original superhero stories than it had since the onset of the New 52. Billy Batson has the identity of Captain Thunder, Superboy was raised in Metropolis, Wonder Woman fought in World War II and Bruce Wayne retired in the mid-1960s to make way for a new Batman and Robin team, An Earth where Superman and Luthor died in their final battle, Superman was replaced by a Kandorian and eventually switched with the Superman of Earth-215, As Krypton Girl, Lois Lane of Krypton quickly tires of Clark Kent's attempts at finding out her secret identity and sends him to the Phantom Zone, Superman marries Lois Lane, Lana Lang and Lori Lemaris, who all tragically die after the wedding, A technologically advanced Earth where Tommy Tomorrow became the first man on Mars in 1960, Superman is married to both Lois Lane and Lana Lang. If the coin came up tails, the experimenters instruct their descendants to wake you up after 50 billion years. Wells, is a French poet, Seen on Jay Garrick's Multiverse map. The multiverse is a theory in which universes exist beyond our own, each with its own set of physical laws and realities that are distinct from one another. The Flash's second season began to explore a shared multiverse with the appearance of Earth-2, while the series' titular character also crossed over with the parallel universe home to Supergirl (later designated Earth-38). We count how many observers in the multiverse measure a physical quantity to have a given value. Per his notes, this world is. The issue came into focus via a thought experiment suggested by Alan Guth of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Vitaly Vanchurin at the University of Michigan in Duluth. DC Wiki suggests that the Golden Age appearances of Superboy might have been on this Earth. These infinities lead to paradoxes and puzzles wherever we turn. A crucial assumption in Boltzmanns argument is that there are only a finite (if very large) number of molecular configurations. The second option on our list is that the universe has an infinite number of states available to it. Complex structures, including life, arise only when there are weird fluctuations. In the multiverse, the volume of space grows indefinitely, all the while producing expanding bubbles with a variety of states inside. Home to legends like Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, this universe is where hundreds of heroes and villains originate. Otherwise the system will never be able to explore all its states. The expansion approaches a steady-state behavior, with While humanity is extinct in this universe, alternate versions of extraterrestrial characters such as, This entire universe was wiped out by a battle between the, Nix Uotan successfully recreated his universe, at first making it resemble Earth-0, except that certain people, including the Challengers from Beyond, had never existed there. Tales of horrors prowling the night were once just legends on this Earth - until the darkness returned. 1: Inspired by the Hit Video Game! Home to a bounty hunter/killer who had a magical knife that could penetrate force fields. A conflict called the War of the Americas happened sometime during the 20th Century, where Zolomon's father James fought. Felicity Smoak's party travels to this Earth to seek the Stranger's aid to transport to the planet Oa on the universe of Earth-12, where they glimpse a doppelgnger of the Anti-Monitor is at war with its heroes and thus a part of the event of DC Comics' original. Instead, what we can measureand would like to make predictions foris the coarse-grained properties of the box of gas, such as the temperature and the pressure. Established as an alternate universe in "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five". After the destruction of Alexander Luthor Jr.'s Multiverse Tower in, Merged with Vertigo Earth and Earth-50 in the wake of the, Originally an Earth populated by blue-skinned humanoids who worshiped the now-deified Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman of New Earth; it was reshaped into an Earth reflective of the 21st century, The original version of this Earth appeared in, Hal Jordan calls the Marvel Universe's Earth-616 "Earth-2" in, An Earth of reversed moralities that resembles the Pre-, This Earth contains evil counterparts of characters from Earth-2, Heroic versions of the Joker and the Riddler appear in the, A condensed universe where the laws of physics are different, Captain Allen Adam (a.k.a. It is unknown what exactly caused its desolation, though, A reality where the Justice League are a brutal force that maintains order on Earth. Grant Morrison defines Earth 34 and Earth 35, and possibly other neighboring Earths, as homes to "copies of copies", home to analogues to Justice League analogues produced by writers, Grant Morrison defines Earth-34 and Earth-35, and possibly other neighboring Earths, as homes to "copies of copies", home to analogues to Justice League analogues produced by writers, Described as a grim, lawless Earth of rapid technological advancement in the '60s, '70s and '80s, A real-time Earth where Batman and Superman debuted in the 1930s, as in, This Earth is a "binary universe" to Earth-20, containing evil counterparts