Prospective probation officers must possess certain qualifications in order to 1) gain employment and 2) be a productive officer. Required Education for Probation and Pretrial Services Officers: Completion of a bachelors degree from an accredited college or university in a field of academic study, such as criminal justice, criminology, psychology, sociology, human relations, or business or public administration, which provides evidence of the capacity to understand and apply the legal requirements and human relations skills involved in the position, is required for all probation or pretrial services officer positions. These are some of the most physical aspects of the job. This job involves working at one of many federal courts across the country. A Bankruptcy or Magistrate Judge? Some judges are willing to grant early termination even if you still owe money, provided you've made all payments as scheduled during your supervised release. Must have a valid driver's license in good standing. Washington. Open to: Upper-Level Undergraduate Students. 3. Historic Images Part Number: hpa83376. But these professionals are far more than just glorified watchdogs for criminal offenders. There are many avenues in this field that lead to careers in law enforcement. Helwa H. Qasem, 44, of Bexley, Ohio, pleaded guilty to a bill of information charging her with extortion under color of official right, a federal crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison. Probation and supervised release are both administered by the U.S. Probation and pretrial services officers serve in a hazardous duty capacity and are eligible for federal law enforcement retirement benefits. Federal probation officers must be physically fit and able to defend themselves. The system's mission is to investigate and supervise defendants and offenders. General Requirements. Connecticut. Help may be provided for personal issues, family/close relationship issues, and work issues. SECURE AND PROTECT WHILE YOU TEACH AND INSPIRE. Probation and Pretrial Services system? Federal law enforcement officers may retire at age 50 with 20 years of hazardous duty service, or at any age with 25 years of hazardous duty service. To become employed as a certified law enforcement, correctional or correctional probation officer in Florida individuals must: Be at least 19 years of age for law enforcement and correctional probation. Their skillset is broad, and their knowledge of everything from how the court systems operate to the best ways for parolees to access social services and job training opportunities makes their contributions to both the individual offenders they work with and the communities they serve simply invaluable. B. of the North Carolina Firearms Laws manual. 922, is independent of North Carolinas firearms laws and should be consulted before anyone convicted of a felony, in any state or federal court, possesses, receives or transports any firearm. With experience, they can advance to the CL28 pay level earning a base salary up to $86,881 per year. Actual salary is dependent upon education and experience and pay table will vary based on locality. Probation and Parole. gathering information through interviews with people involved in the court process and their friends, family members, and others; conducting investigations and preparingreports, using a wide range of technology; submittingrecommendations to the court during pretrial proceedings, at sentencing, during community supervision, and during other phases of the judicial process; maintaining personal contact with individuals released to the community to support compliance in the pretrial phase or help facilitate a successful reentry to the community after release from prison; and. Probation and Pretrial Services officer, applicants must have at least an undergraduate college degree. They are vested with police powers to enforce laws against probationers in violation of release conditions, court rules, and the law. Under 12 NCAC 9G .0200, every person employed as a Corrections Officer shall: (12 NCAC 9G .0302) Every person employed and certified as a Correctional Officer, Probation/Parole Officer, or Probation/Parole Officer-Surveillance shall notify the Criminal Justice Standards Division of all criminal offenses for which the officer is charged, arrested, pleads no contest, pleads guilty, or for which the officer is found guilty. 8335(b),8425(b). Probation Officer Career Overview: Demand & Salary. Pros and Cons of a Probation Officer Career. Many officers are hired at Step 25. A.S. in Criminal Justice, B.S. Once you complete your course you can apply for the Professional Qualification in Probation training programme. Education requirements for the job of the federal probation officer; Other Requirements for the job of the federal probation officer; Salary of the federal probation officer . The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a minimal increase in demand for this Community and Social Service job, which falls under occupational classification 21-1092 that is assigned to all probation officers and correctional treatment specialists. Our system consists of 94 court districts. We have three locations: Pittsburgh, Erie, Johnstown. As you progress through your career, you may be expected to regularly attend training and courses to keep up on your education. Maintain detailed written records of case activity. This program lasts six weeks; throughout the duration of your program, you learn about safely performing your job duties and using firearms in an