Previously, bank supervisors did not collect or analyze bank income data, which is a critical component in the overall analysis of a banks performance. An official website of the United States Government, Business, Entrepreneurship, & Responsible Business Conduct, Investment Relationships, Development Finance, & Macroeconomic Affairs, Economic Sanctions, Countering Terrorist Financing, Anti-Money Laundering, & Conflict Minerals, International Trade Policy Advice & Safe, Secure, Efficient Global Transportation, Division for Counter Threat Finance and Sanctions, Division for International Communications and Information Policy, Division for International Finance and Development, Division for Trade Policy and Negotiations, Office of Commercial and Business Affairs, Office of Economic Policy Analysis and Public Diplomacy, Office of the U.S. Funding in the amount of $190 million supports democracy, human rights, and womens issues in Iraq. United States Department of State. Funding for the Fogarty . The Empire State Economic Development Fund (EDF) offers financial assistance for projects that promote New York States economic health by facilitating job creation and/or retention, or increased business activity in the state. This section reports on funds appropriated under the NADR heading for humanitarian demining and small arms and light weapons destruction, including $9.9 million (FY 2007 continuing resolution), $7 million (FY 2007 supplemental budget), and $15.9 million (FY 2008 omnibus base budget). WASHINGTON - Today, U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo announced that the Department's Economic Development Administration (EDA) is awarding a $3 million grant to Western Wyoming Community College District, Rock Springs, Wyoming, to help diversify the economy by boosting the region's healthcare workforce. The following activities were undertaken to improve the situation for Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) and their host communities nationwide. Complex Crisis Fund (CCF) Rescission - (40,000) - (40,000) - - . The SSH program across Africa received $2 million in 2020 through the Africa Regional Economic Support Fund. Commentary by Dong Yue. The facilitators will use their new skills to conduct community conflict assessments throughout Iraq, focusing on collecting data from community stakeholders who have an impact on conflict, providing analysis of community tensions and conflict dynamics, and highlighting local capacities for peace. Economics has become the indispensable foreign policy tool of our time. Supporting the ongoing 1991 Intifada Uprising trial. Assisted the CBI with the development of its first Prudential Income Statement. Additional funds could transform schools into centers of learning and development for entire communities and allow for integration of programs in other sectors with schools and educational programs. Economic Support Fund (ESF): up $947 million (+30%) International Development Finance Corporation (DFC): up $130 million (+23%) . Provided technical assistance, including a basic needs assessment, to the Presidency Administration. Launched a conflict resolution series to train civic activists from all 18 provinces. HRDF's purpose is to be a flexible, responsive mechanism . Scott Sizer, Public-Private Partnerships Policy Coordinator. The series is designed to improve activist capacity to implement solutions to their communities most critical issues; train them in conflict mitigation and resolution; and determine areas of potential CSO impact in the resolution of community problems. Where appropriate, ESF will also assist states critical . The program is positioned to respond to needs identified by the Embassy, with grants made to Iraqi, U.S. and international non-governmental organizations. Increased funds could decrease the likelihood of preventable violence. Appropriations in the amounts of $55.4 million (FY 2006 base budget), $48 million (FY 2006 supplemental budget), $20.1 million (FY 2007 continuing resolution), and $67.6 million (FY 2007 supplemental appropriation) support critical democracy-building programs as Iraq completes its transition to a permanent, democratically-elected government. Approved projects are either in the procurement process or have already been awarded. the Department of State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2019 (Div. These data will guide an investment that could reach over $10 million. Photo By: Syed Mahabubul-Kader Batel is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license. The agreement identifies project lists for all three sectors and fully obligates the funds available for Infrastructure Security. The Secretary of Statecreatedthe Office of Foreign Assistancein 2006 toimprove strategic coordination of and oversight overallforeign assistance funding,focusing on efficacy and strategy. 