of those characters, including, This Earth went to war against Earth-20 five years ago, Characters on this Earth are based on characters published by, This world had no evil, death, or violence until Earth-45's Superdoomsday showed up and killed their Superman. EP Sheds More Light on Finale's Long-Awaited Explanation", "Arrowverse comes full circle with its first comic book crossover event, Earth-Prime", "DC FanDome LIVE: Enter the Multiverse With Jim Lee, Walter Hamada and Greg Berlanti", "Pattinson's Batman Confirmed to Exist on a Separate Earth from the Established DCEU", "Ben Affleck Will Return as Batman in the Flash", "Decoding Convergence With Jeff King: The Finale", Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_DC_Multiverse_worlds&oldid=1134427414, Articles with dead external links from November 2011, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2010, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2011, All articles that may contain original research, Articles that may contain original research from April 2012, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2008, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2009, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2008, Articles to be expanded from October 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Green Lantern (vol. Once we realized this, it became clear that this end-of-time effect was an inherent characteristic of the recipe we were using to calculate probabilities, and it is there whether or not anyone actually decides to undertake these strange sleeper experiments. This amounts to an ambiguity in how to characterize the steady-state behavior, known as the measure problem. On this Earth, Batman merged himself with a digital copy of Alfred Pennyworth's mind after the real Alfred Pennyworth's death, becoming a murderous cyborg. The high stakes make for a gripping story, and the climactic final battle explores existential questions about the multiverse and what it would mean for our lives. "Captain Allen Atom") the "Quantum Superman" appears in, The Meta Militia are a group of heroes based upon the "Champions of Angor", who were a pastiche of the, On this Earth, an African-American Superman with vast mental powers has conquered the entire planet and has outlawed all superpowered beings save for those who work under his command. The same can be said for Gypsy, as she took bags of coffee back with her when she returned to Earth-19. science and spotlight its ripples in our lives and cultures. DCs mega-event Infinite Crisis saw the destruction of the Trinity, the rise of Alexander Luthor and Superboy-Prime, and the rebirth of the Multiversebut it all started with Ted Kord, the Blue Beetle, who saw it all coming and died with secrets that couldve saved the world. The newest and most popular articles delivered right to your inbox! Has the theory lost its mooring to observation? Right now, we dont have one. The second option on our list is that the universe has an infinite number of states available to it. In many ways, the first option is the most agreeable to physicists, because it extends our well-established statistical techniques. Assuming the universe isgreat enough, the probability that such a small part of it as our world should be in its present state, is no longer small. Located at the center of the Orrery of Worlds, site of the Multiversity, The medium within the Orrery of Worlds that separates the various Earths, Serves as a boundary between the Orrery of Worlds and the Sphere of the Gods, A world where fragments of past DC Comics continuities are collected and preserved, Represented on the Multiverse map as the tiny question mark just below Earth-29 and above the Chaos, Was moved into the Earth 2 reality at the end of, The underworlds of various pantheons, including the Kryptonian Phantom Zone, Situated on the border between the Sphere of the Gods and the Monitor Sphere, Separates the Monitor Sphere from the Anti-Life Equation. ", as well as "Post-Convergence, every character that ever existed, in either Continuity or Canon, is now available to us as storytellers.". Another tells us that most of the volume will be taken up by the state the decays the slowest. In fact, given the parameters that define our universe, we calculated that there is about a 50 percent probability of encountering the end of time in the next 5 billion years. To put it all together: Theoretical and observational evidence suggests that we are living in an enormous, eternally expanding multiverse where the constants of nature vary from place to place. The Phantom Stranger resides it collided with his home planet of Apokolips and... Another tells us that most of the Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part ''! About the Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five '' to paradoxes and puzzles wherever we turn growth... Infinite Frontier was opened up are Part of the old philosophical question first. Was the last Pre-Crisis story to use the label and others were killed in a terrorist attack the! Dc Multiverse is a French poet, Seen on Jay Garrick was trapped in the Multiverse forgets about the initial! 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