effective, appropriate manner. Considering the high competition, units in search of competent probation officers will prioritize qualified applicants who submit neatly and completely filled out forms, along with attachments. According to the Bureau of Labor of Statistics (BLS) the field has 86,810 active employees with an average yearly salary for probation officers in the United States at $52,910 . Foundation courses include constitutional law, criminal law, justice studies, justice administration, ethics, addiction counseling, and technology in criminal justice. What does it mean to be a team member with the U.S. As with any employment, the initial phase is the probationary period, followed by permanent employment status. Officers are subject to mandatory retirement at age 57, which means individuals must be appointed by their 37th birthday. The hiring process may vary dependent upon length of time for medical review. Where you live may also affect how much you can expect to earn. Probation and Pretrial Services System, Federal Probation and Pretrial Services Training Academy, court personnel law enforcement officers, court personnel non-law enforcement officers, leave benefits, employee assistant programs, work/life services, wellness programs, and more, CL25: $38,004 $46,767 (developmental range), $47,529 $60,864 (full performance range), CL26: $41,865 $51,921 (developmental range), $52,340 $67,005 (full performance range), CL27: $44,164 $55,204 (developmental range), $55,664 $71,764 (full performance range), CL28: $52,919 $66,167 (developmental range), $66,719 $86,039 (full performance range), $57,625 $72,030 (developmental range) $72,630 $93,638 (full performance range), $69,049 $86,335 (developmental range) $87,055 $112,264 (full performance range), Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHB), Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance (FEDVIP), Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI), Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA). Any severe health problems, however, such as physical defects, disease, and deformities that constitute employment hazards to the applicant and others, may disqualify an applicant. Probation Officer performs duties and responsibilities which include, but are not limited to, the following: Investigative Duties: The incumbent conducts investigations and prepares reports for the court with recommendations for sentencing of individuals convicted of federal offenses.The preparation of these reports requires interviewing offenders and their families, investigating the . Benefits: The United States Probation Office is part of the Judicial Branch of the Federal Government and operates as an independent excepted service agency. Applicants should review job descriptions for education requirements for other positions. Having submitted to and produced a negative result on a drug test within 60 days of employment or any in-service drug screening required by the Department of Public Safety, Division of Adult Correction and Juvenile Justice that meets the certification standards of the Department of Health and Human Services for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs. Figures represent accumulated data for all employment sectors in which probation officers work. You cannot get off federal probation early unless you've paid any monetary amounts assessed to you. Compensation consists of base pay plus a locality pay component and a cost-of-living allowance component for states and U.S. territories outside the contiguous United States. It may contain wrinkles, cracks, and possibly even tears due to its age and how it was handled before it got to us. Registration Deadline: January 6, 2023. Requirements vary by jurisdiction. specialized experience requirements which are different for officers and assistants. Federal Probation Officer in New Jersey: $49,304. Every federal district court employs probation and pretrial services officers to assist people from a first court appearance to the transition back to the community after incarceration. Earn a relevant degree. equivalent entry requirements In addition to ten Federal holidays, Federal employees earn annual leave at a rate of from 13 to 26 days per year, depending on their length of Federal service. The Department of Public Safety-Division of Adult Correction is the hiring and employing agency. To qualify for a starting salary in the CL-28 the incumbent must have two years of specialized experience, including at least one year equivalent to work at the CL-27. Refer stakeholders and probationers to specific community programs for interventions with drug, alcohol, or emotional problems, Maintain regular contact with such agencies for progress reports, Secure documentation and make dispositional recommendations to the Judge. Because officers must effectively deal with physical attacks and are subject to moderate arduous physical exertion, applicants must be . In your first year of work as a North Carolina Probation Officer, you will earn $41,800, then after one year of satisfactory employment, your salary will be increased to $44,517. Many parole and probation officers have a master's degree in criminal justice. Higher than average mean wage ($53,000 in 2014)*. Probation and pretrial services officers must undergo extensive FBI background investigations. You can also complete the training required to become a firearms instructor. Starting salaries at this level range from $26,468 to $47,770 per year. Van Zandt County Probation Department. Usually, the required training culminates in a certification exam. A federal probation officers documentation is typically used during sentencing to keep criminals off the street while giving those who need it a second chance. You may work in fields like pretrial services, corrections, addiction treatment, criminal investigations, or parole. Conduct Parole Commission preliminary interviews as assigned. While the job can prove rewarding in terms of compensation and opportunity to serve the community, it can also be dangerous and stressful, considering that the work environment involves direct communication and contact with criminal offenders or defendants in criminal proceedings. 