185 Terr., Miami, FL 33157. Development Assistance & Economic Support Fund, Director, Policy, Budget and Appropriations, We use cookies to facilitate your navigation on this website. Signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Minister of Finance agreeing to restart IFMIS. Trained an inter-ministerial working group that will oversee the GOI employee census. With over 112 million tourists visiting the state in 2016, the tourism sector is the largest economic engine for the state, employing a workforce of 1.4 million. This fund has become an important source of financing for community college new program innovation, development, and capacity building, particularly for career and technical education. Facilitated the first in a series of two constituent relations and outreach symposiums in Erbil with MPs, think tank academics, and other NGOs to discuss ways to bridge the communications gap between MPs and their constituents. Worked with Iraqi NGOs and civil society organizations to increase their operational capacity and strengthen their ability to provide essential services to the community. The Workforce Training and Economic Development (WTED) Fund was established in 2003 as part of the Grow Iowa Values Fund. CSP also works to place vocational education graduates in long-term jobs with the assistance of employment agents and through a subsidized apprenticeship program. a. Infrastructure Capacity Development Training and Technical-Level Management. The U.S. Oil pipeline exclusion zone projects are being built along the key pipeline corridors of Baiji to Kirkuk, Doura to Hillah, and Baiji to Baghdad. Activities include two main elements: specific, immediate support to key ministries through advisors dedicated to the ministry or institution; and training of civil servants at the national and provincial levels to improve approaches to key public administration functions, such as project management, procurement, human resources, and delivering public services; and managing training programs in these areas to sustain this effort. Assisted in preparing a revised organizational chart for the Ministry of Water Resources to reflect the ministrys full mandate, including governance for integrated water resources management and sustainable development. Part IVEconomic Support Fund 2346. The Procurement Assistance Center (PAC) program has assisted the GOI in drafting and enacting new and streamlined procurement regulations and implementing instructions. These projects include support for income generation, prosthetics, and rehabilitation of destroyed homes, schools, and clinics. Acquisition of machinery and equipment. O&M Sustainment ($285 million in ESF funds) will assist Iraqis in sustaining U.S. investments in essential service infrastructure by providing in-plant services (such as combustion inspections and hot gas path inspections) and consumables and spare parts at major electricity power plants, water and wastewater plants, and select health, transportation, and communication facilities. The clinic will provide legal representation to over 6,000 detainees. Completed projects included: The $1.1 million Bayji Villages Electrical Network in the. INDEX TO BILL AND REPORT Page Number Bill Report . A total of approximately 42,550 people were employed or engaged over the quarter. The fund is administered by the Office of Provincial Affairs (OPA) based in Baghdad. U.S. Government Implementing Agencies: USAID, Department of State, and Department of Defense. Foreign assistance can be divided into three broad categories: Advances our national security by helping countries meet near-term political, economic, and development needs. The Office of Foreign Assistance is responsible for the supervision and overall strategic direction of foreign assistance programs administered by the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). U.S. Government Implementing Agencies: Department of State, Bureau of Population,Refugees, and Migration (PRM); and USAID, Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA). IHECs Voter Registration Division obtained the PDS food distribution system list and successfully converted it into a baseline voter registry. The $245,000 renovation of the Suroor Elementary School in Baghdad. Funds support trade and capacity building, strengthen independent judiciaries, protect human rights and freedom of the press, combat human trafficking and corruption, increase public accountability access to justice, and protect civil society activists and journalists. Opened urban planning and GIS centers for provincial governments in 17 of Iraqs 18 provinces; a center will open in Diyala province as soon as security conditions permit. Integrity and support projects focus on mitigating specific vulnerabilities through the specific application of equipment or parts (critical surge relief valves, quick response oil repair kits, or security force background vetting) or support activities (training facilities/programs, life support facilities in support of security). Integrity: Security programs that focus on biometrics, identity cards, redundancy and viability in equipment, and other safety equipment necessary to eliminate single points of failure. The total $32.5 . Convened PRT staff to discuss best approaches to designing proposals. Trained in Jordan 73 representatives of 11 political parties on internal