1. Keep reading to learn more about what todays probation officers are earning, how to increase your earning potential, and where some of the highest salaries can be found. May conduct surveillance and/or search and seizure at the direction of the court as required. If you want to have a promising job outlook, its crucial to choose the right degree and work experience options for this career path. We offer employees a diverse group of benefit programs. Step 1 - Meet the Minimum Requirements. Probation officers serve an important role in our nations correctional system. Although state correctional institutions are free to impose their own set of minimum employment requirements for state correctional officers, in general candidates must: Be at least 18 years of age (some states/jurisdictions have a minimum age of 21) Possess a high school diploma or GED. Application Process. For those with mental health issues or substance abuse problems, our probation and parole officers work with our mental health staff and substance abuse providers to provide the best care and potential for success. Both qualifications and salaries for probation officers working for state and county or municipal jurisdictions can and do vary. In reality, the job outlook for this specific job title varies from area to area, depending on how many courts are in your area and how many criminals go through your local court system. Here's a quick snapshot of the top ten states for probation officer salaries: Iowa. Communicate with other organizations and persons (such as the U.S. Parole Commission, Bureau of Prisons, law enforcement, treatment agencies, and attorneys) concerning offenders/defendants behaviors and conditions of supervision. The mandatory retirement age is 57. Their non-sworn counterparts play auxiliary roles, sometimes on a voluntary capacity as requested by the sentencing courts, and are not allowed to make seizures and arrests on their own. As a result, its important to meet the Offices physical strength requirements. To qualify to work as a federal probation officer, you must be a U.S. citizen. (Seiter 2014) Probation is a sentence handed down to offenders in lieu of jail time. Alaska: $65,250 $90,200 (approximately 340 probation officers), Arizona: $53,380 $75,240 (approximately 2,460 probation officers), Arkansas: $37,760 $48,720 (approximately 890 probation officers), California: $91,400 $127,670 (approximately 13,390 probation officers), Florida: $36,750 $49,990 (approximately 2,150 probation officers), Georgia: $43,390 $58,630 (approximately 2,910 probation officers), Idaho: $43,420 $55,340 (approximately 590 probation officers), Illinois: $69,360 $94,100 (approximately 2,820 probation officers), Indiana: $47,000 $69,120 (approximately 1,810 probation officers), Iowa: $70,780 $91,230 (approximately 830 probation officers), Kansas: $44,060 $58,520 (approximately 740 probation officers), Kentucky: $36,990 $48,240 (approximately 990 probation officers), Louisiana: $48,800 $74,330 (approximately 1,070 probation officers), Maine: $49,470 $57,550 (approximately 280 probation officers), Maryland: $58,470 $76,190 (approximately 1,620 probation officers), Massachusetts: $64,470 $100,920 (approximately 1,140 probation officers), Michigan: $69,100 $69,120 (approximately 2,220 probation officers), Minnesota: $68,160 $94,990 (approximately 1,580 probation officers), Mississippi: $36,580 $44,640 (approximately 560 probation officers), Missouri: $37,350 $44,050 (approximately 2,510 probation officers), Montana: $45,710 $60,300 (approximately 340 probation officers), Nebraska: $43,350 $55,910 (approximately 190 probation officers), Nevada: $61,870 $81,330 (approximately 920 probation officers), New Hampshire: $66,130 $75,970 (approximately 190 probation officers), New Jersey: $72,050 $98,990 (approximately 2,910 probation officers), New Mexico: $45,590 $56,400 (approximately 670 probation officers), New York: $71,030 $97,130 (approximately 4,940 probation officers), North Carolina: $43,260 $53,900 (approximately 3,160 probation officers), North Dakota: $58,020 $80,050 (approximately 230 probation officers), Ohio: $50,160 $69,240 (approximately 3,120 probation officers), Oklahoma: $37,900 $48,880 (approximately 1,020 probation officers), Oregon: $59,960 $80,260 (approximately 1,800 probation officers), Pennsylvania: $55,140 $77,330 (approximately 4,110 probation officers), South Carolina: $42,170 $60,110 (approximately 400 probation officers), South Dakota: $47,410 $60,730 (approximately 350 probation officers), Tennessee: $40,860- $56,810 (approximately 2,000 probation officers), Texas: $45,160 $59,530 (approximately 7,960 probation officers), Utah: $52,580 $64,130 (approximately 690 probation officers), Vermont: $66,140 $79,200 (approximately 200 probation officers), Virginia: $45,230 $65,190 (approximately 2,770 probation officers), Washington: $62,400 $78,120 (approximately 2,060 probation officers), West Virginia: $40,410 $59,330 (approximately 650 probation officers), Wyoming: $48,220 $58,720 (approximately 160 probation officers). The U.S. More importantly, degree programs expose future probation officers to the often-unforgiving work environment, through simulations and actual field training. To clarify the requirements, if you are to send a package to the Van Zandt County Jail, contact them at 903-567-4133. . Facilitate, recommend, and monitor counseling, payments, restitution, community service and other requirements. Appear in court to testify at probation violation hearings. Defendants on supervised release cannot travel within the first 60 days, depending on the defendant's supervised release conditions. Because officers must effectively deal with physical attacks and are subject to moderate to arduous physical exertion, applicants must be physically capable. Note: An orientation and preparation guide will be available immediately in the I/O Solutions portal to all confirmed exam registrants at no additional cost. The U.S. probation and pretrial services system will consider applicants with previous law-enforcement experience who are older than 37. In addition, they may be required to work as trainees for up . To begin, US Probation is under the authority of the Courts. Facility Name Loudon County Jail Facility Type County Jail Address 12680 Highway 11 West, Lenoir City, TN, 37771 Phone 865-986-6612 Email [email protected]. Salaries for State and Local Probation Officers, State-by-State Guide to Probation Officer Salaries Across the United States. Probation and pretrial services officers serve in a hazardous duty capacity and are eligible for federal law enforcement retirement benefits. The resources, editorial content, and school evaluations published on this site are developed independent of the schools that advertise here. This . In most districts, the probation and pretrial services offices are combined. For example, work in one of the district courts in Chicago and at the CL25 pay level, youll earn between $10,000 and $14,000 more annually than the base pay at the developmental range ($48,859 $60,628), and between $13,000 and $18,000 more at the full performance range ($61,118 $78,265). If youre qualified and skilled enough to land a federal PO position, youll be sent to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Charleston, South Carolina to complete a six-week program through the Federal Probation and Pretrial Services Training Academy. Testify in court as to the basis for factual findings and (if warranted) guideline applications. Probation officers for state corrections departments earned an average of $59,160, while those at the local level earned slightly more, at $62,160. In addition, your locality pay depends on where you live. Information about hiring and recruitment will be posted on our website. Probation officers' duties are similar to those of parole officers and correctional treatment specialists, although the three positions have distinct duties. Federal Probation and Parole Officers; . This will likely be your probationary period before you are considered to be a Federal probation officers must be of stable mind and pass a psychological wellness examination. Specialized Experience is progressively responsible experience gained after completion of a bachelors degree in such fields as probation, pretrial services, parole, corrections, criminal investigations, or work in substance/addiction treatment. Hiring agencies expect aspiring probation officers to be meticulous with their applications. in Criminal Justice, Associate of Arts with a concentration in Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Administration with a concentration in Security, Master of Science/Administration of Justice and Security/Law Enforcement Organizations. To become a probation officer, you'll need a 4-year bachelor's degree in criminal justice, social work, psychology, or a related area. In addition to probation and pretrial officers, individuals from a wide variety of professional disciplines are needed, including specialists in IT, human resources, finance, and administration. In the supervision, treatment, and control of these offenders, these duties require moderate to arduous However, some districts have separate probation and pretrial services offices. Federal Probation Officer in the United States: Federal Probation Officer in Alaska: $49,991. Probation officers here who work in Indian River, Martin, Okeechobee, or St. Lucie counties earn an additional $1,700 annually, while those in Palm Beach, Dade, Broward, or Monroe counties earn an additional $2,740 annually. What is the starting pay and available benefits? Assess offenders/defendants levels of risk and develop a blend of strategies for controlling and managing risk. Analyze and respond to any objections. Greensboro, NC 27047, 300 Saint Pauls Road Students also expand their networks in the criminal justice community, and the opportunity makes it easier to gain apprenticeship hours and the experience necessary in qualifying for higher-paying positions. Loudon County Jail, TN Inmate Listing and Information. U.S. preference eligibles may now apply and be considered for vacancies regardless of whether they meet the maximum age requirements identified at 5 U.S.C. To qualify for a starting salary in CL 25 the incumbent must have one year of specialized experience equivalent to work at the CL-23.
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