party operations, platform development, internal and external communications, and review of the objectives of a political party. Judicial training programs are designed to improve the functioning of judges and investigators in Iraqs criminal justice system. Redundancy: Supplementing existing oil export facilities with additional resources in order to ensure continuity of crude oil exports. Articles from Wex. Develops and implements sanctions and counter-threat finance policies to counter risks to national security posed by particular activities, groups, and countries. The existing PCC building was overflowing with existing staff, including offices for the PRT infrastructure team, and needed additional office space to accommodate the centers increasing role and responsibility with Kirkuks expanding PRDC and decentralization processes. The Economic Support Fund (ESF) account provides economic assistance to advance U.S. political and strategic interests by helping countries meet political, economic, and security needs. Florida's economy is heavily reliant on tourism and the sales tax revenue it generates; therefore, efforts to ensure continuity of tourism activities are paramount. The pandemic preparedness funding will strengthen the global health workforce, support pandemic preparedness research and development, advance global research and development capacity, and support health security financing to strengthen global capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to future COVID variants and other infectious disease outbreaks. 05.11.22. Launched a ten-day IT training course for 12 GOI employees in Mosul, reaching Directorates General in the provinces to address their particular needs. Additional funding could enable the U.S. government to better respond to the root causes of conflicts that drive increasing humanitarian need around the world. Published and distributed 2,000 copies of the Research Department (RD) Handbook of the Iraqi Council of Representatives (CoR), which promotes and explains to Members of the Parliament (MPs) the functions and services provided by the RD. Department of State Inspector General: $4 million; Notable Programs. Organized the Ministry of Plannings first nationwide conference on Iraqs Provincial Development Strategies (PDS). L. 99-83, title II, 201(a), Aug. 8, 1985, 99 Stat. Began an aggressive program to upgrade the physical security of courthouses throughout Iraq. Additionally, LGP has trained 8,825 council members, 18 governors, 18 deputy governors, 330 director generals, as well as key staff in 400 departments and all of the new provincial councils elected in January 2005. Supported the Kurdistan Economic Development Organization (KEDO) in holding two entrepreneurship training programs targeting students studying economics and finance at Sulaymaniyah University and Dahuk University. The Infrastructure Security Protection (ISP) program ($227 million in ESF funding) plans and executes programs to provide security for infrastructure related to oil, water, and electricity. Cultivation and harvest support activities are ongoing. The company's filing status is listed as Inactive and its File Number is N48067. Conducted four workshops for 120 participants from provincial councils and civic organizations from Basrah, Amara, Nassriya, and Samawa on challenges and opportunities for women members of provincial councils. Provincial Reconstruction Development Council Funds. Additional funds could contribute to greater stability in countries of strategic interest to the U.S., including Jordan, Iraq, Myanmar, and Colombia. View this program's assessment summary. Construction of Phase I of the Nassriya Maximum-Security prison is 95 percent complete. P@vI$d'7fXC3;W'|.8 Provided income-generation opportunities targeting IDPs and host families, concentrating on civic improvement and clean-up projects. Ongoing grants are supporting some of the following: training for the Iraqi Private Bankers Association, the Iraqi Beekeepers Association, the Iraqi Bar Association, and the Telafar small business development center. In addition to supporting many of the activities funded under the Development Assistance account, ESF funds meet near- and long-term political, economic, development, and security needs. Continued to assist the Central Organization for Statistics and Information Technology (COSIT) Directorate in preparing a Master Statistical Plan (MSP) for the next five years. Corruption and poor governance fuel economic instability. Search. The Presidents Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request includes $60.4 billion for the Department of State and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), $1.9 billion or 3 percent above the Fiscal Year 2022 Request, and $7.4 billion or 14 percent above FY 2021 enacted levels. 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, VA 22035. Fiscal Year 2006 funds ($315 million) for PRDC projects are almost fully allocated. EDF funds assist with: Construction, expansion and rehabilitation of facilities. This quarter, the Embassy approved $63.7 million in funds for projects in Iraq's 18 provinces. Hired an advisor to assess the status and current operating environment of the Iraqi Justice Integration Project, which is designed to improve coordination and information-sharing among key ministries and courts in Iraqs criminal justice system. These documents were developed in a broadly participatory process involving provincial leaders and citizens, and they will guide public investment decisions and budget allocations in each province for the next three to five years. Supported the introduction of regular planning meetings for the Electoral Operations Planning Work group. Provided non-formal education activities and sports events to an average of 11,400 youths per week over the quarter. The PAC is also assisting in the development of a new Iraqi law on contracting. MostU.S. foreign assistance falls under the International Affairs Budget. A fund of this size is not going to make much of a contribution to the goal of boosting semiconductor production when a single semiconductor chip fabrication plant, also known as a fab, can run to $10-20 . Made in Order: 7: Version 1: Schweikert (AZ) Republican The GOI has committed to re-licensing all relevant software to confirm Iraqs ownership; restarting the server and instructing all spending units to resume data entry; and confirming that the IFMIS is Iraqs official financial system and that the MoF is responsible for connecting final spending units. The Empire State Economic Development Fund is flexible, providing a range of assistance to ensure that the state is meeting the diversity of business needs. In addition to Request for $60.4 billion in annual discretionary appropriations, the Budget includes $6.5 billion in mandatory funding for State and USAID over five years to make transformative investments in pandemic and other biological threat preparedness globally in support of U.S. biodefense and pandemic preparedness strategies and plans. Satisfactory applications are presented to the ESD directors for consideration. Assisted in coordinating a geographic information system master plan for the Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works. 3.0 shell Menu Menu. Conducted a call for proposals and awarded eight grants totaling $8,459,168, including: Funded the development of a legal services clinic for detainees at the Rusafa Legal Complex in Baghdad. Economic Development Support Fund. 0000000673 00000 n
With INL funding and management, USMS has performed security assessments at two of the courthouses this quarter (thirteen in total) and contracts are being awarded to Iraqi construction firms to perform the work. This program began last quarter and is currently implementing eight, year-long grants totaling $905,627. programs administered by Department of State bureaus that support specific U.S. foreign policy goals. Stable democracies are good for businesscorruption and poor governance fuel economic instability. Conducted in collaboration with the Northwest Area Foundation, LINC, and Colorado State . This proactive work to support economic diversification, community building and workforce . The workshop focused on assisting the Network in creating approaches to peace building throughout Iraq by building upon existing interest by community organizations for conflict mitigation. JANUARY 10, 2023 CALL TO ORDER Auditor Kiepke called the first meeting of 2023 of the Davison County Board of Commissioners to order at 9:00 a.m. Members of the Board present were . These funds support efforts by the Council of Representatives to address a number of important governance issues through the legislative and constitutional process, as well as capacity strengthening for the Independent Higher Electoral Commission of Iraq. Seniority List. Regime Crimes Liaison Office (RCLO) programs ($33 million in ESF funds) assist the Iraqi High Tribunal (IHT) in coordinating assistance to the IHT by U.S. agencies in Iraq, other foreign governments, law enforcement agencies, and international and non-governmental organizations. The final spending package included increases for USAID's Development Assistance and the State Department's Economic Support Fund. Under the Iraq Rapid Assistance Programs Civil Society Component ($30 million in ESF), USAID provides grants to civil society organizations (CSOs) working towards conflict mitigation. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, U.S. Agency for International Development. Black Education Fund And Economic Support Foundation, Inc. is a Florida Domestic Non-Profit Corporation filed on March 26, 1992. The Fund exclusively supports public-private partnership . Nebraska reopens Small Businesses Stabilization grants with expanded eligibility: On July 13, the Nebraska Department of Economic Development (DED) began accepting new applicants under the Small Business Stabilization grant program. Humanitarian Assistance (IHA) accounts, and moved the Economic Support Fund (ESF) account from Title III (Bilateral Economic Assistance) into Title IV (International Security Assistance) to make clear the committee's . 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